Now showing items 10-29 of 223

      Acylated derivatives of pectin: synthesis, characterization and applicative potential [1]
      Adsorpciono-desorpcioni šum i vremenski odziv MEMS hemijskih i bioloških senzora [1]
      Adsorption - desorption processes at the surface of plasmonic sensors [1]
      Adsorption-desorption noise and time response of MEMS chemical and biological sensors [1]
      Aktivnost i selektivnost poli(4-vinilpiridin-ko-divinilbenzen)-Co2+ kompleksa kao katalizatora u parcijalnoj oksidaciji cikloheksana kiseonikom iz vazduha [1]
      Aluminosilicates with incorporated metallic custers of transitional metal groups Ib and IVb-VIII as electrocatalytic materials [1]
      Alumosilikati sa ugrađenim klasterima metala prelaznih grupa lb i lVb-Vlll kao elektrokatalitički materijali [1]
      Amilaze srednjeg creva larvi bukove strižibube (Morimus funereus) i velike hrastove strižibube (Cerambyx cerdo) [1]
      Amylases in the midgut of long – horned beetle (Morimus funereus) and great capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo) larvae [1]
      Application of immobilized cell wall invertase from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the production of invert sugar [1]
      Application of new polymer-clay nanocomposite materials in purification of water containing phenol derivatives. [1]
      Application of soluble and immobilized horseradish peroxidase isoforms in degradation of colored xenobiotics from waste water [1]
      Application of the reactor based on dielectric barrier discharge for the decolorization of reactive textile dyes [1]
      Aproksimacije funkcionala gustine u proučavanju energija spinskih stanja kompleksa prelaznih metala. [1]
      Biochemical characterization of bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated sites and their application for bioremediation and production of exopolysaccharides [1]
      Biohemijska karakterizacija bakterija izolovanih iz naftom zagađenih lokaliteta i njihova primena za bioremedijaciju i proizvodnju egzopolisaharida [1]
      Bioindicative characteristics of epilithic diatoms and ecological status assessment of selected rivers in western and central Serbia [1]
      Bioindikatorske karakteristike epilitskih silikatnih algi i procena ekološkog statusa odabranih reka zapadne i centralne Srbije [1]
      Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation on solid catalysts with supported or incorporated transition metals [1]
      Characteristics of nickel catalyst on perlite synthesized at different molar ratios of nickel and magnesium [1]