Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Bioremedijacioni potencijal kontaminiranog zemljišta

dc.creatorMilić, Jelena
dc.creatorGojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
dc.creatorIlić, Mila
dc.creatorŠolević, Tatjana
dc.creatorBeškoski, Vladimir
dc.creatorJovančićević, Branimir
dc.creatorMilović, Ana
dc.creatorVrvić, Miroslav
dc.description.abstractBioremediation is emerging as a promising technology for the treatment of soil and groundwater contamination. The technology is very effective in dealing with petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. However, bioremediation is a site-specific process and biodegradation by naturally occurring populations of microorganisms could be a major mechanism for the removal of petroleum from the environment. The procedure needs to be optimized in laboratory conditions and that’s why laboratory experiments are required before full-scale remediation can be successfully applied. The aim of this study was to examine the bioremediation potential of soil contaminated with crude oil. Two samples are examined using a biostimulation and bioventilation of zymogenous microbial consortia. TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons) content in samples (1S and 2S) was: 103.2 and 412.6 g/kg of dry soil, respectively. We have also tested influence of one commercial surfactant on microbial population and TPH biodegradation. Experiments were performed in Erlenmeyer flasks (solid phase:mineral base = 1:9 m/V) on the shaker for 12 weeks. The microbial number is determined by dilution method on agar plates incubated on 26°C. Nutrient agar was used for total microbial number and mineral base medium (1 g/L NH4NO3, 0,25 g/L K2HPO4, 5 % soil extract, 1 % agar) with 2000 ppm diesel fuel for microbes which decompose hydrocarbons. The gas chromatography was used for determination of TPH content. During the test it has been achieved TPH biodegradation up to 86 % for 1S and 82 % for 2S, and number of hydrocarbon-decomposing microbes was significantly increased. Results from the test with surfactant showed even more TPH reduction. On basis of laboratory tests, biostimulation and bioventilation approaches could be successfully applied on industrial-scale bioremediation treatment.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita bioremedijacioni potencijal zemljišta kontaminiranog naftom. Ispitana su dva uzorka u uslovima biostimulacije i bioventilacije zimogenih konzorcijuma mikroorganizama. Sadržaj TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons) u uzorcima (1S i 2S) bio je: 103,2, odnosno 412,6 g/kg suvog zemljišta. Takođe je ispitan i uticaj jednog komercijalnog surfaktanta na populaciju mikroorganizama i biodegradaciju TPH. Tokom trajanja testa postignuta je biodegradacija TPH od 86 % za 1S i 82 % za 2S, kao i značajno povećanje broja mikroorganizama, koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike. Rezultati testa sa surfaktantom su pokazali još veće smanjenje TPH. Na osnovu laboratorijskih testova, biostimulacija i bioventilacija se mogu uspešno primeniti za bioremedijacione postupke u industrijskim
dc.sourceZbornik radova Tehnološkog fakulteta, Leskovac
dc.titleBioremediation potential of contaminated soilen
dc.titleBioremedijacioni potencijal kontaminiranog zemljištasr
dcterms.abstractШолевић, Татјана; Миловић, Aна; Бешкоски, Владимир П.; Јованчићевић, Бранимир; Илић, Мила; Гојгић Цвијовић, Гордана; Милић, Јелена; Врвић, Мирослав М.; Биоремедијациони потенцијал контаминираног земљишта; Биоремедијациони потенцијал контаминираног земљишта;
dc.citation.other(18): 65-69



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