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Possibility of removal of corrosion and thermal oxides on metal parts of electric power plant

dc.contributorELNOS BL d.o.o. Beograd
dc.creatorMihailović, Marija
dc.creatorJegdić, Bore
dc.creatorJugović, Branimir
dc.creatorKovačina, Jovanka
dc.creatorRadojković, Bojana
dc.creatorPatarić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorJokić, Bojan
dc.description.abstractPraćenje pojave i brzine korozije, nastanak termičkih oksida na površini metalnih delova eletroenergetskog postrojenјa, kao i način njihovog otklanjanja na način koji je tehnološki pogodan, ekonomski pristupačan i ekološki opravdan prikazan je u ovom tehničkom rešenju Ispitivanjem je ustanovljeno da su metalni delovi na kojima se javlja korozija izrađeni od na nerđajućeg čelika AISI 304, pa je pojava korozije i termičkih oksida praćena je u odnosu na to, kao i sastav prašine sa kojom su metalni delovi u kontaktu. Pojava termičkih oksida na površini nerđajućih čelika posledica je povišene temperature na mestu zavarivanja metalnih delova.Merena je vrednost pH oba rastvora: etalonskog i zasićenog rastvoru prašine iz pogona.Sastav uzoraka prašine određen je FTIR metodom, pa su na osnovu prisutnih jona u rastvoru definisana ostala ispitivanja.Određivan je korozioni potencijal Ekor, vrednost otpora polarizacije Rp, kao i gustina struje korozije jkor. Sva ispitivanja nerđajućeg čelika u etalonskom rastvoru i u zasićenom rastvoru prašine iz pogona firme naručioca, rađena su za 1 sat i u toku 25 dana.Kao rezultat svih istražoivanja, date su tehnološke preporuke i način otklanjanja korozije i termičkih oksida.Rešenje je prodato naručuicu u toku 2020.godine, a od januara 2021.godine primenjeno u postrojenju naručioca, ELNOS BL d.o.o., koji su izjavom potvrdili primenu ovog tehničkog rešenja u svom poslovanju.sr
dc.description.abstractMonitoring the occurrence and rate of corrosion, the formation of thermal oxides on the surface of metal parts of the power plant, as well as the method of their elimination in a way that is technologically suitable, economically affordable and environmentally justified is shown in this technical solution. It has been established that the metal elements affected by corrosion were made from stainless steel AISI 304. Accordingly, the occurrence of corrosion and thermal oxides was monitored based on the material and the composition of the dust with which the metal parts are in contact. The emergence of thermal oxides on the surface of stainless steels is a consequence of the elevated temperature at the welding site.The pH value of both solutions was measured: standard and saturated solution of dust from the plant. The composition of the dust samples was determined by FTIR. The other tests were defined based on the ions present in the solution.The corrosion potential, the value of the polarization resistance, as well as the corrosion current density were determined. All tests of stainless steel in the standard solution and in the saturated solution of dust were performed for one hour within a span of 25 days.Technological recommendations on how to eliminate corrosion and thermal oxides are provided.The solution has been applied since January 2021 by ELNOS BL d.o.o.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade : University of Belgrade - Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgysr
dc.subjectispitivanja korozije elektrohemijskim metodamasr
dc.subjectzaštitne prevlakesr
dc.subjecttermički oksidisr
dc.subjectotklanjanje korozijesr
dc.subjectelectrochemical corrosion testingsr
dc.subjectprotective coatingssr
dc.subjectthermal oxidessr
dc.subjectcorrosion removalsr
dc.titleIspitivanje i otklanјanјe pojave korozije i termičkih oksida na metalnim delovima elektroenergetskog postojenjasr
dc.titlePossibility of removal of corrosion and thermal oxides on metal parts of electric power plantsr



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