Marković, Branislav

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Marković, Branislav (10)
  • Marković, Branislav Ž. (2)
  • Marković, Branislav Z. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Comparative Study of Activation Energy and Desulfurization Efficiency of Coal in Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) Electrodes

Pantović Spajić, Katarina; Pantović Pavlović, Marijana; Stopić, Srećko; Gjumišev, Đorđe; Marković, Branislav; Pavlović, Miroslav; Stojanović, Ksenija

(Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM, 2024)

AU  - Pantović Spajić, Katarina
AU  - Pantović Pavlović, Marijana
AU  - Stopić, Srećko
AU  - Gjumišev, