Pagnacco, Maja

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Pagnacco, Maja (68)
  • Milenković, Maja (6)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200026 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy - IChTM) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200146 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200051 (Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade) Dynamics of nonlinear physicochemical and biochemical systems with modeling and predicting of their behavior under nonequilibrium conditions
Nanostructured Functional and Composite Materials in Catalytic and Sorption Processes Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200122 (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200053 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research) Synthesis, modeling, physicochemical and biological properties of organic compounds and related metal complexes
Zero- to Three-Dimensional Nanostructures for Application in Electronics and Renewable Energy Sources: Synthesis, Characterization and Processing Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanostructured materials for application in the field of energy, mechanical engineering, environmental protection and biomedicine
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200175 (Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, Belgrade)
Functional, Functionalized and Advanced Nanomaterials Office of Naval Research Global (Research Grant N62902-22-1-2024)
Office of Naval Research Global (Research Grant N62902-22-1-2024) BEWARE Fellowship (Convention no. 2110034) of the Walloon Region (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Union-COFUND - contract 847587)
BEWARE Fellowship of the Walloon Region (Convention n°2110034) Biological and bioinspired structures for multispectral surveillance - NATO SPS (NATO Science for Peace and Security)
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica (Grant No. IJ-2301) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200024 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Physics, Belgrade-Zemun)
Advanced technologies for monitoring and environmental protection from chemical pollutants and radiation burden Lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells - research and development
Fabrication and characterization of nano-photonic functional structrues in biomedicine and informatics Fizička hemija dinamičkih stanja i struktura neravnotežnih sistema - od monotone do oscilatorne evolucije i haosa
Development of integrated approach in plant protection for control harmful organisms Integrated field crop production: conservation of biodiversity and soil fertility
Predefined functional properties polymer composite materials processes and equipment development Research and verification of the multidisciplinary forensic methods in
Office of Naval Research Global [Grant No. N62902-22-1-2024] Office of Naval Research Global, Research Grant N62902-22-1-2024

Author's Bibliography

Sinteza i karakterizacija soli heteropoli kiseline dopirane Zn2+ jonima

Acković, Jovana; Micić, Ružica; Nedić, Zoran; Pagnacco, Maja; Tančić, Pavle

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2024)

AU  - Acković, Jovana
AU  - Micić, Ružica
AU  - Nedić, Zoran
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Heteropoli kiseline i soli heteropoli kiselina su interesantne za izučavanje jer se mogu strukturno modifikovati u fosfat volframovu bronzu termičkim tretmanom na oko 600 °C. U ovom radu sintetisali smo 12-volfram fosfornu kiselinu, H3PW12O40 × nH2O - (PWA). Sinteza soli je obavljena jonskom izmenom dodavanjem ekvimolarnih količina ZnCl2 u rastvor heteropoli kiseline. Karakterizacija je izvršena korišćenjem infracrvene spektroskopije Furijeove transformacije (FTIR), difrakcije rendgenskih zraka na prahu
(XRPD), skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) i ciklične voltametrije. Dobijeni rezultati otvaraju nove pravce istraživanja Zn-PWA kao potencijalni elektrodni materijal.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo
PB  - Serbian Chemical Society
C3  - 60. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 8. i 9. jun 2024. godine
T1  - Sinteza i karakterizacija soli heteropoli kiseline dopirane Zn2+ jonima
T1  - Synthesis and characterization of heteropoly acid salts doped with Zn2+ ions
SP  - 60
EP  - 60
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Acković, Jovana and Micić, Ružica and Nedić, Zoran and Pagnacco, Maja and Tančić, Pavle",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Heteropoli kiseline i soli heteropoli kiselina su interesantne za izučavanje jer se mogu strukturno modifikovati u fosfat volframovu bronzu termičkim tretmanom na oko 600 °C. U ovom radu sintetisali smo 12-volfram fosfornu kiselinu, H3PW12O40 × nH2O - (PWA). Sinteza soli je obavljena jonskom izmenom dodavanjem ekvimolarnih količina ZnCl2 u rastvor heteropoli kiseline. Karakterizacija je izvršena korišćenjem infracrvene spektroskopije Furijeove transformacije (FTIR), difrakcije rendgenskih zraka na prahu
(XRPD), skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) i ciklične voltametrije. Dobijeni rezultati otvaraju nove pravce istraživanja Zn-PWA kao potencijalni elektrodni materijal.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "60. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 8. i 9. jun 2024. godine",
title = "Sinteza i karakterizacija soli heteropoli kiseline dopirane Zn2+ jonima, Synthesis and characterization of heteropoly acid salts doped with Zn2+ ions",
pages = "60-60",
url = ""
Acković, J., Micić, R., Nedić, Z., Pagnacco, M.,& Tančić, P.. (2024). Sinteza i karakterizacija soli heteropoli kiseline dopirane Zn2+ jonima. in 60. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 8. i 9. jun 2024. godine
Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 60-60.
Acković J, Micić R, Nedić Z, Pagnacco M, Tančić P. Sinteza i karakterizacija soli heteropoli kiseline dopirane Zn2+ jonima. in 60. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 8. i 9. jun 2024. godine. 2024;:60-60. .
Acković, Jovana, Micić, Ružica, Nedić, Zoran, Pagnacco, Maja, Tančić, Pavle, "Sinteza i karakterizacija soli heteropoli kiseline dopirane Zn2+ jonima" in 60. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 8. i 9. jun 2024. godine (2024):60-60, .

Synthesis and characterization of novel Co-PWB bronze using TGA/DTA, XRPD, FTIR and SEM-EDS methods

Acković, Jovana; Micić, Ružica; Pagnacco, Maja; Tančić, Pavle

(Serbian Chemical Society, 2023)

AU  - Acković, Jovana
AU  - Micić, Ružica
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWBs) constantly attract a lot of attention due to their
interesting chemical, electrical, optical, and mechanical features [1]. Heteropoly acid
hydrate H3PW12O40×29H2O (PWA) was obtained by dissolving Na2WO4×2H2O in a
H3PO4-HCl mixture and by extracting the precipitate with ether at room temperature.
The dehydration process of H3PW12O40×29H2O (PWA) to H3PW12O40×6H2O (6-
PWA) is done by heating of PWA in a kiln at 80 °C. An aqueous solution of
H3PW12O40×6H2O is then mixed with an aqueous solution of CoCl2×6H2O, gently
heated to initiate the crystallization process, and left overnight to complete
crystallization. The obtained with (CoHPW12O40×nH2O, CoPWA) is then heated in a
furnace, from room temperature to 600 °C, during which cobalt phosphate tungsten
bronze crystals are formed. Obtained CoPWB was further characterized by FTIR, XRPD
and SEM-EDS methods which confirmed the formation of the desired structure. In this
work, cobalt phosphate tungsten bronze was synthesized and characterized for the first
time in order to obtain more information about its structure, chemical characteristics and
potential practical application. A potential practical application of Co-PWB is in its
incorporation into aqueous lithium-ion batteries and catalysts in the Briggs Rauscher
PB  - Serbian Chemical Society
PB  - Serbian Young Chemists’ Club
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 4th November 2023  University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences
T1  - Synthesis and characterization of novel Co-PWB bronze using TGA/DTA, XRPD, FTIR and SEM-EDS methods
SP  - 106
EP  - 106
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Acković, Jovana and Micić, Ružica and Pagnacco, Maja and Tančić, Pavle",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWBs) constantly attract a lot of attention due to their
interesting chemical, electrical, optical, and mechanical features [1]. Heteropoly acid
hydrate H3PW12O40×29H2O (PWA) was obtained by dissolving Na2WO4×2H2O in a
H3PO4-HCl mixture and by extracting the precipitate with ether at room temperature.
The dehydration process of H3PW12O40×29H2O (PWA) to H3PW12O40×6H2O (6-
PWA) is done by heating of PWA in a kiln at 80 °C. An aqueous solution of
H3PW12O40×6H2O is then mixed with an aqueous solution of CoCl2×6H2O, gently
heated to initiate the crystallization process, and left overnight to complete
crystallization. The obtained with (CoHPW12O40×nH2O, CoPWA) is then heated in a
furnace, from room temperature to 600 °C, during which cobalt phosphate tungsten
bronze crystals are formed. Obtained CoPWB was further characterized by FTIR, XRPD
and SEM-EDS methods which confirmed the formation of the desired structure. In this
work, cobalt phosphate tungsten bronze was synthesized and characterized for the first
time in order to obtain more information about its structure, chemical characteristics and
potential practical application. A potential practical application of Co-PWB is in its
incorporation into aqueous lithium-ion batteries and catalysts in the Briggs Rauscher
publisher = "Serbian Chemical Society, Serbian Young Chemists’ Club",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 4th November 2023  University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences",
title = "Synthesis and characterization of novel Co-PWB bronze using TGA/DTA, XRPD, FTIR and SEM-EDS methods",
pages = "106-106",
url = ""
Acković, J., Micić, R., Pagnacco, M.,& Tančić, P.. (2023). Synthesis and characterization of novel Co-PWB bronze using TGA/DTA, XRPD, FTIR and SEM-EDS methods. in Book of Abstracts - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 4th November 2023  University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences
Serbian Chemical Society., 106-106.
Acković J, Micić R, Pagnacco M, Tančić P. Synthesis and characterization of novel Co-PWB bronze using TGA/DTA, XRPD, FTIR and SEM-EDS methods. in Book of Abstracts - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 4th November 2023  University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences. 2023;:106-106. .
Acković, Jovana, Micić, Ružica, Pagnacco, Maja, Tančić, Pavle, "Synthesis and characterization of novel Co-PWB bronze using TGA/DTA, XRPD, FTIR and SEM-EDS methods" in Book of Abstracts - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 4th November 2023  University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences (2023):106-106, .

Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of iron doped phosphate tungsten heteropoly acid (Fe-PWA) and it’s bronze (Fe-PWB): Comparative study

Acković, Jovana; Micić, Ružica; Nedić, Zoran; Petrović, Tamara; Senćanski, Jelena; Pagnacco, Maja; Tančić, Pavle

(Association for ETRAN Society, 2023)

AU  - Acković, Jovana
AU  - Micić, Ružica
AU  - Nedić, Zoran
AU  - Petrović, Tamara
AU  - Senćanski, Jelena
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this work, synthesized 12-tungstenphosphoric acid (H3PW12O40 × nH2O; PWA) was further ionically exchanged with Fe3+ ions, which led to the formation of the 12-tungstophosporic acid iron salt, (FePW12O40 × nH2O; Fe-PWA). Fe-PWA was then subjected to thermal analysis (TGA/DTA), determining the phase transition temperature of 576 °C from Fe-PWA to its corresponding phosphate tungsten bronze doped with iron, Fe-PWB. Using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) method, the obtained Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB were additionally characterized, and compared. Due to channels and cavities in their structures, Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB were next examined as electrode materials for aqueous rechargeable batteries. Electrochemical measurements were done in aqueous solutions of 6 M LiNO3 by cyclic voltammetry. Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB exhibit different redox processes, which are discussed thoroughly in this work. Electrochemical results are showing that within the Fe-PWA structure, more Li+ ions can be intercalated in the first discharge cycle, but consecutive cycling leads to a fast capacity fade. While the Fe-PWB redox process was stable during cycling, its specific capacity is limited by the material's poor electrical conductivity. Improvements in Fe-PWB conductivity must be addressed in future studies in order to boost material’s electrochemical performance.
AB  - У овом раду синтетисана је 12-волфрам фосфорна киселина (H3PW12О40 × nH2О; PWA), која је даље јонски допирана са Fe3+ јонима, што је довело до формирања соли гвожђа 12-волфрам фосфорне киселине Fe-PWA соли (FePW12О40×nH2О). Fe-PWA је затим испитан помоћу термијске анализе (TGA/DTА), фазни прелаз Fe-PWA одиграва се на температури од 576 oC, формирајући фосфат волфрамову бронзу допирану гвожђем Fe-PWB. Применом 
метода дифракције рендгенских зрака на праху, инфрацрвене спектроскопије са Фуријеовом трансформацијом и скенирајуће електронске микроскопије уз енергетску дисперзивну рендгенску спектроскопију, добијени Fe-PWB је додатно карактерисан, чиме је потврђена жељена структура. Због канала и шупљина у њиховим структурама, Fe-PWA и Fe-PWB су затим испитани као електродни материјали за пуњиве батерије. Електрохемијска мерења вршена су у воденим растворима 6М LiNО3 цикличном волтаметријом. Електрохемијски резултати показују да унутар структуре Fe-PWA, више Li+ јона може бити интеркалирано 
у првом циклусу пражњења, али даље циклирање доводи до брзог смањења капацитета. Док је редокс процес Fe-PWB био стабилан током циклирања, његов специфични капацитет је ограничен слабом електричном проводљивошћу материјала. Специфични капацитет Fe-PWB је скоро незнатан, па је неопходно оптимизовати његове физичко-хемијске особине како би се вредност његовог специфичног капацитета повећала. Побољшање проводљивости Fe-PWB биће истраживана у будућим студијама, како би се побољшале електрохемијске 
перформансе материјала.
PB  - Association for ETRAN Society
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of iron doped phosphate tungsten heteropoly acid (Fe-PWA) and it’s bronze (Fe-PWB): Comparative study
DO  - 10.2298/SOS230812053A
ER  - 
author = "Acković, Jovana and Micić, Ružica and Nedić, Zoran and Petrović, Tamara and Senćanski, Jelena and Pagnacco, Maja and Tančić, Pavle",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this work, synthesized 12-tungstenphosphoric acid (H3PW12O40 × nH2O; PWA) was further ionically exchanged with Fe3+ ions, which led to the formation of the 12-tungstophosporic acid iron salt, (FePW12O40 × nH2O; Fe-PWA). Fe-PWA was then subjected to thermal analysis (TGA/DTA), determining the phase transition temperature of 576 °C from Fe-PWA to its corresponding phosphate tungsten bronze doped with iron, Fe-PWB. Using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) method, the obtained Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB were additionally characterized, and compared. Due to channels and cavities in their structures, Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB were next examined as electrode materials for aqueous rechargeable batteries. Electrochemical measurements were done in aqueous solutions of 6 M LiNO3 by cyclic voltammetry. Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB exhibit different redox processes, which are discussed thoroughly in this work. Electrochemical results are showing that within the Fe-PWA structure, more Li+ ions can be intercalated in the first discharge cycle, but consecutive cycling leads to a fast capacity fade. While the Fe-PWB redox process was stable during cycling, its specific capacity is limited by the material's poor electrical conductivity. Improvements in Fe-PWB conductivity must be addressed in future studies in order to boost material’s electrochemical performance., У овом раду синтетисана је 12-волфрам фосфорна киселина (H3PW12О40 × nH2О; PWA), која је даље јонски допирана са Fe3+ јонима, што је довело до формирања соли гвожђа 12-волфрам фосфорне киселине Fe-PWA соли (FePW12О40×nH2О). Fe-PWA је затим испитан помоћу термијске анализе (TGA/DTА), фазни прелаз Fe-PWA одиграва се на температури од 576 oC, формирајући фосфат волфрамову бронзу допирану гвожђем Fe-PWB. Применом 
метода дифракције рендгенских зрака на праху, инфрацрвене спектроскопије са Фуријеовом трансформацијом и скенирајуће електронске микроскопије уз енергетску дисперзивну рендгенску спектроскопију, добијени Fe-PWB је додатно карактерисан, чиме је потврђена жељена структура. Због канала и шупљина у њиховим структурама, Fe-PWA и Fe-PWB су затим испитани као електродни материјали за пуњиве батерије. Електрохемијска мерења вршена су у воденим растворима 6М LiNО3 цикличном волтаметријом. Електрохемијски резултати показују да унутар структуре Fe-PWA, више Li+ јона може бити интеркалирано 
у првом циклусу пражњења, али даље циклирање доводи до брзог смањења капацитета. Док је редокс процес Fe-PWB био стабилан током циклирања, његов специфични капацитет је ограничен слабом електричном проводљивошћу материјала. Специфични капацитет Fe-PWB је скоро незнатан, па је неопходно оптимизовати његове физичко-хемијске особине како би се вредност његовог специфичног капацитета повећала. Побољшање проводљивости Fe-PWB биће истраживана у будућим студијама, како би се побољшале електрохемијске 
перформансе материјала.",
publisher = "Association for ETRAN Society",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of iron doped phosphate tungsten heteropoly acid (Fe-PWA) and it’s bronze (Fe-PWB): Comparative study",
doi = "10.2298/SOS230812053A"
Acković, J., Micić, R., Nedić, Z., Petrović, T., Senćanski, J., Pagnacco, M.,& Tančić, P.. (2023). Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of iron doped phosphate tungsten heteropoly acid (Fe-PWA) and it’s bronze (Fe-PWB): Comparative study. in Science of Sintering
Association for ETRAN Society..
Acković J, Micić R, Nedić Z, Petrović T, Senćanski J, Pagnacco M, Tančić P. Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of iron doped phosphate tungsten heteropoly acid (Fe-PWA) and it’s bronze (Fe-PWB): Comparative study. in Science of Sintering. 2023;.
doi:10.2298/SOS230812053A .
Acković, Jovana, Micić, Ružica, Nedić, Zoran, Petrović, Tamara, Senćanski, Jelena, Pagnacco, Maja, Tančić, Pavle, "Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of iron doped phosphate tungsten heteropoly acid (Fe-PWA) and it’s bronze (Fe-PWB): Comparative study" in Science of Sintering (2023), . .

Electrochemical testing of iron phosphor tungsten bronzes as potential electrode material

Acković, Jovana; Nedić, Zoran; Petrović, Tamara; Micić, Ružica; Pagnacco, Maja; Tančić, Pavle

(Serbian Ceramic Society, 2023)

AU  - Acković, Jovana
AU  - Nedić, Zoran
AU  - Petrović, Tamara
AU  - Micić, Ružica
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this work, synthesized 12-tungstenphosphoric acid (H3PW12O40 ∙ nH2O, PWA) was further
ionically exchanged with Fe3+ ions, which led to the formation of the FePWA salt (FePW12O40 x nH2O). FePWA was then subjected to thermal analysis (TGA/DTA), which determined the phase transition temperature ( i.e., when the Keggin anion collapses). The temperature of collapsing the Keggin anion is about 600 °C, at which phosphate tungsten bronzes doped with iron (FePWB) are obtained. Obtained FePWB was further characterized by XRPD and FTIR, which confirmed the formation of the desired structure. FePWA and FePWB were examined as an electrode material for aqueous rechargeable batteries due to the channels and cavities present in their structure. Experiments were done in aqueous solutions of 6 M LiNO3 by cyclic voltammetry. The differences in the redox processes of heteropoly acid salts and iron-doped bronze were discussed thoroughly and correlated with the XRPD and FTIR results. The catalytic activity is also investigated by Briggs-Rauscher method followed potentiometricaly.
PB  - Serbian Ceramic Society
C3  - Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Electrochemical testing of iron phosphor tungsten bronzes as potential electrode material
SP  - 55
EP  - 55
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Acković, Jovana and Nedić, Zoran and Petrović, Tamara and Micić, Ružica and Pagnacco, Maja and Tančić, Pavle",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this work, synthesized 12-tungstenphosphoric acid (H3PW12O40 ∙ nH2O, PWA) was further
ionically exchanged with Fe3+ ions, which led to the formation of the FePWA salt (FePW12O40 x nH2O). FePWA was then subjected to thermal analysis (TGA/DTA), which determined the phase transition temperature ( i.e., when the Keggin anion collapses). The temperature of collapsing the Keggin anion is about 600 °C, at which phosphate tungsten bronzes doped with iron (FePWB) are obtained. Obtained FePWB was further characterized by XRPD and FTIR, which confirmed the formation of the desired structure. FePWA and FePWB were examined as an electrode material for aqueous rechargeable batteries due to the channels and cavities present in their structure. Experiments were done in aqueous solutions of 6 M LiNO3 by cyclic voltammetry. The differences in the redox processes of heteropoly acid salts and iron-doped bronze were discussed thoroughly and correlated with the XRPD and FTIR results. The catalytic activity is also investigated by Briggs-Rauscher method followed potentiometricaly.",
publisher = "Serbian Ceramic Society",
journal = "Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Electrochemical testing of iron phosphor tungsten bronzes as potential electrode material",
pages = "55-55",
url = ""
Acković, J., Nedić, Z., Petrović, T., Micić, R., Pagnacco, M.,& Tančić, P.. (2023). Electrochemical testing of iron phosphor tungsten bronzes as potential electrode material. in Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian Ceramic Society., 55-55.
Acković J, Nedić Z, Petrović T, Micić R, Pagnacco M, Tančić P. Electrochemical testing of iron phosphor tungsten bronzes as potential electrode material. in Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia. 2023;:55-55. .
Acković, Jovana, Nedić, Zoran, Petrović, Tamara, Micić, Ružica, Pagnacco, Maja, Tančić, Pavle, "Electrochemical testing of iron phosphor tungsten bronzes as potential electrode material" in Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia (2023):55-55, .

Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, the behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction and photoluminescence properties

Maksimović, Tijana; Tančić, Pavle; Maksimović, Jelena; Mara, Dimitrije; Ilić, Marija; Van Deun, Rik; Joksović, Ljubinka; Pagnacco, Maja

(Elsevier B.V., 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Mara, Dimitrije
AU  - Ilić, Marija
AU  - Van Deun, Rik
AU  - Joksović, Ljubinka
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Due to the interesting and potentially useful properties, phosphate tungsten bronzes are constantly being studied and attract a lot of attention. In the present work, two different metallic elements, belonging to the group of rare-earth metals, cerium and praseodymium, were used as a dopants for phosphate tungsten bronzes. Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes were successfully synthesized and further characterized by thermal analyses, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy
with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The behavior of
cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes were examined in the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction. The changes in the oscillatory dynamics, caused by the addition of cerium doped and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes, are used for distinction of these bronzes and also as a method for testing the catalytic features of the bronzes. Beside the nonlinear behavior, the bronzes have shown photoluminescence in the visible region (blue region).
PB  - Elsevier B.V.
T2  - Optical Materials
T1  - Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, the behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction and photoluminescence properties
VL  - 143
SP  - 114125
DO  - 10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114125
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Tijana and Tančić, Pavle and Maksimović, Jelena and Mara, Dimitrije and Ilić, Marija and Van Deun, Rik and Joksović, Ljubinka and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Due to the interesting and potentially useful properties, phosphate tungsten bronzes are constantly being studied and attract a lot of attention. In the present work, two different metallic elements, belonging to the group of rare-earth metals, cerium and praseodymium, were used as a dopants for phosphate tungsten bronzes. Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes were successfully synthesized and further characterized by thermal analyses, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy
with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The behavior of
cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes were examined in the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction. The changes in the oscillatory dynamics, caused by the addition of cerium doped and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes, are used for distinction of these bronzes and also as a method for testing the catalytic features of the bronzes. Beside the nonlinear behavior, the bronzes have shown photoluminescence in the visible region (blue region).",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
journal = "Optical Materials",
title = "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, the behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction and photoluminescence properties",
volume = "143",
pages = "114125",
doi = "10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114125"
Maksimović, T., Tančić, P., Maksimović, J., Mara, D., Ilić, M., Van Deun, R., Joksović, L.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, the behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction and photoluminescence properties. in Optical Materials
Elsevier B.V.., 143, 114125.
Maksimović T, Tančić P, Maksimović J, Mara D, Ilić M, Van Deun R, Joksović L, Pagnacco M. Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, the behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction and photoluminescence properties. in Optical Materials. 2023;143:114125.
doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114125 .
Maksimović, Tijana, Tančić, Pavle, Maksimović, Jelena, Mara, Dimitrije, Ilić, Marija, Van Deun, Rik, Joksović, Ljubinka, Pagnacco, Maja, "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, the behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction and photoluminescence properties" in Optical Materials, 143 (2023):114125, . .

Crystallographic investigation of the iron phosphate tungsten bronze (Fe-PWB)

Acković, Jovana; Nikolić, Nenad; Nedić, Zoran; Micić, Ružica; Senćanski, Jelena; Pagnacco, Maja; Tančić, Pavle

(Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, 2023)

AU  - Acković, Jovana
AU  - Nikolić, Nenad
AU  - Nedić, Zoran
AU  - Micić, Ružica
AU  - Senćanski, Jelena
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, 12-tungstenphosphoric acid (PWA) was synthesized in combination with FeCl3 at room temperature (25 oC). At such manner, Fe3+ ion exchange gave new 12-tungstenphosphoric salt of the transition metal iron (FePW12O40×nH2O; Fe-PWA). Thermal analysis determined the temperature of about 596 oC of the phase transition, i.e., the temperature at which the structure of the Kegin anion is disturbed. Therefore, it was chosen temperature above the breakdown of the Kegin anion of 650 oC, and which is required to obtain phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWB) doped with iron (Fe-PWB). The sample was kept in the oven for 10 minutes. Such obtained new Fe-PWB doped bronze was further investigated by the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and Rietveld methods. The XRPD patterns of Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB were taken in the 3-90o 2θ angle range, and clearly reveal crystallographic and structural differences between these two phases. Determined unit-cell parameters of Fe-PWB obtained by the Rietveld method in the monoclinic crystallographic system are as following: a0 = 7.53(2) Å; b0 = 7.51(1) Å; c0 = 7.64(1) Å; β0 = 89.7(2)o; and V0 = 431(2) Å3. These unit-cell parameters were compared with PWB, as well as other previously doped bronzes (Li-PWB and Ca-PWB). It can be concluded that inserting of the Fe3+ ion into the PWB’s structure was undoubtedly proven, and have the most influence to the axis a0 (i.e., it significantly increased), angle β0 (i.e., it significantly decreased), and volume V0 (i.e., it significantly increased). On the other hand, influence to the axis c0 is quite smaller (i.e., it slightly decreased), whereas influence to the axis b0 is minor. Such behavior is also very different in comparison to the Li-PWB and Ca-PWB.
PB  - Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja
C3  - Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Crystallographic investigation of the iron phosphate tungsten bronze (Fe-PWB)
SP  - 62
EP  - 62
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Acković, Jovana and Nikolić, Nenad and Nedić, Zoran and Micić, Ružica and Senćanski, Jelena and Pagnacco, Maja and Tančić, Pavle",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this paper, 12-tungstenphosphoric acid (PWA) was synthesized in combination with FeCl3 at room temperature (25 oC). At such manner, Fe3+ ion exchange gave new 12-tungstenphosphoric salt of the transition metal iron (FePW12O40×nH2O; Fe-PWA). Thermal analysis determined the temperature of about 596 oC of the phase transition, i.e., the temperature at which the structure of the Kegin anion is disturbed. Therefore, it was chosen temperature above the breakdown of the Kegin anion of 650 oC, and which is required to obtain phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWB) doped with iron (Fe-PWB). The sample was kept in the oven for 10 minutes. Such obtained new Fe-PWB doped bronze was further investigated by the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and Rietveld methods. The XRPD patterns of Fe-PWA and Fe-PWB were taken in the 3-90o 2θ angle range, and clearly reveal crystallographic and structural differences between these two phases. Determined unit-cell parameters of Fe-PWB obtained by the Rietveld method in the monoclinic crystallographic system are as following: a0 = 7.53(2) Å; b0 = 7.51(1) Å; c0 = 7.64(1) Å; β0 = 89.7(2)o; and V0 = 431(2) Å3. These unit-cell parameters were compared with PWB, as well as other previously doped bronzes (Li-PWB and Ca-PWB). It can be concluded that inserting of the Fe3+ ion into the PWB’s structure was undoubtedly proven, and have the most influence to the axis a0 (i.e., it significantly increased), angle β0 (i.e., it significantly decreased), and volume V0 (i.e., it significantly increased). On the other hand, influence to the axis c0 is quite smaller (i.e., it slightly decreased), whereas influence to the axis b0 is minor. Such behavior is also very different in comparison to the Li-PWB and Ca-PWB.",
publisher = "Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja",
journal = "Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Crystallographic investigation of the iron phosphate tungsten bronze (Fe-PWB)",
pages = "62-62",
url = ""
Acković, J., Nikolić, N., Nedić, Z., Micić, R., Senćanski, J., Pagnacco, M.,& Tančić, P.. (2023). Crystallographic investigation of the iron phosphate tungsten bronze (Fe-PWB). in Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja., 62-62.
Acković J, Nikolić N, Nedić Z, Micić R, Senćanski J, Pagnacco M, Tančić P. Crystallographic investigation of the iron phosphate tungsten bronze (Fe-PWB). in Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia. 2023;:62-62. .
Acković, Jovana, Nikolić, Nenad, Nedić, Zoran, Micić, Ružica, Senćanski, Jelena, Pagnacco, Maja, Tančić, Pavle, "Crystallographic investigation of the iron phosphate tungsten bronze (Fe-PWB)" in Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia (2023):62-62, .

The effect of different particle sizes of bentonite from the Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction

Maksimović, Jelena; Pagnacco, Maja; Ajduković, Marija; Stevanović, Gordana; Banković, Predrag; Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra

(Serbian Ceramic Society, 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Ajduković, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Gordana
AU  - Banković, Predrag
AU  - Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction, which represents the oxidation of malonic acid in 
the presence of hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodate catalyzed by manganese ion in an 
acidic environment, proved to be extremely sensitive for testing insoluble materials, such as 
bronzes and clays. It was shown that origin of bentonite has high impact on the length of the 
oscillation time. In this work, the influence of different sizes of bentonite particles from the 
Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscer oscillatory reaction in the conditions of a closed 
reactor was investigated. Five particle sizes of bentonite, (< 25 µm, < 50 µm, < 75 µm, < 150 
µm and < 300 µm) having identical mass of 0.15 g, were tested. The addition of different 
particle sizes of Bogovina clay does not significantly influence the basic BR oscillogram.
PB  - Serbian Ceramic Society
C3  - Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - The effect of different particle sizes of bentonite from the Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction
SP  - 71
EP  - 72
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Jelena and Pagnacco, Maja and Ajduković, Marija and Stevanović, Gordana and Banković, Predrag and Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction, which represents the oxidation of malonic acid in 
the presence of hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodate catalyzed by manganese ion in an 
acidic environment, proved to be extremely sensitive for testing insoluble materials, such as 
bronzes and clays. It was shown that origin of bentonite has high impact on the length of the 
oscillation time. In this work, the influence of different sizes of bentonite particles from the 
Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscer oscillatory reaction in the conditions of a closed 
reactor was investigated. Five particle sizes of bentonite, (< 25 µm, < 50 µm, < 75 µm, < 150 
µm and < 300 µm) having identical mass of 0.15 g, were tested. The addition of different 
particle sizes of Bogovina clay does not significantly influence the basic BR oscillogram.",
publisher = "Serbian Ceramic Society",
journal = "Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "The effect of different particle sizes of bentonite from the Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction",
pages = "71-72",
url = ""
Maksimović, J., Pagnacco, M., Ajduković, M., Stevanović, G., Banković, P.,& Milutinović Nikolić, A.. (2023). The effect of different particle sizes of bentonite from the Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction. in Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian Ceramic Society., 71-72.
Maksimović J, Pagnacco M, Ajduković M, Stevanović G, Banković P, Milutinović Nikolić A. The effect of different particle sizes of bentonite from the Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction. in Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia. 2023;:71-72. .
Maksimović, Jelena, Pagnacco, Maja, Ajduković, Marija, Stevanović, Gordana, Banković, Predrag, Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra, "The effect of different particle sizes of bentonite from the Bogovina deposit on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction" in Program and book of abstracts - Serbian Ceramics Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application XI, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing,18-20 th September 2023. Belgrade, Serbia (2023):71-72, .

QSAR and machine learning models of redox potentials of some organic pigments

Stevanović, Kristina; Maksimović, Jelena; Senćanski, Jelena; Pagnacco, Maja; Senćanski, Milan

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2023)

AU  - Stevanović, Kristina
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Senćanski, Jelena
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Senćanski, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The organic pigments offer promising opportunities for developing new sustainable electrode materials for lithium batteries. Some of them have been identified as cathode material with very encouraging reversible lithium ion storage characteristics. One of them is a naturally occurring purpurin extracted from the Madder plant (Rubia tinctorum) for which we confirmed this good electrochemical behavior by cyclic voltammetry. One of the strategies towards obtaining materials with even better characteristics is a structural modification of already existing pigments. Building a theoretical model that could predict the redox properties of these new compounds can be very useful towards achieving that goal. In order to build a 3D QSAR (quantitative structure–activity relationship) model for material redox potential prediction, 9 organic pigments with known redox potentials were extracted from the literature. Based on molecular interaction field (MIF) probes we calculated standard GRIND (grid-independent) descriptors and constructed following principal PLS (partial least squares) model. By validation with the literature data, but also with the obtained experimental data for purpurin, this model proved very reliable in predicting the redox potential. A comparison was also made with the machine learning model that was formed in parallel.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
T1  - QSAR and machine learning models of redox potentials of some organic pigments
SP  - 35
EP  - 35
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Kristina and Maksimović, Jelena and Senćanski, Jelena and Pagnacco, Maja and Senćanski, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The organic pigments offer promising opportunities for developing new sustainable electrode materials for lithium batteries. Some of them have been identified as cathode material with very encouraging reversible lithium ion storage characteristics. One of them is a naturally occurring purpurin extracted from the Madder plant (Rubia tinctorum) for which we confirmed this good electrochemical behavior by cyclic voltammetry. One of the strategies towards obtaining materials with even better characteristics is a structural modification of already existing pigments. Building a theoretical model that could predict the redox properties of these new compounds can be very useful towards achieving that goal. In order to build a 3D QSAR (quantitative structure–activity relationship) model for material redox potential prediction, 9 organic pigments with known redox potentials were extracted from the literature. Based on molecular interaction field (MIF) probes we calculated standard GRIND (grid-independent) descriptors and constructed following principal PLS (partial least squares) model. By validation with the literature data, but also with the obtained experimental data for purpurin, this model proved very reliable in predicting the redox potential. A comparison was also made with the machine learning model that was formed in parallel.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts",
title = "QSAR and machine learning models of redox potentials of some organic pigments",
pages = "35-35",
url = ""
Stevanović, K., Maksimović, J., Senćanski, J., Pagnacco, M.,& Senćanski, M.. (2023). QSAR and machine learning models of redox potentials of some organic pigments. in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 35-35.
Stevanović K, Maksimović J, Senćanski J, Pagnacco M, Senćanski M. QSAR and machine learning models of redox potentials of some organic pigments. in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts. 2023;:35-35. .
Stevanović, Kristina, Maksimović, Jelena, Senćanski, Jelena, Pagnacco, Maja, Senćanski, Milan, "QSAR and machine learning models of redox potentials of some organic pigments" in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts (2023):35-35, .

