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Microchannels in glass and polydimethylsiloxane as open reactors for the synthesis of titanium(IV)-oxide nanoparticles

dc.contributor.advisorStanisavljev, Dragomir
dc.contributor.otherČupić, Željko
dc.contributor.otherVasiljević-Radović, Dana
dc.contributor.otherCvjetićanin, Nikola
dc.contributor.otherStojković Simatović, Ivana
dc.creatorRašljić, Milena
dc.description.abstractMikroreaktori su mikrofluidni uređaji u kojima se odvijaju hemijske reakcije. U ovom radu istraživana je mogućnost izrade mikroreaktora za sintezu nanočestica. Prednosti ovakvih naprava su smanjenje vremena potrebnog za sintezu, kao i bolja kontrola same reakcije kao i veličine dobijenih čestica.U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljena su dva tipa mikroreaktora za sintezu nanočestica titan(IV)-oksida. Mikroreaktori su realizovani sa integrisanim grejačima i sa različitim dimenzijama mikrokanala. Prvi tip mikroreaktora je napravljen od silicijuma (Si) i Pyrex stakla sa integrisanim grejačem koji je realizovan postupkom difuzije p-tipa, a drugi tip mikroreaktora je napravljen od polidimetilsiloksana (PDMS-a) sa integrisanim grejačima od kantal žice. S obzirom na značaj temperature kao parametra, predstavljeni su eksperimentalni rezultati kao i rezultati simulacije za ponašanje grejača kod oba tipa mikroreaktora. Pored toga prikazana je i mogućnost plazmonskog poboljšanja mikroreaktora. Urađeni su preliminarni eksperimenti za izradu hrapavih površina, kao i numeričke simulacije optičkih poboljšanja na hrapavim površinama.Kao potvrda funkcionalnosti izrađenih mikroreaktora urađena je sinteza nanočestica titan(IV)-oksida i njihova karakterizacija. Mikroreaktor napravljen od PDMS-a pokazao je bolju funkcionalnost od mikroreaktora napravljenog od silicijuma i Pyrex stakla. Pokazano je da u toku vremena od 2 min i na nižim temperaturama nastaju amorfne nanočestice sa delimičnio izgrađenim kristalitima koji pripadaju anatas i rutil fazi, a koje se naknadnim odgrevanjem u potpunosti prevode iz amorfne u anatas fazu. U daljem radu će se raditi na optimizaciji uslova reakcije u mikroreaktorima, unapređenju dizajna kao i primeni ultrazvuka za sintezu nanočestica.sr
dc.description.abstractMicroreactors are microfluidic devices in which chemical reactions take place. The advantages of such devices are the reduction of the time required for the synthesis, better control of the reaction and the size of the nanoparticles. In this doctoral dissertation, two types of microreactors for the synthesis of titanium(IV)-oxide nanoparticles are presented. Both types of microreactors had integrated heaters and different dimensions of microchannels. The first type of microreactor is made of silicon and Pyrex glass with integrated heater which is made by p-type diffusion process, and the second type of microreactor is made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with integrated heater made of wire. Considering the importance of temperature in synthesis, experimental results as well as simulation results for the behavior of heaters in both types of microreactors are presented. In addition, the possibility of plasmonic improvement of the microreactor was shown. Preliminary experiments for the construction of rough surfaces were performed, as well as numerical simulations of optical improvements on rough surfaces.The synthesis of titanium(IV)-oxide nanoparticles is used for confirmation of the functionality of the microreactors. A microreactor made of PDMS showed better functionality than a microreactor made of silicon and Pyrex glass. It has been shown that after 2 min of reaction time in microreactors amorphous nanoparticles are formed, with partially formed crystallites which are belonged to the anatas and rutile phases. Amorphous phase are completely converted to the anatas phase by subsequent heating. In the further work, we will work on the optimization of design and reaction conditions in microreactors, as well as application of ultrasound for the synthesis of nanoparticles.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за физичку хемијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectmikroreaktori, integrisani grejači, p-difuzija, fotolitografija, silicijum, Pyrex staklo, PDMS, plazmonika, nanočestice, titan(IV)-oksidsr
dc.subjectmicroreactors, integrated heaters, p-diffusion, photolithography, silicon, Pyrex glass, PDMS, plasmonics, nanoparticles, titanium(IV)-oxideen
dc.titleMikrokanali u staklu i polidimetilsiloksanu kao otvoreni reaktori za sintezu nanočestica titan(IV)-oksidasr
dc.title.alternativeMicrochannels in glass and polydimethylsiloxane as open reactors for the synthesis of titanium(IV)-oxide nanoparticlesen



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