Now showing items 4669-4688 of 8518

      N-Alkanes in needle waxes of Picea omorika var. vukomanii [1]
      n-alkanes in the needle waxes of Pinus heldreichii var. pančići [1]
      n-Alkanes variability in natural populations of Picea omorika (Pančić) Purk. From Bosnia and Herzegovina [1]
      n-alkani u voskovima iglica Pinus heldreichii var. pančići [1]
      N-benzyl derivatives of long-chained 4-Amino-7-chloro-quionolines as inhibitors of pyocyanin production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa [2]
      N-doped graphene quantum dots for detection of palladium(II) ions and carbofuran [1]
      N-type silicon electron mobility and its relationship to the kink effect for nano-scaled SOI NMOS devices [1]
      N-{[2-(4-Phenyl-piperazin-1-yl)-ethyl]-phenyl}-arylamides with Dopamine D-2 and 5-Hydroxytryptamine 5HT(1A) Activity: Synthesis, Testing, and Molecular Modeling [1]
      Na spor. nasl. str.:Nickel based catalyst on silica support forhydrogenation of vegetable oils - synthesis,characterization and catalytic properties [1]
      Na+/K+-ATPase [1]
      Na/K-ATPase as a target for anticancer metal based drugs: insights into molecular interactions with selected gold(III) complexes [1]
      Nadležnosti u državnoj upravi i razvoj zasnovan na znanju u oblasti heritologije [1]
      Nadstehiometrijski Nd-Fe-B tvrdi magnetni materijali [1]
      Naftni zagađivači u aluvijalnim sedimentima - uticaj intenziteta kontakta sa podzemnim vodama na dejstvo mikroorganizama [1]
      Najnovija saznanja o upotrebi prirodnih zeolita i zeolitnih katalizatora baziranih na otpadu za proizvodnju biodizela [1]
      Nano Design of Biphasic ciumphosphate/Poly-Dl-Lactide- Co-Glycolide, as Composite Biomaterials for Hard Tissue Reconstruction [1]
      Nano-indentation investigations of the mechanical properties of thin tio2, wo3 and their composites layers, deposited by spray pyrolysis [1]
      Nano-size cobalt-doped cerium oxide particles embedded into graphitic carbon nitride for enhanced electrochemical sensing of insecticide fenitrothion in environmental samples: An experimental study with the theoretical elucidation of redox events [1]
      Nanoaperture array-based plasmonic sensors of dangerous substances using transparent conductive oxides [1]
      Nanoclay reinforcement of poly(urethane-siloxane) copolymers [1]