Supplementary Materials for: "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescent properties and behavior in Briggs-Rauscher reaction"

Maksimović, Tijana; Tančić, Pavle; Maksimović, Jelena; Mara, Dimitrije; Ilić, Marija; Van Deun, Rik; Joksović, Ljubinka; Pagnacco, Maja

(Elsevier B.V., 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Tančić, Pavle
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Mara, Dimitrije
AU  - Ilić, Marija
AU  - Van Deun, Rik
AU  - Joksović, Ljubinka
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Fig. S1 FTIR spectrum of 6-PWA; Table S1 Observed inter-planar spacings (dobs, in Å) and intensities (Iobs, in %) of Ce-PWA and Pr-PWA, in comparison with 6-PWA and Ca-PWA; Table S2 Observed inter-planar spacings (dobs, in Å) and intensities (Iobs, in %) of Ce-PWB and Pr-PWB, in comparison with PWB, Ca-PWB, and Li-PWB; Table S3 Calculated inter-planar spacings (dcalc, in Å) of Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB, and Li-PWB in comparison with PWB; Figure S2 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C1) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Figure S3 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C2) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Figure S4 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C3) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Figure S5 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C4) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Table S4 The results of lifetime measurements of pure matrixes and doped samples; Fig. S6 Emission spectra of: a PWA and b Ce-PWA excited at 320 nm; c Ce-PWA and d Pr-PWA under excitation at 376 nm at room temperature; Fig. S7 Excitation spectra of: a PWA; b Ce-PWA; c Pr-PWA emission observed at peak maxima ~ 430 nm at room temperature; Fig. S8 Decay profiles of: a PWB; b Ce-PWB; c Pr-PWB excited at 376 nm and measured at room temperature; Fig. S9 Decay profiles of: a PWA and b Ce-PWA excited at 320 nm; c Ce-PWA and d Pr-PWA excited at 376 nm, measured at room temperature; Fig. S10  The CIE chromaticity diagram of: a PWA (x = 0.167, y = 0.127) and b Ce-PWA (x= 1.175, y = 0.158) excited at 320 nm; c Ce-PWA(x = 0.165, y = 0.125) and d Pr-PWA (x = 0.158, y = 0.099) excited at 376 nm.
PB  - Elsevier B.V.
T2  - Optical Materials
T1  - Supplementary Materials for: "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescent properties and behavior in Briggs-Rauscher reaction"
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Tijana and Tančić, Pavle and Maksimović, Jelena and Mara, Dimitrije and Ilić, Marija and Van Deun, Rik and Joksović, Ljubinka and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Fig. S1 FTIR spectrum of 6-PWA; Table S1 Observed inter-planar spacings (dobs, in Å) and intensities (Iobs, in %) of Ce-PWA and Pr-PWA, in comparison with 6-PWA and Ca-PWA; Table S2 Observed inter-planar spacings (dobs, in Å) and intensities (Iobs, in %) of Ce-PWB and Pr-PWB, in comparison with PWB, Ca-PWB, and Li-PWB; Table S3 Calculated inter-planar spacings (dcalc, in Å) of Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB, and Li-PWB in comparison with PWB; Figure S2 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C1) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Figure S3 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C2) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Figure S4 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C3) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Figure S5 Linear (column I, left) and polynomial (column II, right; C4) variations of ionic radiuses (in Å) for Ce-PWB, Pr-PWB, Ca-PWB and Li-PWB bronzes by: a) axis a0 (in Å); b) axis b0 (in Å); c) axis c0 (in Å); d) angle β0 (in o); and e) volume V0 (in Å3); Table S4 The results of lifetime measurements of pure matrixes and doped samples; Fig. S6 Emission spectra of: a PWA and b Ce-PWA excited at 320 nm; c Ce-PWA and d Pr-PWA under excitation at 376 nm at room temperature; Fig. S7 Excitation spectra of: a PWA; b Ce-PWA; c Pr-PWA emission observed at peak maxima ~ 430 nm at room temperature; Fig. S8 Decay profiles of: a PWB; b Ce-PWB; c Pr-PWB excited at 376 nm and measured at room temperature; Fig. S9 Decay profiles of: a PWA and b Ce-PWA excited at 320 nm; c Ce-PWA and d Pr-PWA excited at 376 nm, measured at room temperature; Fig. S10  The CIE chromaticity diagram of: a PWA (x = 0.167, y = 0.127) and b Ce-PWA (x= 1.175, y = 0.158) excited at 320 nm; c Ce-PWA(x = 0.165, y = 0.125) and d Pr-PWA (x = 0.158, y = 0.099) excited at 376 nm.",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
journal = "Optical Materials",
title = "Supplementary Materials for: "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescent properties and behavior in Briggs-Rauscher reaction"",
url = ""
Maksimović, T., Tančić, P., Maksimović, J., Mara, D., Ilić, M., Van Deun, R., Joksović, L.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Supplementary Materials for: "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescent properties and behavior in Briggs-Rauscher reaction". in Optical Materials
Elsevier B.V...
Maksimović T, Tančić P, Maksimović J, Mara D, Ilić M, Van Deun R, Joksović L, Pagnacco M. Supplementary Materials for: "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescent properties and behavior in Briggs-Rauscher reaction". in Optical Materials. 2023;. .
Maksimović, Tijana, Tančić, Pavle, Maksimović, Jelena, Mara, Dimitrije, Ilić, Marija, Van Deun, Rik, Joksović, Ljubinka, Pagnacco, Maja, "Supplementary Materials for: "Novel cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes: Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescent properties and behavior in Briggs-Rauscher reaction"" in Optical Materials (2023), .

Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications

Simović Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja; Radulović, Aleksandra; Sencanski, Jelena; Markovic, M

(Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE), 2023)

AU  - Simović Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Radulović, Aleksandra
AU  - Sencanski, Jelena
AU  - Markovic, M
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - This mini review discusses the phenomenon of thermophoresis, also known as the thermophoretic effect. Thermophoretic
effect arises from the combination of a temperature gradient and particles of very small dimensions, on the order of magnitude
of the mean free path of the molecules of the surrounding gas. Despite being a little-known effect, it is critical to many physical
and chemical processes and for characterising the properties of nanostructured materials that could be used in industry for
sensing applications. A description and definition of otherwise very similar thermophoresis terms is provided, as well as a brief
overview of the literature on this topic, with a focus on research in the twenty-first century
PB  - Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE)
PB  - Croatian Chemical Society (CCS)
T2  - Kemija u industriji
T1  - Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications
VL  - 72
IS  - 11-12
SP  - 693
EP  - 699
DO  - 10.15255/KUI.2023.015
ER  - 
author = "Simović Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja and Radulović, Aleksandra and Sencanski, Jelena and Markovic, M",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This mini review discusses the phenomenon of thermophoresis, also known as the thermophoretic effect. Thermophoretic
effect arises from the combination of a temperature gradient and particles of very small dimensions, on the order of magnitude
of the mean free path of the molecules of the surrounding gas. Despite being a little-known effect, it is critical to many physical
and chemical processes and for characterising the properties of nanostructured materials that could be used in industry for
sensing applications. A description and definition of otherwise very similar thermophoresis terms is provided, as well as a brief
overview of the literature on this topic, with a focus on research in the twenty-first century",
publisher = "Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE), Croatian Chemical Society (CCS)",
journal = "Kemija u industriji",
title = "Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications",
volume = "72",
number = "11-12",
pages = "693-699",
doi = "10.15255/KUI.2023.015"
Simović Pavlović, M., Pagnacco, M., Radulović, A., Sencanski, J.,& Markovic, M.. (2023). Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications. in Kemija u industriji
Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE)., 72(11-12), 693-699.
Simović Pavlović M, Pagnacco M, Radulović A, Sencanski J, Markovic M. Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications. in Kemija u industriji. 2023;72(11-12):693-699.
doi:10.15255/KUI.2023.015 .
Simović Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, Radulović, Aleksandra, Sencanski, Jelena, Markovic, M, "Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications" in Kemija u industriji, 72, no. 11-12 (2023):693-699, . .

The influence of pyrocatechol added in pre-oscillatory period on the dynamics of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction

Maksimović, Jelena; Stevanović, Kristina; Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja

(University Library in Kragujevac, 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Stevanović, Kristina
AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In the past two decades, chemical oscillators have emerged as a popular tool for the determination of “reactive” analytes due to their great sensitivity toward any kind of external perturbations. They have found application in many fields of applied science enabling relatively easy quantitative and qualitative analyses. In this study influence of pyrocatechol, an important precursor in many organic syntheses, on the pre-oscillatory period of the Bray-Liebhafsky (BL) reaction was examined. The BL reaction was followed by the potentiometric method. In a series of experiments (in a concentration range from 1.5 × 10-5 M to 3 × 10-5 M), pyrocatechol was added 45 minutes after the start of the reaction, causing an immediate appearance of oscillations. For these experimental conditions, the period between the first and second oscillation increases linearly with the added pyrocatechol concentration. The obtained results can be useful for analytical purposes and accordingly, potential determination of unknown pyrocatechol concentration.
PB  - University Library in Kragujevac
PB  - Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac
C3  - 2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023, Book of proceedings, September 28-29, 2023, Kragujevac, Serbia
T1  - The influence of pyrocatechol added in pre-oscillatory period on the dynamics of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction
SP  - 108
EP  - 111
DO  - 10.46793/ICCBI23.108M
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Jelena and Stevanović, Kristina and Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the past two decades, chemical oscillators have emerged as a popular tool for the determination of “reactive” analytes due to their great sensitivity toward any kind of external perturbations. They have found application in many fields of applied science enabling relatively easy quantitative and qualitative analyses. In this study influence of pyrocatechol, an important precursor in many organic syntheses, on the pre-oscillatory period of the Bray-Liebhafsky (BL) reaction was examined. The BL reaction was followed by the potentiometric method. In a series of experiments (in a concentration range from 1.5 × 10-5 M to 3 × 10-5 M), pyrocatechol was added 45 minutes after the start of the reaction, causing an immediate appearance of oscillations. For these experimental conditions, the period between the first and second oscillation increases linearly with the added pyrocatechol concentration. The obtained results can be useful for analytical purposes and accordingly, potential determination of unknown pyrocatechol concentration.",
publisher = "University Library in Kragujevac, Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac",
journal = "2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023, Book of proceedings, September 28-29, 2023, Kragujevac, Serbia",
title = "The influence of pyrocatechol added in pre-oscillatory period on the dynamics of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction",
pages = "108-111",
doi = "10.46793/ICCBI23.108M"
Maksimović, J., Stevanović, K., Simović-Pavlović, M.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). The influence of pyrocatechol added in pre-oscillatory period on the dynamics of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction. in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023, Book of proceedings, September 28-29, 2023, Kragujevac, Serbia
University Library in Kragujevac., 108-111.
Maksimović J, Stevanović K, Simović-Pavlović M, Pagnacco M. The influence of pyrocatechol added in pre-oscillatory period on the dynamics of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction. in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023, Book of proceedings, September 28-29, 2023, Kragujevac, Serbia. 2023;:108-111.
doi:10.46793/ICCBI23.108M .
Maksimović, Jelena, Stevanović, Kristina, Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, "The influence of pyrocatechol added in pre-oscillatory period on the dynamics of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction" in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023, Book of proceedings, September 28-29, 2023, Kragujevac, Serbia (2023):108-111, . .

