Now showing items 54-73 of 158

      Flotation Concentrations of Polymetallic Sulfides from Serbian Ore Deposits as Biohydrometalurgical Substrates: Laboratory Tests [1]
      Fluctuations of the number of adsorbed molecules due to adsorption-desorption processes coupled with mass transfer and surface diffusion in bio/chemical MEMS sensors [1]
      Fructan from Bacillus sp. NS032 – preparation, characterization and antioxidant activities in vitro [1]
      Fruktan iz Brachybacterium sp. CH-KOV3 - izolovanje, prečišćavanjene i delimična karakterizacija [1]
      Green chemisty and bioremediation: Investigation of metal infulence from catalysts on microorganism consortia which is used in bioremediation [1]
      Humic Acid – ability to use as natural surfactants [1]
      Hydroxil Radical Scavenging Activity of Preterm Mothers Milks in the Fenton System [1]
      Improved electrolyte for zinc-polyaniline batteries [1]
      In vitro antioxidant activity of levan produced by Brachybacterium sp. CH-KOV3 [1]
      Influence of treatment of various carbon supports on electrochemical activity of Pt catalysts [1]
      Inovativno granulisano organomineralno multikompozitno đubrivo na bazi vermikomposta za stimulisanje respiracije zemljišta – studija na micro-oxymax respirometru [1]
      Intrinsic noise equivalent concentration of dynamic mode microcantilever biosensors [1]
      Investigation of Inhibitory Effect of Molybdenum and Cobalt in the Isolated Microorganism Consortia Which is Used in Bioremediation [1]
      Investigation of motor oil biodegradation by different bacterial strains [1]
      Investigation of Natural Biodegradation of Contaminated Environmental Samples Near Heating Plant [1]
      Investigation of potential protective effects of microbial levan and pullulan for reducing copper toxicity using Micro-Oxymax respirometer [1]
      Ispitivanje biodegradacije lignina upotrebom sveobuhvatne dvodimenzionalne gasne hromatografije sa masenim spektrometrom. [1]
      Ispitivanje bioremediacionog potencijala zimogenih i alohtonih mikroorganizama na sedimentu uzorkovanom iz kanala otpadnih voda Industrijske zone Pančeva [1]
      Ispitivanje bioremedijacionog potencijala bakterijskih konzorcijuma sedimenata čukaričkog kanala (Beograd) [1]
      Ispitivanje humifikacionih transformacija tokom bioremedijacije ugljovodonika na pilot postrojenju [1]