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Ćelijske masne kiseline sojeva Bradyrhizobum japonicum i Sinorhizobium meliloti

dc.creatorGojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
dc.creatorRadin, Dragoslava
dc.creatorMiličić, Bogić
dc.creatorĐoković, Dejan
dc.description.abstractMicrobial fatty acid analysis represents a simple and rapid method for identification of strains mainly for taxonomic purpose. Fatty acid composition in the whole cells and lipopolysaccharides in Rhizobiaceae were studied to point at biochemical events of the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis too. In this study the fatty acid profiles of six strains Bradyrhizobium japonicum and three strains Sinorhizobium meliloti were analyzed. The strains were isolated from soils of Serbia and obtained from collection of Institute of Soil Science. Methyl esters of total fatty acids were prepared from lyophilised biomass using toluene-methanol-sulphuric acid mixture and analyzed using GC-MS method. In Sinorhizobium meliloti strains the main components are 16:0, 218:1. cy-19:0 and in lesser proportion are cy 17:0. 17:0. 18:0. 16:1, 3-OH 14:0, 15:0 and 14:0 fatty acids. The results obtained are in accordance with previously reported data. The absence of 20:3(0 6,9,12cis and 3-OH 16:0 fatty acids in all chromatograms might be explained by differences in derivation method or growth medium used. The ineffective strain (Nod+Fix-) contains remarkable less cyl7:0 acid. Dominant components in Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains are 118:1 and 16:0 fatty acids. Also cy19:0, 18:0 and 16:1 components were detected and certain shifts in the amount of these minor components observed. However, on the basis of our results there is no correlation between the relative content of particular fatty acid and the fixing effectiveness of tested strain.en
dc.description.abstractAnaliza masnih kiselina mikroorganizama, jednostavna i brza metoda za identifikaciju sojeva, često se koristi u taksonomiji. Masne kiseline celih ćelija i lipopolisaharida kod Rhizobiaccae su od posebnog značaja za proučavanje simbiotske azot o fiksacije. U ovom radu su analizirani profili masnih kiselina šest sojeva Bradvrhizobium japonicum i tri soja Sinorhizobium meliloti. Sojevi su ili izolovani iz uzoraka zemlje rz Srbije ili potiču iz kolekcije Instituta za zemljište. Metil estri ukupnih masnih kiselina su pripremani digestijom liofilizovane biomase u smesi toluol-metanol-sumporna kiselina i analizirani GC-MS metodom. Kod sojeva Sinorhizobium meliloti glavne komponente su 16:0, Z18; l, cj'19:0 i u manjem procentu cy 17:0, 17:0, 18:0, 16:1, 3-OH 14:0, 15:0 i 14:0 masne kiseline. Dobijeni rezultati su u saglasnosti sa literaturnim podacima, a odsustvo 20:3co 6,9.12r/s i 3-OH 16:0 masnih kiselina u svim hromatogramima se može objasniti razlikama u sastavu podloge korišćene za gajenje i načinu pripreme metil estara. Neefektivni soj (Nod+Fix-) sadrži znatno manje cy 17:0 kiseline. Dominantne komponente kod sojeva Bradyrhizobium japonicum su Z18: l i 16:0 masne kiseline. Pored toga detektovane su i cy 19:0, 18:0 and 16:1 masne kiseline. Uočene razlike u koncentraciji ovih minornih komponenata su verovatno posledica različite brzine rasta, pa na osnovu dobijenih rezultata nema korelacije između sadržaja masnih kiselina i efektivnosti azotofiksacije kod ispitivanih
dc.sourceActa biologica iugoslavica - serija B: Mikrobiologija
dc.subjectfatty acid analysisen
dc.subjectBradyrhizobium japonicumen
dc.subjectSinorhizobium melilotien
dc.titleThe cellular fatty acid composition of Bradyrhizobum japonicum and Sinorhizobium meliloti strainsen
dc.titleĆelijske masne kiseline sojeva Bradyrhizobum japonicum i Sinorhizobium melilotisr
dcterms.abstractМиличић, Богић; Радин, Драгослава; Гојгић Цвијовић, Гордана; Ђоковић, Дејан;
dc.citation.other43(2): 93-102

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