The comparison of two methods used to observe a nonlinear system: potentiometry and holography

Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Maksimović, Tijana; Maksimović, Jelena; Pagnacco, Maja

(Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac, 2023)

AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The transition from state I ( characterized by low iodide and iodine concentration) to state II (high iodide and iodine concentration) occurs in a nonlinear Briggs-Rauscher (BR) oscillatory reaction. This transition was studied by two methods: potentiometric and holographic. The first derivative technique was applied to the obtained electrochemical and holographic curves of the transition state I→state II to obtain the corresponding slopes. Based on these slopes, the results of the two methods are compared. The obtained holographic slope for the transition from state I to state II is higher than the potentiometric one in all selected reaction sections. In the initial phase of the transition from state I to state II, it is clear that the velocity of the holographic method is twice that of the potentiometric method. While this trend shows a twofold increase at the beginning of the phase transition, it deviates in the other phases, where the holographic measurements show a 1.5-fold higher rate in the middle. The obtained results could have a strong impact on the study of nonlinear systems in the future.
PB  - Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac
C3  - 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia
T1  - The comparison of two methods used to observe a nonlinear system: potentiometry and holography
SP  - 164
EP  - 167
DO  - 10.46793/ICCBI23.164SP
ER  - 
author = "Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Maksimović, Tijana and Maksimović, Jelena and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The transition from state I ( characterized by low iodide and iodine concentration) to state II (high iodide and iodine concentration) occurs in a nonlinear Briggs-Rauscher (BR) oscillatory reaction. This transition was studied by two methods: potentiometric and holographic. The first derivative technique was applied to the obtained electrochemical and holographic curves of the transition state I→state II to obtain the corresponding slopes. Based on these slopes, the results of the two methods are compared. The obtained holographic slope for the transition from state I to state II is higher than the potentiometric one in all selected reaction sections. In the initial phase of the transition from state I to state II, it is clear that the velocity of the holographic method is twice that of the potentiometric method. While this trend shows a twofold increase at the beginning of the phase transition, it deviates in the other phases, where the holographic measurements show a 1.5-fold higher rate in the middle. The obtained results could have a strong impact on the study of nonlinear systems in the future.",
publisher = "Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac",
journal = "2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia",
title = "The comparison of two methods used to observe a nonlinear system: potentiometry and holography",
pages = "164-167",
doi = "10.46793/ICCBI23.164SP"
Simović-Pavlović, M., Maksimović, T., Maksimović, J.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). The comparison of two methods used to observe a nonlinear system: potentiometry and holography. in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia
Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac., 164-167.
Simović-Pavlović M, Maksimović T, Maksimović J, Pagnacco M. The comparison of two methods used to observe a nonlinear system: potentiometry and holography. in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia. 2023;:164-167.
doi:10.46793/ICCBI23.164SP .
Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Maksimović, Tijana, Maksimović, Jelena, Pagnacco, Maja, "The comparison of two methods used to observe a nonlinear system: potentiometry and holography" in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia (2023):164-167, . .

Effect of CoMoO4 nanopowders synthesized by glycine nitrate procedure and calcinated at 450 °C on Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory dynamics

Rosić, Milena; Maksimović, Jelena; Senćanski, Jelena; Dodevski, Vladimir; Čebela, Maria; Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, 2023)

AU  - Rosić, Milena
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Senćanski, Jelena
AU  - Dodevski, Vladimir
AU  - Čebela, Maria
AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Cobalt molybdate is of importantce for the development of mobile telecommunication systems, such as mobile phones and high-quality microwave dielectric ceramics for high resonant frequency selectivity in microwave devices. Due to their special catalytic properties, cobalt molybdates have been used as catalysts in many chemical and petrochemical processes. The CoMoO4 nanoparticles ware synthetized in a simple, quick, and inexpensive way, by using a glycine nitrate procedure (GNP), with and without calcination at 450 °C [1], and investigated by applying the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction method [2]. The complex oscillatory BR reaction is sensitive to different insoluble analyte addition [3]. This feature of BR oscillatory reaction is used to investigate effect of different masses of GNP synthetized (with and without calcination at 450 °C) CoMoO4 samples on oscillatory dynamics. These two samples give the complete different effects in BR reaction. Obtained results strongly suggest that BR oscillatory reaction could be used for distinguishing these two samples, opening new direction in the investigation of ceramics materials.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research
C3  - Programme and the Book of Abstracts / 7th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16, 2023 Belgrade
T1  - Effect of CoMoO4 nanopowders synthesized by glycine nitrate procedure and calcinated at 450 °C on Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory dynamics
SP  - 120
EP  - 120
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rosić, Milena and Maksimović, Jelena and Senćanski, Jelena and Dodevski, Vladimir and Čebela, Maria and Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Cobalt molybdate is of importantce for the development of mobile telecommunication systems, such as mobile phones and high-quality microwave dielectric ceramics for high resonant frequency selectivity in microwave devices. Due to their special catalytic properties, cobalt molybdates have been used as catalysts in many chemical and petrochemical processes. The CoMoO4 nanoparticles ware synthetized in a simple, quick, and inexpensive way, by using a glycine nitrate procedure (GNP), with and without calcination at 450 °C [1], and investigated by applying the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction method [2]. The complex oscillatory BR reaction is sensitive to different insoluble analyte addition [3]. This feature of BR oscillatory reaction is used to investigate effect of different masses of GNP synthetized (with and without calcination at 450 °C) CoMoO4 samples on oscillatory dynamics. These two samples give the complete different effects in BR reaction. Obtained results strongly suggest that BR oscillatory reaction could be used for distinguishing these two samples, opening new direction in the investigation of ceramics materials.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research",
journal = "Programme and the Book of Abstracts / 7th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16, 2023 Belgrade",
title = "Effect of CoMoO4 nanopowders synthesized by glycine nitrate procedure and calcinated at 450 °C on Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory dynamics",
pages = "120-120",
url = ""
Rosić, M., Maksimović, J., Senćanski, J., Dodevski, V., Čebela, M., Simović-Pavlović, M.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Effect of CoMoO4 nanopowders synthesized by glycine nitrate procedure and calcinated at 450 °C on Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory dynamics. in Programme and the Book of Abstracts / 7th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16, 2023 Belgrade
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research., 120-120.
Rosić M, Maksimović J, Senćanski J, Dodevski V, Čebela M, Simović-Pavlović M, Pagnacco M. Effect of CoMoO4 nanopowders synthesized by glycine nitrate procedure and calcinated at 450 °C on Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory dynamics. in Programme and the Book of Abstracts / 7th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16, 2023 Belgrade. 2023;:120-120. .
Rosić, Milena, Maksimović, Jelena, Senćanski, Jelena, Dodevski, Vladimir, Čebela, Maria, Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, "Effect of CoMoO4 nanopowders synthesized by glycine nitrate procedure and calcinated at 450 °C on Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory dynamics" in Programme and the Book of Abstracts / 7th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16, 2023 Belgrade (2023):120-120, .

Comparison of the luminescence properties of phosphate-tungsten bronze and cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze

Maksimović, Tijana; Joksović, Ljubinka; Mara, Dimitrije; Van Deun, Rik; Nedić, Zoran; Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja

(Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac, 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Joksović, Ljubinka
AU  - Mara, Dimitrije
AU  - Van Deun, Rik
AU  - Nedić, Zoran
AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Phosphate-tungsten bronzes (PWBs) constantly attract a lot of attention owing to their interesting chemical, mechanical, and optical properties. Furthermore, tungsten bronzes as inert inorganic solids, exhibit interesting and useful electronic properties when rare-earth ions are incorporated into their structure. Cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze (Ce-PWB) is obtained in the process of phase transformations of CePW12O40×6H2O (Ce-PWA) salt. The brown crystals of Ce-PWB are formed after heating of Ce-PWA in a furnace, in a temperature range from room temperature to 650 °C. In the present paper the luminescence properties of undoped PWB and Ce-PWB are analyzed and compared. Regarding the characterized luminescence properties of PWB and Ce-PWB, only PWB matrix showed luminescence, while dopant Ce3+ had no significant influence on the change of the emission spectra with characteristic spectra for this ion. The obtained CIE chromaticity diagrams showed that both samples emit in the deep blue region, suggesting their possible use as a blue emitting source for white light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
PB  - Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac
C3  - 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia
T1  - Comparison of the luminescence properties of phosphate-tungsten bronze and cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze
SP  - 160
EP  - 163
DO  - 10.46793/ICCBI23.160M
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Tijana and Joksović, Ljubinka and Mara, Dimitrije and Van Deun, Rik and Nedić, Zoran and Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Phosphate-tungsten bronzes (PWBs) constantly attract a lot of attention owing to their interesting chemical, mechanical, and optical properties. Furthermore, tungsten bronzes as inert inorganic solids, exhibit interesting and useful electronic properties when rare-earth ions are incorporated into their structure. Cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze (Ce-PWB) is obtained in the process of phase transformations of CePW12O40×6H2O (Ce-PWA) salt. The brown crystals of Ce-PWB are formed after heating of Ce-PWA in a furnace, in a temperature range from room temperature to 650 °C. In the present paper the luminescence properties of undoped PWB and Ce-PWB are analyzed and compared. Regarding the characterized luminescence properties of PWB and Ce-PWB, only PWB matrix showed luminescence, while dopant Ce3+ had no significant influence on the change of the emission spectra with characteristic spectra for this ion. The obtained CIE chromaticity diagrams showed that both samples emit in the deep blue region, suggesting their possible use as a blue emitting source for white light-emitting diodes (LEDs).",
publisher = "Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac",
journal = "2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia",
title = "Comparison of the luminescence properties of phosphate-tungsten bronze and cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze",
pages = "160-163",
doi = "10.46793/ICCBI23.160M"
Maksimović, T., Joksović, L., Mara, D., Van Deun, R., Nedić, Z., Simović-Pavlović, M.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Comparison of the luminescence properties of phosphate-tungsten bronze and cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze. in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia
Kragujevac, Serbia : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac., 160-163.
Maksimović T, Joksović L, Mara D, Van Deun R, Nedić Z, Simović-Pavlović M, Pagnacco M. Comparison of the luminescence properties of phosphate-tungsten bronze and cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze. in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia. 2023;:160-163.
doi:10.46793/ICCBI23.160M .
Maksimović, Tijana, Joksović, Ljubinka, Mara, Dimitrije, Van Deun, Rik, Nedić, Zoran, Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, "Comparison of the luminescence properties of phosphate-tungsten bronze and cerium doped phosphate-tungsten bronze" in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and  Bioinformatics - Book of proceedings,  September 28-29, 2023. Kragujevac, Serbia (2023):160-163, . .

Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze

Joksović, Ljubinka; Maksimović, Tijana; Van Deun, Rik; Mara, Dimitrije; Pagnacco, Maja

(Faculty of Management Herceg Novi, 2023)

AU  - Joksović, Ljubinka
AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Van Deun, Rik
AU  - Mara, Dimitrije
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Nowadays phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWBs) attract a lot of attention due to their interesting chemical, mechanical, and optical features. Moreover, tungsten bronzes as inert inorganic solids, with incorporated rare-earth ions in their structure, show interesting and useful electronic properties. Praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze (Pr-PWB) is obtained in the process of phase transformations of PrPW12O40∙6H2O (Pr-PWA) salt. The green crystals of Pr-PWB are formed after the heating of Pr-PWA in a furnace, in a temperature range from room temperature to 650 °C. In the present paper the fluorescent properties are analyzed of Pr-PWB, its precursor – 12-tungstophosphoric heteropoly acid, H3PW12O40∙29H2O (PWA) with Keggin's anion structure, as well as the intermediate – Pr-PWA salt. The luminescent properties where characterized and the 
obtained results showed that both samples emit in the deep blue region, indicating their potential use as a blue emitting source for white light LED's.
PB  - Faculty of Management Herceg Novi
C3  - Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro
T1  - Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze
SP  - 353
EP  - 358
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksović, Ljubinka and Maksimović, Tijana and Van Deun, Rik and Mara, Dimitrije and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Nowadays phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWBs) attract a lot of attention due to their interesting chemical, mechanical, and optical features. Moreover, tungsten bronzes as inert inorganic solids, with incorporated rare-earth ions in their structure, show interesting and useful electronic properties. Praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze (Pr-PWB) is obtained in the process of phase transformations of PrPW12O40∙6H2O (Pr-PWA) salt. The green crystals of Pr-PWB are formed after the heating of Pr-PWA in a furnace, in a temperature range from room temperature to 650 °C. In the present paper the fluorescent properties are analyzed of Pr-PWB, its precursor – 12-tungstophosphoric heteropoly acid, H3PW12O40∙29H2O (PWA) with Keggin's anion structure, as well as the intermediate – Pr-PWA salt. The luminescent properties where characterized and the 
obtained results showed that both samples emit in the deep blue region, indicating their potential use as a blue emitting source for white light LED's.",
publisher = "Faculty of Management Herceg Novi",
journal = "Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro",
title = "Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze",
pages = "353-358",
url = ""
Joksović, L., Maksimović, T., Van Deun, R., Mara, D.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze. in Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro
Faculty of Management Herceg Novi., 353-358.
Joksović L, Maksimović T, Van Deun R, Mara D, Pagnacco M. Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze. in Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro. 2023;:353-358. .
Joksović, Ljubinka, Maksimović, Tijana, Van Deun, Rik, Mara, Dimitrije, Pagnacco, Maja, "Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronze" in Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro (2023):353-358, .

The investigation of chitin influence in laser induced deformation of butterfly wings

Maksimović, Tijana; Simović, Marina; Radulović, Sanja; Pagnacco, Maja

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Simović, Marina
AU  - Radulović, Sanja
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The investigation of laser beam irradiation on different types of butterfly wings has been done previously by using the holographic method. The deformations due to the use of different laser wavelengths were observed. It is well-known that chitin is an abundant component of many complex structures in biological samples, such as butterfly wings. Consequently, as the influence of the chemical structure was taken into account, it was decided to examine the influence of chitin itself in laser-induced deformation in biological samples. Therefore, in this work, the same tests were performed on the film generated from chitin by using different wavelengths of laser. The results obtained strongly suggest that there are no effects of laser beam irradiation on chitin, indicating that chitin itself does not have an influence on the observed deformation of the butterfly wings. It was decided to make some additional measurements of such wings, which would be 
important for the further course of research in this direction. Some useful graphs were obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements of particular butterfly wings. The obtained results contribute to a better knowledge of the structure and morphology and may have applications in the industry of artificial materials, especially polymers.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Young Chemists’ Club
C3  - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia
T1  - The investigation of chitin influence in laser induced deformation of butterfly wings
SP  - 60
EP  - 60
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Tijana and Simović, Marina and Radulović, Sanja and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The investigation of laser beam irradiation on different types of butterfly wings has been done previously by using the holographic method. The deformations due to the use of different laser wavelengths were observed. It is well-known that chitin is an abundant component of many complex structures in biological samples, such as butterfly wings. Consequently, as the influence of the chemical structure was taken into account, it was decided to examine the influence of chitin itself in laser-induced deformation in biological samples. Therefore, in this work, the same tests were performed on the film generated from chitin by using different wavelengths of laser. The results obtained strongly suggest that there are no effects of laser beam irradiation on chitin, indicating that chitin itself does not have an influence on the observed deformation of the butterfly wings. It was decided to make some additional measurements of such wings, which would be 
important for the further course of research in this direction. Some useful graphs were obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements of particular butterfly wings. The obtained results contribute to a better knowledge of the structure and morphology and may have applications in the industry of artificial materials, especially polymers.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, Belgrade : Serbian Young Chemists’ Club",
journal = "9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia",
title = "The investigation of chitin influence in laser induced deformation of butterfly wings",
pages = "60-60",
url = ""
Maksimović, T., Simović, M., Radulović, S.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). The investigation of chitin influence in laser induced deformation of butterfly wings. in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 60-60.
Maksimović T, Simović M, Radulović S, Pagnacco M. The investigation of chitin influence in laser induced deformation of butterfly wings. in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2023;:60-60. .
Maksimović, Tijana, Simović, Marina, Radulović, Sanja, Pagnacco, Maja, "The investigation of chitin influence in laser induced deformation of butterfly wings" in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia (2023):60-60, .

The synthesis, characterization, behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, and photoluminescence properties of newly created phosphate-tungsten bronzed doped with cerium and praseodymium

Maksimović, Tijana; Mara, Dimitrije; Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2023)

AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Mara, Dimitrije
AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWBs), due to their intriguing and potentially valuable properties, have consistently garnered research attention [1]. In this study, we introduced two rare-earth metallic elements, namely cerium and praseodymium, as dopants for PWBs. This led to the successful synthesis of novel PWBs doped with cerium and praseodymium, which were subsequently subjected to various characterization techniques, including thermal analyses (TA), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), and hotoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The behavior of cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes (Ce-PWB and Pr-PWB) [2], was investigated in the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) oscillatory reaction. The 
alterations in the oscillatory dynamics, brought about by the incorporation of cerium and praseodymium dopants, served as a means to distinguish between these bronzes. Additionally, this approach provided a method for assessing the catalytic properties of the bronzes. Apart from their nonlinear behavior, these bronzes also exhibited photoluminescence in the visible spectrum, specifically in the blue region.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Young Chemists’ Club
C3  - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia
T1  - The synthesis, characterization, behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, and photoluminescence properties of newly created phosphate-tungsten bronzed doped with cerium and praseodymium
SP  - 155
EP  - 155
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maksimović, Tijana and Mara, Dimitrije and Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Phosphate tungsten bronzes (PWBs), due to their intriguing and potentially valuable properties, have consistently garnered research attention [1]. In this study, we introduced two rare-earth metallic elements, namely cerium and praseodymium, as dopants for PWBs. This led to the successful synthesis of novel PWBs doped with cerium and praseodymium, which were subsequently subjected to various characterization techniques, including thermal analyses (TA), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), and hotoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The behavior of cerium and praseodymium doped phosphate tungsten bronzes (Ce-PWB and Pr-PWB) [2], was investigated in the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) oscillatory reaction. The 
alterations in the oscillatory dynamics, brought about by the incorporation of cerium and praseodymium dopants, served as a means to distinguish between these bronzes. Additionally, this approach provided a method for assessing the catalytic properties of the bronzes. Apart from their nonlinear behavior, these bronzes also exhibited photoluminescence in the visible spectrum, specifically in the blue region.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, Belgrade : Serbian Young Chemists’ Club",
journal = "9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia",
title = "The synthesis, characterization, behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, and photoluminescence properties of newly created phosphate-tungsten bronzed doped with cerium and praseodymium",
pages = "155-155",
url = ""
Maksimović, T., Mara, D., Simović-Pavlović, M.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). The synthesis, characterization, behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, and photoluminescence properties of newly created phosphate-tungsten bronzed doped with cerium and praseodymium. in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 155-155.
Maksimović T, Mara D, Simović-Pavlović M, Pagnacco M. The synthesis, characterization, behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, and photoluminescence properties of newly created phosphate-tungsten bronzed doped with cerium and praseodymium. in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2023;:155-155. .
Maksimović, Tijana, Mara, Dimitrije, Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, "The synthesis, characterization, behavior in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, and photoluminescence properties of newly created phosphate-tungsten bronzed doped with cerium and praseodymium" in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of abstracts, 4th November 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia (2023):155-155, .

Revealing non-equilibrium dynamics by holography: The case of Briggs-Rauscher reaction

Pagnacco, Maja; Simović Pavlović, Marina; Radulović, Aleksandra; Bokić, Bojana; Vasiljević, Darko; Kolarić, Branko

(Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2023)

AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Simović Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Radulović, Aleksandra
AU  - Bokić, Bojana
AU  - Vasiljević, Darko
AU  - Kolarić, Branko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this study, the interferometric (holographic) approach is used to unveil the dynamics of the phase transition, e.g., the formation of solid iodine in the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) non-equilibrium system. Subsequently, after deterministic oscillatory dynamics this system undergoes random transition from state I (low iodide and iodine concentration) to state II (high iodide and iodine concentration, with the formation of solid iodine).
PB  - Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
C3  - PHOTONICA2023 : 9th International School and Conference on Photonics : Book of Abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrade
T1  - Revealing non-equilibrium dynamics by holography: The case of Briggs-Rauscher reaction
SP  - 138
EP  - 138
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pagnacco, Maja and Simović Pavlović, Marina and Radulović, Aleksandra and Bokić, Bojana and Vasiljević, Darko and Kolarić, Branko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this study, the interferometric (holographic) approach is used to unveil the dynamics of the phase transition, e.g., the formation of solid iodine in the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) non-equilibrium system. Subsequently, after deterministic oscillatory dynamics this system undergoes random transition from state I (low iodide and iodine concentration) to state II (high iodide and iodine concentration, with the formation of solid iodine).",
publisher = "Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences",
journal = "PHOTONICA2023 : 9th International School and Conference on Photonics : Book of Abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrade",
title = "Revealing non-equilibrium dynamics by holography: The case of Briggs-Rauscher reaction",
pages = "138-138",
url = ""
Pagnacco, M., Simović Pavlović, M., Radulović, A., Bokić, B., Vasiljević, D.,& Kolarić, B.. (2023). Revealing non-equilibrium dynamics by holography: The case of Briggs-Rauscher reaction. in PHOTONICA2023 : 9th International School and Conference on Photonics : Book of Abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrade
Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences., 138-138.
Pagnacco M, Simović Pavlović M, Radulović A, Bokić B, Vasiljević D, Kolarić B. Revealing non-equilibrium dynamics by holography: The case of Briggs-Rauscher reaction. in PHOTONICA2023 : 9th International School and Conference on Photonics : Book of Abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrade. 2023;:138-138. .
Pagnacco, Maja, Simović Pavlović, Marina, Radulović, Aleksandra, Bokić, Bojana, Vasiljević, Darko, Kolarić, Branko, "Revealing non-equilibrium dynamics by holography: The case of Briggs-Rauscher reaction" in PHOTONICA2023 : 9th International School and Conference on Photonics : Book of Abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrade (2023):138-138, .

