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Supercritical Fluids in Process Related to Obtain Energy

dc.creatorJotanović, Milovan
dc.creatorMićić, Vladan
dc.creatorPavlović, Stefan
dc.creatorGajić, Anto
dc.description.abstractTehnološki postupak u kome se dobija energija obuhvata osnovne procese i operacije, kao na primer faznu ravnotežu, kinetiku reakcije, sintezu tehnološke šeme, projektovanje postrojenja i ostale faze sve do dobijanja energije iz sirovina. Povezanost superkritičnih fluida sa energijom je ostvarena nekada samo u jednom koraku procesa a nekada u cijelom procesu. Ovi procesi uključuju procesuiranje obnovljivih materijala, fosilnih goriva i drugih. Povezanost procesa sa primjenom superkritičnih fluida zasniva se na korišćenju specifičnih osobina superkritičnih fluida. Ovo znači i promjenljivost osobina superkritičnih fluida i njihovu interakciju sa procesnim materijalima. I do sada su superkritični fluidi korišćeni u raznim procesima koji se odnose na proizvodnju energije većinom u laboratoriji. Korišćenje superkritičnih fluida u tehnološkim procesima zahtijeva odgovaraju u opremu. Ključno za budući uspjeh je jednostavnost projektovanja, jednostavnost rada, visoka efikasnost i temeljna spoznaja o specifičnim sposobnostima superkritičnih
dc.description.abstractProcess technology comprises the application of fundamentals to processes and operations, as for example phase equilibria, reaction kinetics, synthesis flow diagram, design of process plant to produce energy from raw materials. Sometimes related of supercritical fluids to energy is single process steps although it is sometimes whole processes. These processes include processing of renewable materials, fossil materials and other materials. In general, process related to the application of supercritical fluids is based on the exploitation of the speciifc properties of supercritical fluids. This includes the varying properties of supercritical fluids and the interactions of supercritical fluids with the processes materials. Earlier the supercritical fluids have been used in number of processes related to production of energy, mostly in laboratory. Using supercritical fluids in process technology requires adequate equipment. Keys to future success will be: simple design, simple operation, high efficiency and fundamental knowledge of the specific abilities of supercritical fluids.en
dc.publisherAkademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske / Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpskasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/45001/RS//
dc.sourceX međunarodni naučni skup Savremeni materijali / X International scientific conference Contemporary materials, Banja Luka, Republika Srpskasr
dc.subjectsuperkritični fluidisr
dc.subjecttehnološke šemesr
dc.titleSuperkritični fluidi u procesima dobivanja energijesr
dc.titleSupercritical Fluids in Process Related to Obtain Energyen
dcterms.abstractМићић, Владан; Павловић, Стефан; Гајић, Aнто; Јотановић, Милован;



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