Приказ резултата 11-30 од 627

      A spectrophotometric determination of a non-enzymatically protein-bound carbohydrates in blood [1]
      A study of Roman glass from Mala Barutana/Belgrade Fortress irradiated with pulsed CO2, Nd:YAG and ruby laser — Comparison [1]
      A thermodynamic insight into viral infections: do viruses in a lytic cycle hijack cell metabolism due to their low Gibbs energy? [1]
      A word from the referees (The Art of Observing Art) [1]
      About the discourses of heritological matter [1]
      Actualization of industrial heritage in new transition [1]
      Additional information on the distribution and ecology of the recently described diatom species Geissleria gereckei [1]
      Adsorption isotherms of removing copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-lignite [1]
      Adsorption properties of TENT fly ash in removal of copper from wastewater [1]
      Affinity chromatography on monolithic supports for simultaneous and high-throughput isolation of immunoglobulins from human serum [1]
      Age hardening potential of an Al-4.6 wt.% Mg alloy with Cu addition [1]
      Aktualizacija industrijskog nasleđa u novoj tranziciji [1]
      Alunit i natroalunit sa Velikog Bukovika [1]
      Alunite and natroalunite from Veliki Bukovik [1]
      An updated list of Serbian diatom flora – new recorded taxa [1]
      Analitical and numerical approaches to optical systems for coherent and incoherent radiations [1]
      Analitička greška kod izbora referentnog stanja u termodinamici idealnog gasa [1]
      Analitički i numerički prilaz optičkim sistemima za koherentno i nekoherentno zračenje [1]
      Analiza efikasnosti procesa remedijacije zemljišta deponijskog lokaliteta kontaminiranog procednim vodama primenom analize tokova materijala [1]
      Analiza praga oštećenja bakra i aluminijuma u interakciji sa rubinskim laserom [1]