Now showing items 1-20 of 627

      3D electrogenerated chemiluminescence: from surface-confined reactions to bulk emission [1]
      3D Laser Scanning, CAD / CAM and CNC Technology in the field of Cultural Heritage [1]
      3D lasersko skeniranje, CAD / CAM i CNC tehnologije u zaštiti kulturne baštine [1]
      3D reconstruction and the formulation of a new paradigm of archaeological spaces [1]
      A Contribution of Carrier Transport Processes to the Photoacoustic Effects in Doped Narrow Gap Semiconductors [1]
      A method for spectrophotometric determination of acetaldehyde with thiosemicarbazide in blood [1]
      A Novel Access to Tetrahydro β-Carbolines via One-Pot Hydroformylation / Fischer Indole Synthesis: Rearrangement of 3,3- Spiroindoleninium Cations [1]
      A photoacoustic investigation of transport properties and thermal diffusivity of InSb single crystals [1]
      A Potential Source of Free Radicals in Iodine-Based Chemical Oscillators [1]
      A process for the purification of prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) and FIX from complete plasma or cryo-poor plasma [1]
      A spectrophotometric determination of a non-enzymatically protein-bound carbohydrates in blood [1]
      A study of Roman glass from Mala Barutana/Belgrade Fortress irradiated with pulsed CO2, Nd:YAG and ruby laser — Comparison [1]
      A thermodynamic insight into viral infections: do viruses in a lytic cycle hijack cell metabolism due to their low Gibbs energy? [1]
      A word from the referees (The Art of Observing Art) [1]
      About the discourses of heritological matter [1]
      Actualization of industrial heritage in new transition [1]
      Additional information on the distribution and ecology of the recently described diatom species Geissleria gereckei [1]
      Adsorption isotherms of removing copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-lignite [1]
      Adsorption properties of TENT fly ash in removal of copper from wastewater [1]
      Affinity chromatography on monolithic supports for simultaneous and high-throughput isolation of immunoglobulins from human serum [1]