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The effect of pH on the removal efficiency of organic matter in small capacity plants

dc.creatorVidović, Milka M.
dc.creatorTrajković, Ivana
dc.creatorMomić, Jelena
dc.creatorRogan, Saša
dc.creatorSokolova Đokić, Liljana
dc.description.abstractUpotreba natrijum-hidroksida u regeneraciji anjonskih smola, zbog njegove agresivnosti i propisanih zahteva u vezi sa njegovom primenom, nije preporučljiva na postrojenjima malog kapaciteta kao i na postrojenjima za individualnu upotrebu. Na ovim postrojenjima za regeneraciju se preporučuje upotreba natrijum-hlorida, a efekti regeneracije i efikasnost u toku rada se povećavaju korekcijom pH vrednosti sirove vode. Dužom upotrebom anjonske smole dolazi do stvaranja „fouling”-a na smoli, što utiče na smanjenje zapremine prečišćene vode u toku jednog ciklusa rada. pH vrednost utiče na rastvorljivost kao i na proces adsorpcije organskih materija na anjonskoj smoli, usled čega će promena pH vrednosti sirove vode uticati i na promenu zapremine prečišćene vode u toku ciklusa rada. Rezultati ispitivanja ovog uticaja prikazani su u ovom radu.sr
dc.description.abstractRegeneration of anion resins by sodium hydroxide is not recommended for both small capacity plants and facilities for individual use, because of its aggressive nature and mandatory requirements related to its application. In these cases, the use of sodium chloride is recommended for the regeneration. Regeneration effects and work efficiency are increased with the pH correction of raw water. Due to the longer use of anion resin, “fouling“ is formed on the resin, which decreases the volume of water treated within one work cycle. pH value effects solubility and adsorption of natural organic matter on anion resin, so a change of pH of raw water impacts the volume of treated water during work cycle. Results of this influence are presented in this paper.sr
dc.publisherUdruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo / Association for water technology and sanitary engineeringsr
dc.source10th International Conference Water supply and sewage systems, 20-22/05 2010, Jahorina, Palesr
dc.subjectorganske materijesr
dc.subjectUV ekstinkcijasr
dc.subjectanjonske smolesr
dc.subjectNatural Organic Mattersr
dc.subjectUV extinctionsr
dc.subjectanion resinsr
dc.titleUticaj pH vrednosti na efikasnost uklanjanja organskih materija na postrojenjima malog kapacitetasr
dc.titleThe effect of pH on the removal efficiency of organic matter in small capacity plantssr



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