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dc.creatorPavlović, Stefan
dc.creatorJotanović, Milovan
dc.description.abstractAs a distillation is one of the most important operations in the chemical industry, and distillation columns are very specific and important equipment, during the analysis and modelling of such systems necessary is to pay special attention. This paper can be divided into two parts, first part of this paper refers to modelling, calculation and analysis of the binary mixtures, and the second part of the paper refers to the dimensioning of the distillation column. Binary mixture was analyzed in the paper are benzene-toluene, ethylbenzene-styrene, N-heptane-N-oktane, trichlorethylene-tetrachlorethylene. In calculations of a binary mixture, special emphasis is placed on the applications of the graphic McCabe-Thiele method for determining of the number of theoretical stages for separating the above mixture and evaluate the behaviour of these mixture under different condition of separation. Vrification of McCabe-Thiele's method is performed by using analythical calculations of distillation as well as using the SHORTCUT method for calculation of distillations in ChemCAD. The special contribution of this paper is based on the design of program in MATLAB, which allows calculation of very importrant parameters such as the minimum reflux ratio, reflux ratio, number of theoretical stages, the place of feed stage and certain parameters which depend of reflux ratio and number of theoretical stages required for the separation. The second part of this paper refers to the sizing of distillation columns for the separation of the analyzed systems. In the sizing process, special attention was paid to the sizing of sieve and valve trays. For sieve, trays were carried out the detailed calculation “tray by tray” for all analyzed systems, while for valve trays was carried out the calculation for two trays, for the all examined mixtures., one tray for rectifying section and one tray from stripping section. In this paper, analysis of distillation columns is based on the determination of the basic dimension of the columns (active and total area of trays and area of downcomer and diameter of columns) and the assessment of basic hydraulic parameters (% of flooding, removal, pressure drop). The calculation of the above parameters of distillation columns was carried out analytically, by using the Excel, as well as by using of strict procedures of TOWER method in ChemCAD. In this way, and for the first and second part of the paper were compared the results obtained by using different calculation methods and performed various dependencies that largely describe distillation and distillation columns for the analyzed types of mixtures and set condition of separation.en
dc.description.abstractKako je destilacija jedna od veoma važnih operacija u hemijskoj industiji, a destilacione kolone veoma specifični i važni uređaji, potrebno je posvetiti posebnu pažnju pri analizi i modelovanju ovakvih sistema. Ovaj rad se može podijeliti u dva dijela, prvi dio rada se odnosi na modelovanje, proračune i analizu binarnih smjesa, a drugi dio rada se odnosi na dimenzionisanje destilacionih kolona. Binarne smjese koje su analizirane u ovom radu su: benzen-toluen, etilbenzen-stiren, N-heptan-N-oktan i trihloretilen-tetrahloretilen. Pri proračunavanju navedenih binarnih smjesa poseban akcenat je stavljen na primjenu grafičke McCabe-Thiele-ove metode, za određivanje broja teorijskih podova potrebnih za razdvajanje navedenih smjesa i procjenu ponašanja navedenih smjesa pri različitim uslovima razdvajanja. Provjera McCabe-Thiele-ove metode vršena je analitičkim proračunima sistema za destilaciju, kao i primjenom SHORTCUT metode za proračune destilacije u ChemCAD-u. Poseban doprinos ovog rada zasniva se na osmišljanju programa u MATLAB-u, koji omogućava izračunavanje veoma važnih parametara u destilaciji poput minimalnog refluksnog odnosa, radnog reflusknog odnosa, broja teorijskih podova, mjesta napojnog poda, određenih veličina koje u velikoj mjeri zavise od refluksa i broja teorijskih podova potrebnih za razdvajanje. Drugi dio rada odnosi se na dimenzionisanje destilacionih kolona za razdvajanje analiziranih sistema. U postupku dimenzionisanja posebna pažnja je posvećena dimenzionisanju sitastih i ventilskih podova. Za sitaste podove je vršen detaljan proračun, „pod po pod“ za sve analizirane sisteme, dok je za ventilske podove vršen proračun za po dva poda, jedan iz zone rektifikacije i jedan iz zone stripovanja, za sva četiri analizirana sistema. Analiza destilacionih kolona u ovom radu je zasnovana na određivanju osnovnih dimenzija kolone (aktivne i ukupne površine podova i površine preliva i dijametra kolone) i procjeni osnovnih hidrauličkih parametara (% plavljenja, odnošenja, pada pritiska). Proračun svih navedenih parametara destilacionih kolona je vršen analitičkim proračunom, primjenom Excel-a, kao i primjenom strogog postupka dimenzionisanja TOWER metodom u ChemCAD-u. Na ovaj način su i za prvi i za drugi dio rada izršena poređenja dobijenih rezultata primjenom različitih metoda proračuna i izvedene razne zavisnosti koje u velikoj mjeri opisuju destilaciju i destilacione kolone za analiziranu vrstu sistema i za postavljene uslove razdvajanja.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu - Tehnološki fakultet, Zvorniksr
dc.subjectNumber of theoretical stagesr
dc.subjectdiametar of columnsr
dc.subjectdistillation columnsr
dc.subjectMcCabe-Thiele methodsr
dc.subjectpressure dropsr
dc.subjectreflux ratiosr
dc.subjectsieve traysr
dc.subjectvalve traysr
dc.subjectBroj teorijskih podovasr
dc.subjectdijametar kolonesr
dc.subjectdestilacione kolonesr
dc.subjectMcCabe-Thiele-ova metodasr
dc.subjectpad pritiskasr
dc.subjectrefluksni odnossr
dc.subjectsitasti podovisr
dc.subjectventilski podovisr
dc.titleModelovanje destilacionih kolonasr
dcterms.abstractПавловић, Стефан; Јотановић, Милован; Моделовање дестилационих колона; Моделовање дестилационих колона;



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