Romčević, Nebojša

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  • Romčević, Nebojša (8)
  • Romčević, N. (2)

Author's Bibliography

Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment

Lazarević, Zorica Ž.; Milutinović, Aleksandra; Umićević, Ana; Ivanovski, Valentin N.; Koteski, Vasil; Anđelković, Ljubica; Romčević, Nebojša

(INOE, Romania, 2024)

AU  - Lazarević, Zorica Ž.
AU  - Milutinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Umićević, Ana
AU  - Ivanovski, Valentin N.
AU  - Koteski, Vasil
AU  - Anđelković, Ljubica
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The powdery cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) is prepared by coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical synthesis in a planetary ball mill. Obtained nanomaterial has been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. The investigated CoFe2O4 nanomaterial showed a typical XRD pattern of cubic spinel. In the Raman and IR spectra are observed all of first-order Raman and IR active modes. Weak sub bands activated by structure disorder are seen also. Since nano-CoFe2O4 is macroscopically cubic, its main Raman and IR modes are assigned as in normal cubic spinel. Raman spectrum is fitted with 8 Lorentzian peaks. It is observed that the value of x  0.58 obtained from Raman spectrum, is in good agreement with the value obtained by XRD-structural analysis (0.51). To analyze the IR spectra, we used Decoupled Plasmon - Phonon (DPP) model of the complex dielectric function. Measurement of magnetization in the range of magnetic fields H>>Hc enable the calculation of the anisotropy coefficient K1 = 4.02·105 J cm-3 , which is very high in cobalt ferrite. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was measured at room temperature in ± 12 mm s-1 Doppler velocity range. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was fitted with the extended Voigt-based fitting method.
PB  - INOE, Romania
T2  - Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
T1  - Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment
VL  - 18
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 289
EP  - 295
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Lazarević, Zorica Ž. and Milutinović, Aleksandra and Umićević, Ana and Ivanovski, Valentin N. and Koteski, Vasil and Anđelković, Ljubica and Romčević, Nebojša",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The powdery cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) is prepared by coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical synthesis in a planetary ball mill. Obtained nanomaterial has been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. The investigated CoFe2O4 nanomaterial showed a typical XRD pattern of cubic spinel. In the Raman and IR spectra are observed all of first-order Raman and IR active modes. Weak sub bands activated by structure disorder are seen also. Since nano-CoFe2O4 is macroscopically cubic, its main Raman and IR modes are assigned as in normal cubic spinel. Raman spectrum is fitted with 8 Lorentzian peaks. It is observed that the value of x  0.58 obtained from Raman spectrum, is in good agreement with the value obtained by XRD-structural analysis (0.51). To analyze the IR spectra, we used Decoupled Plasmon - Phonon (DPP) model of the complex dielectric function. Measurement of magnetization in the range of magnetic fields H>>Hc enable the calculation of the anisotropy coefficient K1 = 4.02·105 J cm-3 , which is very high in cobalt ferrite. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was measured at room temperature in ± 12 mm s-1 Doppler velocity range. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was fitted with the extended Voigt-based fitting method.",
publisher = "INOE, Romania",
journal = "Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications",
title = "Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment",
volume = "18",
number = "5-6",
pages = "289-295",
url = ""
Lazarević, Z. Ž., Milutinović, A., Umićević, A., Ivanovski, V. N., Koteski, V., Anđelković, L.,& Romčević, N.. (2024). Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment. in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
INOE, Romania., 18(5-6), 289-295.
Lazarević ZŽ, Milutinović A, Umićević A, Ivanovski VN, Koteski V, Anđelković L, Romčević N. Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment. in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications. 2024;18(5-6):289-295. .
Lazarević, Zorica Ž., Milutinović, Aleksandra, Umićević, Ana, Ivanovski, Valentin N., Koteski, Vasil, Anđelković, Ljubica, Romčević, Nebojša, "Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment" in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 18, no. 5-6 (2024):289-295, .

Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels

Lazarević, Zorica; Milutinović, Aleksandra; Anđelković, Ljubica; Petrović, Milica; Hadžić, Branka; Romčević, Maja; Trajić, Jelena; Romčević, Nebojša

(Association for ETRAN Society, 2024)