Revealing the Impact of Different Shapes of Light on the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Dynamics

Simović Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja; Vasiljević, Darko; Bokić, Bojana; Verbiest, T.; Caudano, Y.; Kolarić, Branko

(Belgian Physical Society, 2023)

AU  - Simović Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Vasiljević, Darko
AU  - Bokić, Bojana
AU  - Verbiest, T.
AU  - Caudano, Y.
AU  - Kolarić, Branko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The uniqueness of the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction is that it first follows a deterministic pattern (namely, an oscillatory behavior) and, later, exhibits a phase transition occurring randomly and without any known link with the previous deterministic state. We unveil in this study how the different topologies of electromagnetic waves affect the reaction kinetics and phase transition dynamics. The presented research uniquely unmasks the connection between the topology of light and matter dynamics. Simultaneously, it opens a new route for structured light applications in material science.
PB  - Belgian Physical Society
C3  - General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium
T1  - Revealing the Impact of Different Shapes of Light on  the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Dynamics
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simović Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja and Vasiljević, Darko and Bokić, Bojana and Verbiest, T. and Caudano, Y. and Kolarić, Branko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The uniqueness of the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction is that it first follows a deterministic pattern (namely, an oscillatory behavior) and, later, exhibits a phase transition occurring randomly and without any known link with the previous deterministic state. We unveil in this study how the different topologies of electromagnetic waves affect the reaction kinetics and phase transition dynamics. The presented research uniquely unmasks the connection between the topology of light and matter dynamics. Simultaneously, it opens a new route for structured light applications in material science.",
publisher = "Belgian Physical Society",
journal = "General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium",
title = "Revealing the Impact of Different Shapes of Light on  the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Dynamics",
pages = "QPMAO7-QPMAO7",
url = ""
Simović Pavlović, M., Pagnacco, M., Vasiljević, D., Bokić, B., Verbiest, T., Caudano, Y.,& Kolarić, B.. (2023). Revealing the Impact of Different Shapes of Light on  the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Dynamics. in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium
Belgian Physical Society., QPMAO7-QPMAO7.
Simović Pavlović M, Pagnacco M, Vasiljević D, Bokić B, Verbiest T, Caudano Y, Kolarić B. Revealing the Impact of Different Shapes of Light on  the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Dynamics. in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium. 2023;:QPMAO7-QPMAO7. .
Simović Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, Vasiljević, Darko, Bokić, Bojana, Verbiest, T., Caudano, Y., Kolarić, Branko, "Revealing the Impact of Different Shapes of Light on  the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Dynamics" in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium (2023):QPMAO7-QPMAO7, .

Monitoring the Formation of Oxygen Bubble Patterns as a Forecast for Reaction Dynamics

Pagnacco, Maja; Maksimović, Jelena; Potkonjak, Nebojša; Simović Pavlović, Marina; Nikolić, Zoran; Vasiljević, Darko; Kolarić, Branko

(Belgian Physical Society, 2023)

AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Potkonjak, Nebojša
AU  - Simović Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Nikolić, Zoran
AU  - Vasiljević, Darko
AU  - Kolarić, Branko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A non-equilibrium process, i.e., the state I (low concentration of iodide and iodine) to the state II (high concentration of iodide and iodine) transition, occurring after oscillatory Briggs-Rauscher reaction, was monitored by fast camera. The experiment's goal was not only to monitor the release of oxygen and the phase transition but also to use patterns formed by oxygen bubbles to get new insight into the kinetics of the process and the formation of solid iodine. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that an oxygen bubble pattern obtained by a fast camera has been used to analyze oscillatory system dynamics.
PB  - Belgian Physical Society
C3  - General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium
T1  - Monitoring the Formation of Oxygen Bubble Patterns  as a Forecast for Reaction Dynamics
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pagnacco, Maja and Maksimović, Jelena and Potkonjak, Nebojša and Simović Pavlović, Marina and Nikolić, Zoran and Vasiljević, Darko and Kolarić, Branko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A non-equilibrium process, i.e., the state I (low concentration of iodide and iodine) to the state II (high concentration of iodide and iodine) transition, occurring after oscillatory Briggs-Rauscher reaction, was monitored by fast camera. The experiment's goal was not only to monitor the release of oxygen and the phase transition but also to use patterns formed by oxygen bubbles to get new insight into the kinetics of the process and the formation of solid iodine. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that an oxygen bubble pattern obtained by a fast camera has been used to analyze oscillatory system dynamics.",
publisher = "Belgian Physical Society",
journal = "General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium",
title = "Monitoring the Formation of Oxygen Bubble Patterns  as a Forecast for Reaction Dynamics",
pages = "QPMAO6-QPMAO6",
url = ""
Pagnacco, M., Maksimović, J., Potkonjak, N., Simović Pavlović, M., Nikolić, Z., Vasiljević, D.,& Kolarić, B.. (2023). Monitoring the Formation of Oxygen Bubble Patterns  as a Forecast for Reaction Dynamics. in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium
Belgian Physical Society., QPMAO6-QPMAO6.
Pagnacco M, Maksimović J, Potkonjak N, Simović Pavlović M, Nikolić Z, Vasiljević D, Kolarić B. Monitoring the Formation of Oxygen Bubble Patterns  as a Forecast for Reaction Dynamics. in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium. 2023;:QPMAO6-QPMAO6. .
Pagnacco, Maja, Maksimović, Jelena, Potkonjak, Nebojša, Simović Pavlović, Marina, Nikolić, Zoran, Vasiljević, Darko, Kolarić, Branko, "Monitoring the Formation of Oxygen Bubble Patterns  as a Forecast for Reaction Dynamics" in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium (2023):QPMAO6-QPMAO6, .

Revealing Self-organization of Granular Matter: From Fundamental Physics to Military Technology Applications

Janković, Darko; Simović Pavlović, Marina; Pagnacco, Maja; Nikolić, Zoran; Bokić, Bojana; Kolarić, Branko; Tomić, Ljubiša; Vasiljević, Darko

(Belgian Physical Society, 2023)

AU  - Janković, Darko
AU  - Simović Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Nikolić, Zoran
AU  - Bokić, Bojana
AU  - Kolarić, Branko
AU  - Tomić, Ljubiša
AU  - Vasiljević, Darko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Besides fundamental importance, granular physics has made considerable progress in revealing the dynamics of large ensembles of interacting macroscopic particles and their pattern formation for various applications in material, food, and chemical technologies. In this study, optical images obtained by the fast camera have been used to reveal the organization of various granular substrates as a function of interaction with projectiles of different shapes and energies. Specific patterns have been observed due to the energy dissipations after the impact. The obtained results indicate the possibility of manipulating granular matter to mold and direct/redirect the energy of the impact. This type of manipulation is of great importance for various applications, especially in the military domain.
PB  - Belgian Physical Society
C3  - General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium
T1  - Revealing Self-organization of Granular Matter: From  Fundamental Physics to Military Technology  Applications
SP  - CMN1
EP  - CMN1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Darko and Simović Pavlović, Marina and Pagnacco, Maja and Nikolić, Zoran and Bokić, Bojana and Kolarić, Branko and Tomić, Ljubiša and Vasiljević, Darko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Besides fundamental importance, granular physics has made considerable progress in revealing the dynamics of large ensembles of interacting macroscopic particles and their pattern formation for various applications in material, food, and chemical technologies. In this study, optical images obtained by the fast camera have been used to reveal the organization of various granular substrates as a function of interaction with projectiles of different shapes and energies. Specific patterns have been observed due to the energy dissipations after the impact. The obtained results indicate the possibility of manipulating granular matter to mold and direct/redirect the energy of the impact. This type of manipulation is of great importance for various applications, especially in the military domain.",
publisher = "Belgian Physical Society",
journal = "General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium",
title = "Revealing Self-organization of Granular Matter: From  Fundamental Physics to Military Technology  Applications",
pages = "CMN1-CMN1",
url = ""
Janković, D., Simović Pavlović, M., Pagnacco, M., Nikolić, Z., Bokić, B., Kolarić, B., Tomić, L.,& Vasiljević, D.. (2023). Revealing Self-organization of Granular Matter: From  Fundamental Physics to Military Technology  Applications. in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium
Belgian Physical Society., CMN1-CMN1.
Janković D, Simović Pavlović M, Pagnacco M, Nikolić Z, Bokić B, Kolarić B, Tomić L, Vasiljević D. Revealing Self-organization of Granular Matter: From  Fundamental Physics to Military Technology  Applications. in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium. 2023;:CMN1-CMN1. .
Janković, Darko, Simović Pavlović, Marina, Pagnacco, Maja, Nikolić, Zoran, Bokić, Bojana, Kolarić, Branko, Tomić, Ljubiša, Vasiljević, Darko, "Revealing Self-organization of Granular Matter: From  Fundamental Physics to Military Technology  Applications" in General Scientific Meeting, Belgian Physical Society, May 17th, Namur, Belgium (2023):CMN1-CMN1, .

Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition

Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Maksimović, Tijana; Maksimović, Jelena; Senćanski, Jelena; Radulović, Aleksandra; Pagnacco, Maja

(Faculty of Management Herceg Novi, 2023)

AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Maksimović, Tijana
AU  - Maksimović, Jelena
AU  - Senćanski, Jelena
AU  - Radulović, Aleksandra
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Thermal monitoring of a Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction with a phase transition or  the state I (low concentration of iodide and iodine) to the state II (high concentration of  iodide and iodine) transition with formation of new solid iodine phase is presented. This  is the very first time that an oscillatory reaction and the state I to state II transition have  been monitored using a thermal camera. It should be pointed out, that the BR reaction  solution is not homogenized by stirring, and that only oxygen production influence the  solution mixing. Therefore, the analysis was done at three sampling points on the cuvette  where temperature change over time was observed, and compared with average  temperature distribution. The first point is chosen to correspond to the top of the solution  in the cuvette, followed by one in the middle of the volume and one at the very bottom of  the cuvette. Although the state I to the state II transition itself is not reproducible  (investigated transition exhibits crazy clock behavior), the overall temperature pattern has shown a reproducible character.
PB  - Faculty of Management Herceg Novi
C3  - Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro
T1  - Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition
SP  - 411
EP  - 416
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Maksimović, Tijana and Maksimović, Jelena and Senćanski, Jelena and Radulović, Aleksandra and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Thermal monitoring of a Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction with a phase transition or  the state I (low concentration of iodide and iodine) to the state II (high concentration of  iodide and iodine) transition with formation of new solid iodine phase is presented. This  is the very first time that an oscillatory reaction and the state I to state II transition have  been monitored using a thermal camera. It should be pointed out, that the BR reaction  solution is not homogenized by stirring, and that only oxygen production influence the  solution mixing. Therefore, the analysis was done at three sampling points on the cuvette  where temperature change over time was observed, and compared with average  temperature distribution. The first point is chosen to correspond to the top of the solution  in the cuvette, followed by one in the middle of the volume and one at the very bottom of  the cuvette. Although the state I to the state II transition itself is not reproducible  (investigated transition exhibits crazy clock behavior), the overall temperature pattern has shown a reproducible character.",
publisher = "Faculty of Management Herceg Novi",
journal = "Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro",
title = "Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition",
pages = "411-416",
url = ""
Simović-Pavlović, M., Maksimović, T., Maksimović, J., Senćanski, J., Radulović, A.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition. in Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro
Faculty of Management Herceg Novi., 411-416.
Simović-Pavlović M, Maksimović T, Maksimović J, Senćanski J, Radulović A, Pagnacco M. Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition. in Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro. 2023;:411-416. .
Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Maksimović, Tijana, Maksimović, Jelena, Senćanski, Jelena, Radulović, Aleksandra, Pagnacco, Maja, "Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition" in Second International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST, Proceedings, 31 May - 03 June, Herzeg Novi, Montenegro (2023):411-416, .

ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries

Nikolić, Nenad; Senćanski, Jelena; Blagojević, Stevan; Pagnacco, Maja; Stojković Simatović, Ivana

(Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, 2023)

AU  - Nikolić, Nenad
AU  - Senćanski, Jelena
AU  - Blagojević, Stevan
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
AU  - Stojković Simatović, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Due to Li-ion batteries having become the main power source of most portable electronic devices, their waste has also become a significant environmental problem. To find batteries that would be environmentally friendly, this work examines Zn-ion batteries in an aqueous solution of ZnCl2. The ZnMnO4 was synthesized by glycine nitrate combustion of Zn(NO3)2, Mn(NO3)2 and glycine as a chelating agent [1]. The structure of the material obtained was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) showing a spinel structure; the morphology was characterized by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) showing that nano-particles were obtained. The electrochemical characterization was done by cyclic voltammetry in an aqueous solution of ZnCl2. The mixture pasted on the glossy carbon electrode was prepared by mixing the cathode material, graphite and polyvinyl diene difluoride (PVDF) in a ratio 85:10:5 [2]. Due to the low discharge capacity obtained of ~14 mAh g-1 for 5 mV s-1 , further examination was done by adding 1 ml of 1M Mn(NO3)2 into 10ml of a saturated aqueous solution of ZnCl2. After adding the Mn(NO3)2 , the discharge
capacity increased from ~14 mAh g-1 to ~65 mAh g-1 at the same polarization rate, making this additive a promising one for aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Further investigation needs to be directed to adding the same additive in larger amounts compared to 1ml to the same volume of the electrolyte. The results obtained suggest the aqueous Zn-ion battery described in this work to be a potentially promising “green” battery that may replace harmful commercial organic Li-ion batteries.
PB  - Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja
C3  - Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries
SP  - 103
EP  - 103
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Nenad and Senćanski, Jelena and Blagojević, Stevan and Pagnacco, Maja and Stojković Simatović, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Due to Li-ion batteries having become the main power source of most portable electronic devices, their waste has also become a significant environmental problem. To find batteries that would be environmentally friendly, this work examines Zn-ion batteries in an aqueous solution of ZnCl2. The ZnMnO4 was synthesized by glycine nitrate combustion of Zn(NO3)2, Mn(NO3)2 and glycine as a chelating agent [1]. The structure of the material obtained was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) showing a spinel structure; the morphology was characterized by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) showing that nano-particles were obtained. The electrochemical characterization was done by cyclic voltammetry in an aqueous solution of ZnCl2. The mixture pasted on the glossy carbon electrode was prepared by mixing the cathode material, graphite and polyvinyl diene difluoride (PVDF) in a ratio 85:10:5 [2]. Due to the low discharge capacity obtained of ~14 mAh g-1 for 5 mV s-1 , further examination was done by adding 1 ml of 1M Mn(NO3)2 into 10ml of a saturated aqueous solution of ZnCl2. After adding the Mn(NO3)2 , the discharge
capacity increased from ~14 mAh g-1 to ~65 mAh g-1 at the same polarization rate, making this additive a promising one for aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Further investigation needs to be directed to adding the same additive in larger amounts compared to 1ml to the same volume of the electrolyte. The results obtained suggest the aqueous Zn-ion battery described in this work to be a potentially promising “green” battery that may replace harmful commercial organic Li-ion batteries.",
publisher = "Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja",
journal = "Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries",
pages = "103-103",
url = ""
Nikolić, N., Senćanski, J., Blagojević, S., Pagnacco, M.,& Stojković Simatović, I.. (2023). ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries. in Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja., 103-103.
Nikolić N, Senćanski J, Blagojević S, Pagnacco M, Stojković Simatović I. ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries. in Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia. 2023;:103-103. .
Nikolić, Nenad, Senćanski, Jelena, Blagojević, Stevan, Pagnacco, Maja, Stojković Simatović, Ivana, "ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries" in Programme and book of abstracts - 7th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 7CSCS-2023, June 14-16. 2023, Belgrade, Serbia (2023):103-103, .

Corrugation elasticity as a new property of nanostructured material: holographic analysis of apatura butterfly wings

Simović Pavlović, Marina; Nestorović, Katarina; Radulović, Aleksandra; Pagnacco, Maja

(Serbian Society of Mechanics, 2023)

AU  - Simović Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Nestorović, Katarina
AU  - Radulović, Aleksandra
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The corrugation of the structure is a special property of the material that has a great influence on almost all other characteristics of the same. The connection between materials based on the corrugation of natural structures such as Apatura butterfly wings and its examination (the six samples of same species) by the method of holographic interferometry (with four different wavelengths of laser radiation) is presented in this paper. The concept of material's corrugation elasticity is presented as well as the advantages of this concept. The holographic method was implemented as appropriate for monitoring the structure dynamics at the nanoscale. Finally, the important factor that impacts the elasticity of the corrugation of the material lies in the optical factors of the environment is emphasized, i.e., in the light of laser radiation that structure interferes with. A completely non-linear dependence on the wavelengths of light is shown, where for wavelengths of 532 nm and 660 nm the elasticity of the corrugation is observed, while for 450 nm and 980 nm a plastic deformation of the corrugation is observed. These preliminary studies open new possibilities in the synthesis and testing of different materials and monitoring of their dynamics in real time.
PB  - Serbian Society of Mechanics
C3  - 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
T1  - Corrugation elasticity as a new property of nanostructured material: holographic analysis of apatura butterfly wings
SP  - 128
EP  - 135
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simović Pavlović, Marina and Nestorović, Katarina and Radulović, Aleksandra and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The corrugation of the structure is a special property of the material that has a great influence on almost all other characteristics of the same. The connection between materials based on the corrugation of natural structures such as Apatura butterfly wings and its examination (the six samples of same species) by the method of holographic interferometry (with four different wavelengths of laser radiation) is presented in this paper. The concept of material's corrugation elasticity is presented as well as the advantages of this concept. The holographic method was implemented as appropriate for monitoring the structure dynamics at the nanoscale. Finally, the important factor that impacts the elasticity of the corrugation of the material lies in the optical factors of the environment is emphasized, i.e., in the light of laser radiation that structure interferes with. A completely non-linear dependence on the wavelengths of light is shown, where for wavelengths of 532 nm and 660 nm the elasticity of the corrugation is observed, while for 450 nm and 980 nm a plastic deformation of the corrugation is observed. These preliminary studies open new possibilities in the synthesis and testing of different materials and monitoring of their dynamics in real time.",
publisher = "Serbian Society of Mechanics",
journal = "9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia",
title = "Corrugation elasticity as a new property of nanostructured material: holographic analysis of apatura butterfly wings",
pages = "128-135",
url = ""
Simović Pavlović, M., Nestorović, K., Radulović, A.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Corrugation elasticity as a new property of nanostructured material: holographic analysis of apatura butterfly wings. in 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
Serbian Society of Mechanics., 128-135.
Simović Pavlović M, Nestorović K, Radulović A, Pagnacco M. Corrugation elasticity as a new property of nanostructured material: holographic analysis of apatura butterfly wings. in 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2023;:128-135. .
Simović Pavlović, Marina, Nestorović, Katarina, Radulović, Aleksandra, Pagnacco, Maja, "Corrugation elasticity as a new property of nanostructured material: holographic analysis of apatura butterfly wings" in 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (2023):128-135, .

Different butterfly wing structures as an inspiration for military application

Simović-Pavlović, Marina; Nestorović, Katarina; Janković, Darko; Radulović, Aleksandra; Pagnacco, Maja

(Serbian Society of Mechanics, 2023)

AU  - Simović-Pavlović, Marina
AU  - Nestorović, Katarina
AU  - Janković, Darko
AU  - Radulović, Aleksandra
AU  - Pagnacco, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A variety of biophotonic species structures have been identified, as well as matches of certain types. The properties of these various morphologies are acknowledged as suitable for defining some new nanomaterials with broad applications. Military materials were found to be an especially interesting field of application. Individual structures and their application directions, as well as possible manufacturing techniques and materials, are defined.
PB  - Serbian Society of Mechanics
C3  - 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
T1  - Different butterfly wing structures as an inspiration for military application
SP  - 136
EP  - 141
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simović-Pavlović, Marina and Nestorović, Katarina and Janković, Darko and Radulović, Aleksandra and Pagnacco, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A variety of biophotonic species structures have been identified, as well as matches of certain types. The properties of these various morphologies are acknowledged as suitable for defining some new nanomaterials with broad applications. Military materials were found to be an especially interesting field of application. Individual structures and their application directions, as well as possible manufacturing techniques and materials, are defined.",
publisher = "Serbian Society of Mechanics",
journal = "9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia",
title = "Different butterfly wing structures as an inspiration for military application",
pages = "136-141",
url = ""
Simović-Pavlović, M., Nestorović, K., Janković, D., Radulović, A.,& Pagnacco, M.. (2023). Different butterfly wing structures as an inspiration for military application. in 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
Serbian Society of Mechanics., 136-141.
Simović-Pavlović M, Nestorović K, Janković D, Radulović A, Pagnacco M. Different butterfly wing structures as an inspiration for military application. in 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. 2023;:136-141. .
Simović-Pavlović, Marina, Nestorović, Katarina, Janković, Darko, Radulović, Aleksandra, Pagnacco, Maja, "Different butterfly wing structures as an inspiration for military application" in 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Book of Proceedings, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (2023):136-141, .