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Ligniti ležišta Drmno (basen Kostolac) - poreklo i paleouslovi stvaranja na osnovu petrografskih i organsko-geohemijskih istraživanja

dc.creatorStojanović, Ksenija
dc.creatorŽivotić, Dragana
dc.creatorŠajnović, Aleksandra
dc.creatorCvetković, Olga
dc.creatorNytoft, Hans Peter
dc.creatorScheeder, Georg
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study was to determine the origin and to reconstruct the geological evolution of lignites from the Drmno field (Kostolac Basin, Serbia). For this purpose, petrological and organic geochemical analyses were used. Coal from the Drmno field is typical humic coal. Peat-forming vegetation dominated by decay of resistant gymnosperm (coniferous) plants, followed by prokaryotic organisms and angiosperms. The coal forming plants belonged to the gymnosperm families Taxodiaceae, Podocarpaceae, Cupressaceae, Araucariaceae, Phyllocladaceae and Pinaceae. Peatification was realised in a neutral to slightly acidic, fresh water environment. Considering that the organic matter of the Drmno lignites was deposited at the same time, in a relatively constant climate, it could be supposed that climate probably had only a small impact on peatification. Therefore, variations in compositions of macerals and biomarkers indicate changes in the water level, due to seasonal drying of the mire, which caused vegetation differences in the palaeoplant communities and changes in the redox conditions (from anoxic to slightly oxic) during peatification. Diagenetic transformations of the organic matter were mainly governed by microbial activity, rather than thermal alteration.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada bio je da se utvrdi poreklo i geološka evolucija lignita ležišta Drmno basena Kostolac. Primenjene su petrografske i organsko geohemijske metode. Ligniti ležišta Drmno su tipični humusni ugljevi. Glavni izvor organske supstance bile su gimnosperme (golosemenice), a zatim prokariotski organizmi i angiosperme (skrivenosemenice). Utvrđeno je da prekursorski organski materijal potiče od sledećih familija gimnospermi: Taxodiaceae, Podocarpaceae, Cupressaceae, Araucariaceae, Phyllocladaceae i Pinaceae. Taloženje i humifikacija organske supstance lignita odvijali su se u slatkovodnoj, neutralnoj do slabo kiseloj sredini. Uzimajući u obzir da se stvaranje lignita u ležištu Drmno odigravalo u isto vreme, pretpostavljeno je da klimatski faktor nije mogao značajnije uticati na sastav organske supstance. Razlike u sastavu macerala i biomarkera u ispitivanim lignitima posledica su kolebanja nivoa vodenog stuba u sredini taloženja usled sezonskih promena u količini padavina. Ovo kolebanje vodenog stuba uzrokovalo je promene kako u sastavu paleovegetacije, tako i u redoks potencijalu sredine taloženja (od anoksične do blago oksične). Dijagentske promene organske supstance odvijale su se uz intenzivnu mikrobnu aktivnost, dok je termička degradacija bila gotovo beznač
dc.publisherSerbian Chemical Soc, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/176006/RS//
dc.sourceJournal of the Serbian Chemical Society
dc.subjectKostolac Basinen
dc.subjectorganic matteren
dc.titleDrmno lignite field (Kostolac Basin, Serbia): Origin and palaeoenvironmental implications from petrological and organic geochemical studiesen
dc.titleLigniti ležišta Drmno (basen Kostolac) - poreklo i paleouslovi stvaranja na osnovu petrografskih i organsko-geohemijskih istraživanjasr
dcterms.abstractЗивотиц, Драгана; Шајновић, Aлександра; Нyтофт, Ханс Петер; Сцхеедер, Георг; Цветковић, Олга; Стојановиц, Ксенија; Лигнити лежишта Дрмно (басен Костолац) - порекло и палеоуслови стварања на основу петрографских и органско-геохемијских истраживања; Лигнити лежишта Дрмно (басен Костолац) - порекло и палеоуслови стварања на основу петрографских и органско-геохемијских истраживања;
dc.citation.other77(8): 1109-1127

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