AU  - Lazarević, Zorica
AU  - Milutinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Anđelković, Ljubica
AU  - Petrović, Milica
AU  - Hadžić, Branka
AU  - Romčević, Maja
AU  - Trajić, Jelena
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Single phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with nanoparticles of similar sizes (15.7-19 nm) was obtained by different synthesis methods: coprecipitation, ultrasonically assisted coprecipitation, coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment, microemulsion and microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained CoFe2O4 samples have been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. Different methods of synthesis produced nanoparticles with different lattice constants, internal stresses and different cation inversion values. This is confirmed in the subtle changes in the Raman and IR spectra of different CoFe2O4 nano-powders. The Raman spectra of CoFe2O4 were compared with the spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels in an attempt to evaluate the contribution of tetrahedral and octahedral oscillations in certain Raman modes.
AB  - Монофазни кобалт ферит са наночестицама сличних величина (15,7-19 нанометара) добијен је различитим методама синтезе: копреципитацијом, ултразвучно потпомогнутом копреципитацијом, копреципитацијом праћеном механохемијском синтезом, микроемулзијом и микроталасном хидротермалном синтезом. Добијени узорци кобалт ферита су проучавани коришћењем различитих техника карактеризације: дифракцијом рендгенских зрака на праху, Раман спектроскопијом, рефлексијом у далекој инфра-црвеној области (ИЦ) и методом апсорпције при вишеструкој тоталној рефлексији у комбинацији са инфра-црвеном спектроскопијом (АТР-ИЦ) у средњој инфра црвеној области. Различитим методама синтезе добијене су наночестице са различитим константама решетке, унутрашњим напрезањима и различитим вредностима инверзије катјона. Ово је потврђено у суптилним променама у Раман и ИЦ спектрима различитих нано-прахова кобалт ферита. Раман спектри кобалт ферита упоређени су са спектрима других ферита и неких кубних оксидних спинела у покушају да се процени утицај удела тетраедарских и октаедарских осцилација у одређеним Раман модовима.
PB  - Association for ETRAN Society
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels
T1  - Kарактеризација наночестица кобалт ферита добијених различитим методама синтезе и поређење са Рамановим спектрима других ферита и неких кубичних оксидних спинела
VL  - 56
SP  - 171
EP  - 200
DO  - 10.2298/SOS230322035L
ER  - 
author = "Lazarević, Zorica and Milutinović, Aleksandra and Anđelković, Ljubica and Petrović, Milica and Hadžić, Branka and Romčević, Maja and Trajić, Jelena and Romčević, Nebojša",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Single phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with nanoparticles of similar sizes (15.7-19 nm) was obtained by different synthesis methods: coprecipitation, ultrasonically assisted coprecipitation, coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment, microemulsion and microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained CoFe2O4 samples have been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. Different methods of synthesis produced nanoparticles with different lattice constants, internal stresses and different cation inversion values. This is confirmed in the subtle changes in the Raman and IR spectra of different CoFe2O4 nano-powders. The Raman spectra of CoFe2O4 were compared with the spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels in an attempt to evaluate the contribution of tetrahedral and octahedral oscillations in certain Raman modes., Монофазни кобалт ферит са наночестицама сличних величина (15,7-19 нанометара) добијен је различитим методама синтезе: копреципитацијом, ултразвучно потпомогнутом копреципитацијом, копреципитацијом праћеном механохемијском синтезом, микроемулзијом и микроталасном хидротермалном синтезом. Добијени узорци кобалт ферита су проучавани коришћењем различитих техника карактеризације: дифракцијом рендгенских зрака на праху, Раман спектроскопијом, рефлексијом у далекој инфра-црвеној области (ИЦ) и методом апсорпције при вишеструкој тоталној рефлексији у комбинацији са инфра-црвеном спектроскопијом (АТР-ИЦ) у средњој инфра црвеној области. Различитим методама синтезе добијене су наночестице са различитим константама решетке, унутрашњим напрезањима и различитим вредностима инверзије катјона. Ово је потврђено у суптилним променама у Раман и ИЦ спектрима различитих нано-прахова кобалт ферита. Раман спектри кобалт ферита упоређени су са спектрима других ферита и неких кубних оксидних спинела у покушају да се процени утицај удела тетраедарских и октаедарских осцилација у одређеним Раман модовима.",
publisher = "Association for ETRAN Society",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels, Kарактеризација наночестица кобалт ферита добијених различитим методама синтезе и поређење са Рамановим спектрима других ферита и неких кубичних оксидних спинела",
volume = "56",
pages = "171-200",
doi = "10.2298/SOS230322035L"
Lazarević, Z., Milutinović, A., Anđelković, L., Petrović, M., Hadžić, B., Romčević, M., Trajić, J.,& Romčević, N.. (2024). Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels. in Science of Sintering
Association for ETRAN Society., 56, 171-200.
Lazarević Z, Milutinović A, Anđelković L, Petrović M, Hadžić B, Romčević M, Trajić J, Romčević N. Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels. in Science of Sintering. 2024;56:171-200.
doi:10.2298/SOS230322035L .
Lazarević, Zorica, Milutinović, Aleksandra, Anđelković, Ljubica, Petrović, Milica, Hadžić, Branka, Romčević, Maja, Trajić, Jelena, Romčević, Nebojša, "Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels" in Science of Sintering, 56 (2024):171-200, . .

Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment

Lazarević, Zorica; Milutinović, Aleksandra; Umićević, Ana; Ivanovski, Valentin; Koteski, Vasil; Anđelković, Ljubica; Romčević, Nebojša

(INOE, Romania, 2024)

