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Diversity of aerophytic cyanobacteria and algae in biofilm from selected caves in Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorSubakov-Simić, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherKrizmanić, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherKrunić, Olivera
dc.creatorPopović, Slađana
dc.description.abstractPredmet ove doktorste disertacije je analiza zajednice aerofitskih cijanobakterijai algi iz biofilma sa stenovitog supstrata ulaza petnaest odabranih pećina iz Srbije kao inekoliko tačaka u blizini veštačkog osvetljenja. Akcenat istraživanja bio je nafototrofnim mikroorganizmima iz biofilma, dok su kao dodatak endolitski predstavniciidentifikovani iz nekoliko uzoraka stene. Analizirana je i morfologija, stepenrazvijenosti biofilma, kao i udeo sadržaja vode, organske i neorganske materije ubiofilmu. U svim pećinama, mereni su ekološki parametri i određene su primarnaprodukcija (preko koncentracije hlorofila a) i petrografska analiza stenovitog supstrata.Na odabranim uzorcima rađena je kvantitativna i sezonska analiza cijanobakterija i algi.Statističke analize su poslužile kao alat za sagledavanje odnosa zabeleženih fototrofnihmikroorganizama i različitih ekoloških i opisnih parametara.Zabeleženo je prisustvo ukupno 290 taksona cijanobakterija i algi koje susvrstane u 4 razdela: Cyanobacteria (134 taksona, od kojih 82 taksona pripadakokoidnim formama), Bacillariophyta (129 taksona), Chlorophyta (26 taksona) iXanthophyta (1 takson). Najveći broj taksona Cyanobacteria zabeležen je u rodovimaGloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece, Leptolyngbya i Scytonema. U razdeluBacillariophyta se izdvajaju rodovi Luticola i Humidophila, a u razdelu Chlorophyta rodCosmarium.Iz biofilma Božanine pećine opisana je nova vrsta cijanobakterije za nauku,Nephrococcus serbicus S. Popović, G. Subakov Simić i J. Komárek, sp. nov. pri čemu jesam rod po prvi put zabeležen na teritoriji Evrope.Cyanobacteria po broju taksona dominiraju na svim lokalitetima, osim Rćanske iBogovinske pećine. Najveći broj pripadnika Bacillariophyta i Chlorophyta zabeležen jeu Rćanskoj (usled prisustva vode na biofilmu) i pećini Samar (zbog sezonskoguzorkovanja). Upravo se značaj sezonskog uzorkovanja biofilma u pećinama Samar iJezava pre svega ogleda kroz znatno veći diverzitet aerofitskih cijanobakterija i algi uodnosu na druge pećine.Predstavnici Cyanobacteria dominirali su u pećinama čiji je supstrat rekristalisalii organogeni krečnjak, a Bacillariophyta na klastičnom i mikritskom krečnjaku...sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this PhD thesis is the analysis of the aerophytic cyanobacterial andalgal community from biofilm developed on stone substrate at the entrance of fifteenselected caves from Serbia and several sites near the artificial light in caves. The focusof the study was on phototrophic microorganisms from the biofilm, while endolithicrepresentatives were additionaly identified from several stone samples. Morphology,degree of biofilm development, as well as the content of water, organic and inorganicmatter in biofilm were also observed. At all sampling sites, ecological parameters,primary production (through concentration of chlorophyll a), as well as petrographicanalysis of rocky substrates were measured and determined. Quantitative and seasonalanalyzes of cyanobacteria and algae were assessed in selected samples. Statisticalanalyzes have served as a tool for examining the relationship between recordedphototrophic microorganisms and various ecological and descriptive parameters.A total of 290 cyanobacterial and algal taxa were recorded and classified into 4divisions: Cyanobacteria (134 taxa, of which 82 taxa belong to the coccoid forms),Bacillariophyta (129 taxa), Chlorophyta (26 taxa) and Xanthophyta (1 taxon). Thehighest number of cyanobacterial taxa was documented within the following genera:Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece, Leptolyngbya and Scytonema. Luticola andHumidophila were the most diverse genera within Bacillariophyta division, while inChlorophyta Cosmarium had the highest number of species.A new cyanobacterial taxon, Nephrococcus serbicus S. Popović, G. SubakovSimić & J. Komárek, sp. nov., was described from a biofilm sample of Božana Cave.This also represents the first record of the genus Nephrococcus in Europe.Cyanobacteria were dominant in all caves, except Rćanska and Bogovinskacave. The largest number of Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta was recorded in theRćanska cave (due to the presence of water on samplins sites) and in the Samar Cave(due to seasonal sampling). The significance of the seasonal biofilm sampling in Samarand Jezava caves is primarily reflected through the higher diversity of aerophyticcyanobacteria and algae in comparison to other caves...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/176018/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectphototrophic microorganismsen
dc.subjectaerophytic Cyanobacteriaen
dc.subjectaerophytic algaeen
dc.subjectNephrococcus serbicusen
dc.subjectstone substrataen
dc.subjectfototrofni mikroorganizmisr
dc.subjectaerofitske cijanobakterijesr
dc.subjectaerofitske algesr
dc.subjectNephrococcus serbicussr
dc.subjectstenoviti supstratsr
dc.titleDiverzitet aerofitskih cijanobakterija i algi u biofilmu odabranih pećina u Srbijisr
dc.title.alternativeDiversity of aerophytic cyanobacteria and algae in biofilm from selected caves in Serbiaen
dcterms.abstractСубаков Симић, Гордана; Крунић, Оливера; Кризманић, Јелена; Поповић, Слађана С.; Диверзитет аерофитских цијанобактерија и алги у биофилму одабраних пећина у Србији; Диверзитет аерофитских цијанобактерија и алги у биофилму одабраних пећина у Србији;



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