AU  - Lazarević, Zorica
AU  - Milutinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Umićević, Ana
AU  - Ivanovski, Valentin
AU  - Koteski, Vasil
AU  - Anđelković, Ljubica
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The powdery cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) is prepared by coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical synthesis in a planetary ball mill. Obtained nanomaterial has been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. The investigated CoFe2O4 nanomaterial showed a typical XRD pattern of cubic spinel. In the Raman and IR spectra are observed all of first-order Raman and IR active modes. Weak sub-bands activated by structure disorder are seen also. Since nano-CoFe2O4 is macroscopically cubic, its main Raman and IR modes are assigned as in normal cubic spinel. Raman spectrum is fitted with 8 Lorentzian peaks. It is observed that the value of x 0.58 obtained from Raman spectrum, is in good agreement with the value obtained by XRD-structural analysis (0.51). To analyze the IR spectra, we used Decoupled Plasmon - Phonon (DPP) model of the complex dielectric function. Measurement of magnetization in the range of magnetic fields H>>Hc enable the calculation of the anisotropy coefficient K1 = 4.02·105 J cm-3, which is very high in cobalt ferrite. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was measured at room temperature in ± 12 mm s-1 Doppler velocity range. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was fitted with the extended Voigt-based fitting method.
PB  - INOE, Romania
T2  - Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
T1  - Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment
VL  - 18
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 289
EP  - 295
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Lazarević, Zorica and Milutinović, Aleksandra and Umićević, Ana and Ivanovski, Valentin and Koteski, Vasil and Anđelković, Ljubica and Romčević, Nebojša",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The powdery cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) is prepared by coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical synthesis in a planetary ball mill. Obtained nanomaterial has been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. The investigated CoFe2O4 nanomaterial showed a typical XRD pattern of cubic spinel. In the Raman and IR spectra are observed all of first-order Raman and IR active modes. Weak sub-bands activated by structure disorder are seen also. Since nano-CoFe2O4 is macroscopically cubic, its main Raman and IR modes are assigned as in normal cubic spinel. Raman spectrum is fitted with 8 Lorentzian peaks. It is observed that the value of x 0.58 obtained from Raman spectrum, is in good agreement with the value obtained by XRD-structural analysis (0.51). To analyze the IR spectra, we used Decoupled Plasmon - Phonon (DPP) model of the complex dielectric function. Measurement of magnetization in the range of magnetic fields H>>Hc enable the calculation of the anisotropy coefficient K1 = 4.02·105 J cm-3, which is very high in cobalt ferrite. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was measured at room temperature in ± 12 mm s-1 Doppler velocity range. The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum of the CoFe2O4 sample was fitted with the extended Voigt-based fitting method.",
publisher = "INOE, Romania",
journal = "Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications",
title = "Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment",
volume = "18",
number = "5-6",
pages = "289-295",
url = ""
Lazarević, Z., Milutinović, A., Umićević, A., Ivanovski, V., Koteski, V., Anđelković, L.,& Romčević, N.. (2024). Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment. in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
INOE, Romania., 18(5-6), 289-295.
Lazarević Z, Milutinović A, Umićević A, Ivanovski V, Koteski V, Anđelković L, Romčević N. Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment. in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications. 2024;18(5-6):289-295. .
Lazarević, Zorica, Milutinović, Aleksandra, Umićević, Ana, Ivanovski, Valentin, Koteski, Vasil, Anđelković, Ljubica, Romčević, Nebojša, "Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nanosized spinel CoFe2O4 ferrite obtained during coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment" in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 18, no. 5-6 (2024):289-295, .

Vibrational and magnetic properties of nano-sized CoFe2O4 obtained by various synthesis techniques: a comparative study

Lazarević, Zorica; Anđelković, Ljubica; Šuljagić, Marija; Milutinović, Aleksandra; Ćurčić, Milica; Trajić, Jelena; Paunović, Novica; Romčević, Maja; Hadžić, Branka; Romčević, Nebojša

(INOE, Romania, 2023)

AU  - Lazarević, Zorica
AU  - Anđelković, Ljubica
AU  - Šuljagić, Marija
AU  - Milutinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Ćurčić, Milica
AU  - Trajić, Jelena
AU  - Paunović, Novica
AU  - Romčević, Maja
AU  - Hadžić, Branka
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Nanocrystalline CoFe2O4 has been synthesized by various synthesis methods. The obtained monodomain nanoparticles are similar in sizes (15.8-19 nm), but with different internal stresses, size distributions and cation inversion coefficients (0.51 - 0.90) due to different synthesis routes. The structure and cation distribution are investigated by XRD diffraction analysis, Raman and FIR spectroscopy. Measurement of magnetization, i.e. coercivity, enable the calculation of the anisotropy coefficient K1 = (3.6-5.12)·105 J cm-3, which is very high in cobalt ferrite. The anisotropy coefficient directly depends on the nanoparticle size. It has been shown that magnetization linearly depends on the cation inversion, except in the sample with the largest nanoparticles (19 nm), where the more regular crystal structure prevails and higher values of magnetization were obtained. The average magnetic moments at 300 K are: μFe = 3.6μB and μCo = 2.5μB. It is obvious that with small adjustments in the synthesis, desirable nanoparticle properties can be obtained.
PB  - INOE, Romania
T2  - Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
T1  - Vibrational and magnetic properties of nano-sized CoFe2O4 obtained by various synthesis techniques: a comparative study
VL  - 17
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 247
EP  - 254
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Lazarević, Zorica and Anđelković, Ljubica and Šuljagić, Marija and Milutinović, Aleksandra and Ćurčić, Milica and Trajić, Jelena and Paunović, Novica and Romčević, Maja and Hadžić, Branka and Romčević, Nebojša",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Nanocrystalline CoFe2O4 has been synthesized by various synthesis methods. The obtained monodomain nanoparticles are similar in sizes (15.8-19 nm), but with different internal stresses, size distributions and cation inversion coefficients (0.51 - 0.90) due to different synthesis routes. The structure and cation distribution are investigated by XRD diffraction analysis, Raman and FIR spectroscopy. Measurement of magnetization, i.e. coercivity, enable the calculation of the anisotropy coefficient K1 = (3.6-5.12)·105 J cm-3, which is very high in cobalt ferrite. The anisotropy coefficient directly depends on the nanoparticle size. It has been shown that magnetization linearly depends on the cation inversion, except in the sample with the largest nanoparticles (19 nm), where the more regular crystal structure prevails and higher values of magnetization were obtained. The average magnetic moments at 300 K are: μFe = 3.6μB and μCo = 2.5μB. It is obvious that with small adjustments in the synthesis, desirable nanoparticle properties can be obtained.",
publisher = "INOE, Romania",
journal = "Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications",
title = "Vibrational and magnetic properties of nano-sized CoFe2O4 obtained by various synthesis techniques: a comparative study",
volume = "17",
number = "5-6",
pages = "247-254",
url = ""
Lazarević, Z., Anđelković, L., Šuljagić, M., Milutinović, A., Ćurčić, M., Trajić, J., Paunović, N., Romčević, M., Hadžić, B.,& Romčević, N.. (2023). Vibrational and magnetic properties of nano-sized CoFe2O4 obtained by various synthesis techniques: a comparative study. in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
INOE, Romania., 17(5-6), 247-254.
Lazarević Z, Anđelković L, Šuljagić M, Milutinović A, Ćurčić M, Trajić J, Paunović N, Romčević M, Hadžić B, Romčević N. Vibrational and magnetic properties of nano-sized CoFe2O4 obtained by various synthesis techniques: a comparative study. in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications. 2023;17(5-6):247-254. .
Lazarević, Zorica, Anđelković, Ljubica, Šuljagić, Marija, Milutinović, Aleksandra, Ćurčić, Milica, Trajić, Jelena, Paunović, Novica, Romčević, Maja, Hadžić, Branka, Romčević, Nebojša, "Vibrational and magnetic properties of nano-sized CoFe2O4 obtained by various synthesis techniques: a comparative study" in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 17, no. 5-6 (2023):247-254, .

Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels

Lazarević, Zorica; Milutinović, Aleksandra; Anđelković, Ljubica; Petrović, Milica; Hadžić, Branka; Romčević, Maja; Trajić, Jelena; Romčević, Nebojša

(Association for ETRAN Society, 2023)

AU  - Lazarević, Zorica
AU  - Milutinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Anđelković, Ljubica
AU  - Petrović, Milica
AU  - Hadžić, Branka
AU  - Romčević, Maja
AU  - Trajić, Jelena
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - ingle phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with nanoparticles of similar sizes (15.7-19 nm) was obtained by different synthesis methods: coprecipitation, ultrasonically assisted coprecipitation, coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment, microemulsion and microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained CoFe2O4 samples have been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. Different methods of synthesis produced nanoparticles with different lattice constants, internal stresses and different cation inversion values. This is confirmed in the subtle changes in the Raman and IR spectra of different CoFe2O4 nano-powders. The Raman spectra of CoFe2O4 were compared with the spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels in an attempt to evaluate the contribution of tetrahedral and octahedral oscillations in certain Raman modes.
AB  - Монофазни кобалт ферит са наночестицама сличних величина (15,7-19  нанометара) добијен је различитим методама синтезе: копреципитацијом,  ултразвучно потпомогнутом копреципитацијом, копреципитацијом праћеном  механохемијском синтезом, микроемулзијом и микроталасном хидротермалном  синтезом. Добијени узорци кобалт ферита су проучавани коришћењем различитих  техника карактеризације: дифракцијом рендгенских зрака на праху, Раман спектроскопијом, рефлексијом у далекој инфра-црвеној области (ИЦ) и методом  апсорпције при вишеструкој тоталној рефлексији у комбинацији са инфра-црвеном  спектроскопијом (АТР-ИЦ) у средњој инфра црвеној области. Различитим методама  синтезе добијене су наночестице са различитим константама решетке, унутрашњим  напрезањима и различитим вредностима инверзије катјона. Ово је потврђено у  суптилним променама у Раман и ИЦ спектрима различитих нано-прахова кобалт  ферита. Раман спектри кобалт ферита упоређени су са спектрима других ферита и  неких кубних оксидних спинела у покушају да се процени утицај удела  тетраедарских и октаедарских осцилација у одређеним Раман модовима.
PB  - Association for ETRAN Society
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels
T1  - Kарактеризација наночестица кобалт ферита добијених  различитим методама синтезе и поређење са Рамановим спектрима  других ферита и неких кубичних оксидних спинела
DO  - 10.2298/SOS230322035L
ER  - 
author = "Lazarević, Zorica and Milutinović, Aleksandra and Anđelković, Ljubica and Petrović, Milica and Hadžić, Branka and Romčević, Maja and Trajić, Jelena and Romčević, Nebojša",
year = "2023",
abstract = "ingle phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with nanoparticles of similar sizes (15.7-19 nm) was obtained by different synthesis methods: coprecipitation, ultrasonically assisted coprecipitation, coprecipitation followed by mechanochemical treatment, microemulsion and microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained CoFe2O4 samples have been studied using a variety of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, far infrared (FIR) reflectivity and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in combination with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in mid IR spectra. Different methods of synthesis produced nanoparticles with different lattice constants, internal stresses and different cation inversion values. This is confirmed in the subtle changes in the Raman and IR spectra of different CoFe2O4 nano-powders. The Raman spectra of CoFe2O4 were compared with the spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels in an attempt to evaluate the contribution of tetrahedral and octahedral oscillations in certain Raman modes., Монофазни кобалт ферит са наночестицама сличних величина (15,7-19  нанометара) добијен је различитим методама синтезе: копреципитацијом,  ултразвучно потпомогнутом копреципитацијом, копреципитацијом праћеном  механохемијском синтезом, микроемулзијом и микроталасном хидротермалном  синтезом. Добијени узорци кобалт ферита су проучавани коришћењем различитих  техника карактеризације: дифракцијом рендгенских зрака на праху, Раман спектроскопијом, рефлексијом у далекој инфра-црвеној области (ИЦ) и методом  апсорпције при вишеструкој тоталној рефлексији у комбинацији са инфра-црвеном  спектроскопијом (АТР-ИЦ) у средњој инфра црвеној области. Различитим методама  синтезе добијене су наночестице са различитим константама решетке, унутрашњим  напрезањима и различитим вредностима инверзије катјона. Ово је потврђено у  суптилним променама у Раман и ИЦ спектрима различитих нано-прахова кобалт  ферита. Раман спектри кобалт ферита упоређени су са спектрима других ферита и  неких кубних оксидних спинела у покушају да се процени утицај удела  тетраедарских и октаедарских осцилација у одређеним Раман модовима.",
publisher = "Association for ETRAN Society",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels, Kарактеризација наночестица кобалт ферита добијених  различитим методама синтезе и поређење са Рамановим спектрима  других ферита и неких кубичних оксидних спинела",
doi = "10.2298/SOS230322035L"
Lazarević, Z., Milutinović, A., Anđelković, L., Petrović, M., Hadžić, B., Romčević, M., Trajić, J.,& Romčević, N.. (2023). Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels. in Science of Sintering
Association for ETRAN Society..
Lazarević Z, Milutinović A, Anđelković L, Petrović M, Hadžić B, Romčević M, Trajić J, Romčević N. Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels. in Science of Sintering. 2023;.
doi:10.2298/SOS230322035L .
Lazarević, Zorica, Milutinović, Aleksandra, Anđelković, Ljubica, Petrović, Milica, Hadžić, Branka, Romčević, Maja, Trajić, Jelena, Romčević, Nebojša, "Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles obtained by various synthesis methods and comparison with the Raman spectra of other ferrites and some cubic oxide spinels" in Science of Sintering (2023), . .

Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films

Todorović-Marković, Biljana; Draganić, Ilija N.; Vasiljević-Radović, Dana; Romčević, Nebojša; Romčević, Maja; Dramićanin, Miroslav D.; Marković, Zoran

(Elsevier, 2007)

AU  - Todorović-Marković, Biljana
AU  - Draganić, Ilija N.
AU  - Vasiljević-Radović, Dana
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
AU  - Romčević, Maja
AU  - Dramićanin, Miroslav D.
AU  - Marković, Zoran
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, results of structural modification of fullerene thin films by single and multiple charged boron ions (B+, B3+) are presented. The applied ion energies were in the range of 15–45 keV. The characterization of as-deposited and irradiated specimens has been performed by atomic force microscopy, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV/vis spectrophotometry. The results of Raman analysis have shown the formation of amorphous layer after irradiation of fullerene thin films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has confirmed the formation of new B–C bonds in irradiated films at higher fluences (2 × 1016 cm−2). The morphology of bombarded films has been changed significantly. The optical band gap was found to be reduced from 1.7 to 1.06 eV for irradiated films by B3+ ions and 0.7 eV for irradiated films by B+ ions.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Applied Surface Science
T1  - Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films
VL  - 253
IS  - 8
SP  - 4029
EP  - 4035
DO  - 10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.08.035
ER  - 
author = "Todorović-Marković, Biljana and Draganić, Ilija N. and Vasiljević-Radović, Dana and Romčević, Nebojša and Romčević, Maja and Dramićanin, Miroslav D. and Marković, Zoran",
year = "2007",
abstract = "In this paper, results of structural modification of fullerene thin films by single and multiple charged boron ions (B+, B3+) are presented. The applied ion energies were in the range of 15–45 keV. The characterization of as-deposited and irradiated specimens has been performed by atomic force microscopy, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV/vis spectrophotometry. The results of Raman analysis have shown the formation of amorphous layer after irradiation of fullerene thin films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has confirmed the formation of new B–C bonds in irradiated films at higher fluences (2 × 1016 cm−2). The morphology of bombarded films has been changed significantly. The optical band gap was found to be reduced from 1.7 to 1.06 eV for irradiated films by B3+ ions and 0.7 eV for irradiated films by B+ ions.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Applied Surface Science",
title = "Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films",
volume = "253",
number = "8",
pages = "4029-4035",
doi = "10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.08.035"
Todorović-Marković, B., Draganić, I. N., Vasiljević-Radović, D., Romčević, N., Romčević, M., Dramićanin, M. D.,& Marković, Z.. (2007). Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films. in Applied Surface Science
Elsevier., 253(8), 4029-4035.
Todorović-Marković B, Draganić IN, Vasiljević-Radović D, Romčević N, Romčević M, Dramićanin MD, Marković Z. Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films. in Applied Surface Science. 2007;253(8):4029-4035.
doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.08.035 .
Todorović-Marković, Biljana, Draganić, Ilija N., Vasiljević-Radović, Dana, Romčević, Nebojša, Romčević, Maja, Dramićanin, Miroslav D., Marković, Zoran, "Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films" in Applied Surface Science, 253, no. 8 (2007):4029-4035, . .

Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions

Todorović-Marković, Biljana; Draganić, I.; Vasiljević-Radović, Dana; Romčević, N.; Blanuša, J.; Dramićanin, Miroslav; Marković, Zoran M.


AU  - Todorović-Marković, Biljana
AU  - Draganić, I.
AU  - Vasiljević-Radović, Dana
AU  - Romčević, N.
AU  - Blanuša, J.
AU  - Dramićanin, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Zoran M.
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the results of structural modification of fullerene thin films bombarded by highly charged iron ions (Fe6+) have been presented. The properties of as-deposited and irradiated fullerene thin films have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Results of Raman spectroscopy have indicated structural changes of irradiated thin films depending on fluences. It was found that iron doped fullerene films are dominated by sp3 rather than sp2 bonds after bombardment which might be due to formation of nano-diamond structures. AFM analysis showed that ion beam had destroyed the surface ordering. The optical band gap was found to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.4 eV for irradiated films by Fe6+ ions at the highest fluences.
AB  - U radu su prikazani rezultati strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena koji su bombardovani višestruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa (Fe6+). Osobine deponovanih i bombardovanih tankih slojeva fulerena su ispitivane Ramanovom spektroskopijom, mikroskopom atomske sile (AFM), kao i UV/Vis spektrometrijom. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih Ramanovom analizom može se zaključiti da dolazi do strukturnih promena u bombardovanim fulerenskim slojevima u zavisnosti od doze zračenja. Utvrđeno je da u tankim slojevima koji su bombardovani višestruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa dominiraju sp3 veze u odnosu na broj sp2 veza. Dominantno prisustvo sp3 veza u bombardovanim slojevima ukazuje na moguće formiranje dijamantu slične strukture. AFM analiza je pokazala da je promenjena morfologija bombardovanih uzoraka. Utvrđeno je da je energetski procep ozračenih slojeva u opsegu od 0.6 do 1.4 eV u zavisnosti od primenjene doze zračenja.
T2  - Tehnika - Novi materijali
T1  - Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions
T1  - Strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena pri bombardovanju višestruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa
VL  - 16
IS  - 3
SP  - 9
EP  - 14
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović-Marković, Biljana and Draganić, I. and Vasiljević-Radović, Dana and Romčević, N. and Blanuša, J. and Dramićanin, Miroslav and Marković, Zoran M.",
year = "2007",
abstract = "In this paper, the results of structural modification of fullerene thin films bombarded by highly charged iron ions (Fe6+) have been presented. The properties of as-deposited and irradiated fullerene thin films have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Results of Raman spectroscopy have indicated structural changes of irradiated thin films depending on fluences. It was found that iron doped fullerene films are dominated by sp3 rather than sp2 bonds after bombardment which might be due to formation of nano-diamond structures. AFM analysis showed that ion beam had destroyed the surface ordering. The optical band gap was found to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.4 eV for irradiated films by Fe6+ ions at the highest fluences., U radu su prikazani rezultati strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena koji su bombardovani višestruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa (Fe6+). Osobine deponovanih i bombardovanih tankih slojeva fulerena su ispitivane Ramanovom spektroskopijom, mikroskopom atomske sile (AFM), kao i UV/Vis spektrometrijom. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih Ramanovom analizom može se zaključiti da dolazi do strukturnih promena u bombardovanim fulerenskim slojevima u zavisnosti od doze zračenja. Utvrđeno je da u tankim slojevima koji su bombardovani višestruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa dominiraju sp3 veze u odnosu na broj sp2 veza. Dominantno prisustvo sp3 veza u bombardovanim slojevima ukazuje na moguće formiranje dijamantu slične strukture. AFM analiza je pokazala da je promenjena morfologija bombardovanih uzoraka. Utvrđeno je da je energetski procep ozračenih slojeva u opsegu od 0.6 do 1.4 eV u zavisnosti od primenjene doze zračenja.",
journal = "Tehnika - Novi materijali",
title = "Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions, Strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena pri bombardovanju višestruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa",
volume = "16",
number = "3",
pages = "9-14",
url = ""
Todorović-Marković, B., Draganić, I., Vasiljević-Radović, D., Romčević, N., Blanuša, J., Dramićanin, M.,& Marković, Z. M.. (2007). Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions. in Tehnika - Novi materijali, 16(3), 9-14.
Todorović-Marković B, Draganić I, Vasiljević-Radović D, Romčević N, Blanuša J, Dramićanin M, Marković ZM. Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions. in Tehnika - Novi materijali. 2007;16(3):9-14. .
Todorović-Marković, Biljana, Draganić, I., Vasiljević-Radović, Dana, Romčević, N., Blanuša, J., Dramićanin, Miroslav, Marković, Zoran M., "Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions" in Tehnika - Novi materijali, 16, no. 3 (2007):9-14, .

Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions

Todorović-Marković, Biljana; Draganić, I.; Vasiljević-Radović, Dana; Romčević, N.; Blanuša, J.; Dramićanin, Miroslav; Marković, Zoran M.

(Springer, 2007)

AU  - Todorović-Marković, Biljana
AU  - Draganić, I.
AU  - Vasiljević-Radović, Dana
AU  - Romčević, N.
AU  - Blanuša, J.
AU  - Dramićanin, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Zoran M.
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the results of structural modification of fullerene thin films bombarded by highly charged iron ions (Fe6+) are presented. The properties of as-deposited and irradiated fullerene thin films have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results of Raman spectroscopy have indicated structural changes of irradiated thin films depending on fluences. It was found that iron doped fullerene films are dominated by sp3 rather than sp2 after bombardment which might be due to formation of nanodiamond structures. AFM analysis showed that the ion beam had destroyed the surface ordering. The optical band gap was found to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.4 eV for irradiated films by Fe6+ ions at the highest fluences.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
T1  - Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions
VL  - 89
SP  - 749
EP  - 754
DO  - 10.1007/s00339-007-4162-y
ER  - 
author = "Todorović-Marković, Biljana and Draganić, I. and Vasiljević-Radović, Dana and Romčević, N. and Blanuša, J. and Dramićanin, Miroslav and Marković, Zoran M.",
year = "2007",
abstract = "In this paper, the results of structural modification of fullerene thin films bombarded by highly charged iron ions (Fe6+) are presented. The properties of as-deposited and irradiated fullerene thin films have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results of Raman spectroscopy have indicated structural changes of irradiated thin films depending on fluences. It was found that iron doped fullerene films are dominated by sp3 rather than sp2 after bombardment which might be due to formation of nanodiamond structures. AFM analysis showed that the ion beam had destroyed the surface ordering. The optical band gap was found to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.4 eV for irradiated films by Fe6+ ions at the highest fluences.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing",
title = "Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions",
volume = "89",
pages = "749-754",
doi = "10.1007/s00339-007-4162-y"
Todorović-Marković, B., Draganić, I., Vasiljević-Radović, D., Romčević, N., Blanuša, J., Dramićanin, M.,& Marković, Z. M.. (2007). Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions. in Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
Springer., 89, 749-754.
Todorović-Marković B, Draganić I, Vasiljević-Radović D, Romčević N, Blanuša J, Dramićanin M, Marković ZM. Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions. in Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2007;89:749-754.
doi:10.1007/s00339-007-4162-y .
Todorović-Marković, Biljana, Draganić, I., Vasiljević-Radović, Dana, Romčević, N., Blanuša, J., Dramićanin, Miroslav, Marković, Zoran M., "Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions" in Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 89 (2007):749-754, . .

Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films

Todorović-Marković, Biljana; Draganić, Ilija; Vasiljević-Radović, Dana; Romčević, Nebojša; Romčević, Maja; Dramićanin, Miroslav; Marković, Zoran M.


AU  - Todorović-Marković, Biljana
AU  - Draganić, Ilija
AU  - Vasiljević-Radović, Dana
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
AU  - Romčević, Maja
AU  - Dramićanin, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Zoran M.
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, results of structural modification of fullerene thin films by single and multiple charged boron ions (B+, B3+) are presented. The applied ion energies were in the range of 15 to 45 keV. The characterization of as-deposited and irradiated specimens has been performed by atomic force microscopy, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The results of Raman analysis have shown the formation of amorphous layer after irradiation of fullerene thin films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has confirmed the formation of new B-C bonds in irradiated films at higher fluences (2x1016 cm-2). The morphology of bombarded films has been changed significantly. The optical band gap was found to be reduced from 1.7 to 1.06 eV for irradiated films by B3+ ions and 0.7 eV for irradiated films by B+ ions.
AB  - U radu su prikazani rezultati strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena bombardovanjem jednostruko i višestruko naelektrisanim jonima bora (B+, B3+). Energije korišćenih jona su bile u opsegu od 15 do 45 keV. Osobine deponovanih i ozračenih fulerenskih slojeva su proučavane pomoću mikroskopa atomske snage (AFM), Ramanovom i Furijeovom infracrvenom spektroskopijom (FTIR) i UV/VIS spektrometrijom. Rezultati koji su dobijeni na osnovu Ramanove spektroskopije su pokazali da se posle ozračivanja formirao sloj amorfnog ugljenika na površini uzorka. Furijeova infracrvena spektroskopija je pokazala da su se unutar ozračenog sloja formirale veze bora i ugljenika. Morfologija fulerenskih slojeva se značajno promenila posle bombardovanja jonima bora. Utvrđeno je da se energetski procep ozračenih slojeva smanjio sa 1.7 eV na 1.06 eV za slojeve bombardovane trostruko naelektrisanim jonima bora, i na 0.7 eV za slojeve bombardovane B+ jonima.
T2  - Tehnika - Novi materijali
T1  - Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films
T1  - Sinteza amorfnog bor karbida bombardovanjem tankih slojeva fulerena jonima bora
VL  - 15
IS  - 6
SP  - 7
EP  - 13
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović-Marković, Biljana and Draganić, Ilija and Vasiljević-Radović, Dana and Romčević, Nebojša and Romčević, Maja and Dramićanin, Miroslav and Marković, Zoran M.",
year = "2006",
abstract = "In this paper, results of structural modification of fullerene thin films by single and multiple charged boron ions (B+, B3+) are presented. The applied ion energies were in the range of 15 to 45 keV. The characterization of as-deposited and irradiated specimens has been performed by atomic force microscopy, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The results of Raman analysis have shown the formation of amorphous layer after irradiation of fullerene thin films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has confirmed the formation of new B-C bonds in irradiated films at higher fluences (2x1016 cm-2). The morphology of bombarded films has been changed significantly. The optical band gap was found to be reduced from 1.7 to 1.06 eV for irradiated films by B3+ ions and 0.7 eV for irradiated films by B+ ions., U radu su prikazani rezultati strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena bombardovanjem jednostruko i višestruko naelektrisanim jonima bora (B+, B3+). Energije korišćenih jona su bile u opsegu od 15 do 45 keV. Osobine deponovanih i ozračenih fulerenskih slojeva su proučavane pomoću mikroskopa atomske snage (AFM), Ramanovom i Furijeovom infracrvenom spektroskopijom (FTIR) i UV/VIS spektrometrijom. Rezultati koji su dobijeni na osnovu Ramanove spektroskopije su pokazali da se posle ozračivanja formirao sloj amorfnog ugljenika na površini uzorka. Furijeova infracrvena spektroskopija je pokazala da su se unutar ozračenog sloja formirale veze bora i ugljenika. Morfologija fulerenskih slojeva se značajno promenila posle bombardovanja jonima bora. Utvrđeno je da se energetski procep ozračenih slojeva smanjio sa 1.7 eV na 1.06 eV za slojeve bombardovane trostruko naelektrisanim jonima bora, i na 0.7 eV za slojeve bombardovane B+ jonima.",
journal = "Tehnika - Novi materijali",
title = "Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films, Sinteza amorfnog bor karbida bombardovanjem tankih slojeva fulerena jonima bora",
volume = "15",
number = "6",
pages = "7-13",
url = ""
Todorović-Marković, B., Draganić, I., Vasiljević-Radović, D., Romčević, N., Romčević, M., Dramićanin, M.,& Marković, Z. M.. (2006). Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films. in Tehnika - Novi materijali, 15(6), 7-13.
Todorović-Marković B, Draganić I, Vasiljević-Radović D, Romčević N, Romčević M, Dramićanin M, Marković ZM. Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films. in Tehnika - Novi materijali. 2006;15(6):7-13. .
Todorović-Marković, Biljana, Draganić, Ilija, Vasiljević-Radović, Dana, Romčević, Nebojša, Romčević, Maja, Dramićanin, Miroslav, Marković, Zoran M., "Synthesis of amorphous boron carbide by single and multiple charged boron ions bombardment of fullerene thin films" in Tehnika - Novi materijali, 15, no. 6 (2006):7-13, .

Inactivation of nanocrystalline C60 cytotoxicity by γ-irradiation

Isaković, Aleksandra; Marković, Zoran M.; Nikolić, Nadežda; Todorović-Marković, Biljana; Vranješ-Đurić, Sanja; Harhaji, Ljubica; Raičević, Nevena; Romčević, Nebojša; Vasiljević-Radović, Dana; Dramićanin, Miroslav; Trajković, Vladimir

(Elsevier, 2006)

AU  - Isaković, Aleksandra
AU  - Marković, Zoran M.
AU  - Nikolić, Nadežda
AU  - Todorović-Marković, Biljana
AU  - Vranješ-Đurić, Sanja
AU  - Harhaji, Ljubica
AU  - Raičević, Nevena
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša
AU  - Vasiljević-Radović, Dana
AU  - Dramićanin, Miroslav
AU  - Trajković, Vladimir
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - We investigated the effect of γ-irradiation on the cytotoxicity of pure C 60 solubilized in water by using tetrahydrofuran (THF/n-C 60 or THF/n-C 60 ). In contrast to THF/n-C 60 , its γ-irradiated counterpart failed to generate oxygen radicals and cause extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-dependent necrotic cell death in various types of mammalian cells. Moreover, γ-irradiated THF/n-C 60 protected cells from the oxidative stress induced by native THF/n-C 60 or hydrogen peroxide. The observed biological effects were associated with γ-irradiation-mediated decomposition of THF and subsequent derivatization of the n-C 60 surface. These results for the first time demonstrate γ-irradiation-mediated changes in the physico-chemical properties of THF-prepared nanocrystalline C 60 , resulting in a complete loss of its cytotoxic effect and its conversion to a cytoprotective agent.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Biomaterials
T1  - Inactivation of nanocrystalline C60 cytotoxicity by γ-irradiation
VL  - 27
IS  - 29
SP  - 5049
EP  - 5058
DO  - 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.05.047
ER  - 
author = "Isaković, Aleksandra and Marković, Zoran M. and Nikolić, Nadežda and Todorović-Marković, Biljana and Vranješ-Đurić, Sanja and Harhaji, Ljubica and Raičević, Nevena and Romčević, Nebojša and Vasiljević-Radović, Dana and Dramićanin, Miroslav and Trajković, Vladimir",
year = "2006",
abstract = "We investigated the effect of γ-irradiation on the cytotoxicity of pure C 60 solubilized in water by using tetrahydrofuran (THF/n-C 60 or THF/n-C 60 ). In contrast to THF/n-C 60 , its γ-irradiated counterpart failed to generate oxygen radicals and cause extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-dependent necrotic cell death in various types of mammalian cells. Moreover, γ-irradiated THF/n-C 60 protected cells from the oxidative stress induced by native THF/n-C 60 or hydrogen peroxide. The observed biological effects were associated with γ-irradiation-mediated decomposition of THF and subsequent derivatization of the n-C 60 surface. These results for the first time demonstrate γ-irradiation-mediated changes in the physico-chemical properties of THF-prepared nanocrystalline C 60 , resulting in a complete loss of its cytotoxic effect and its conversion to a cytoprotective agent.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Biomaterials",
title = "Inactivation of nanocrystalline C60 cytotoxicity by γ-irradiation",
volume = "27",
number = "29",
pages = "5049-5058",
doi = "10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.05.047"
Isaković, A., Marković, Z. M., Nikolić, N., Todorović-Marković, B., Vranješ-Đurić, S., Harhaji, L., Raičević, N., Romčević, N., Vasiljević-Radović, D., Dramićanin, M.,& Trajković, V.. (2006). Inactivation of nanocrystalline C60 cytotoxicity by γ-irradiation. in Biomaterials
Elsevier., 27(29), 5049-5058.
Isaković A, Marković ZM, Nikolić N, Todorović-Marković B, Vranješ-Đurić S, Harhaji L, Raičević N, Romčević N, Vasiljević-Radović D, Dramićanin M, Trajković V. Inactivation of nanocrystalline C60 cytotoxicity by γ-irradiation. in Biomaterials. 2006;27(29):5049-5058.
doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.05.047 .
Isaković, Aleksandra, Marković, Zoran M., Nikolić, Nadežda, Todorović-Marković, Biljana, Vranješ-Đurić, Sanja, Harhaji, Ljubica, Raičević, Nevena, Romčević, Nebojša, Vasiljević-Radović, Dana, Dramićanin, Miroslav, Trajković, Vladimir, "Inactivation of nanocrystalline C60 cytotoxicity by γ-irradiation" in Biomaterials, 27, no. 29 (2006):5049-5058, . .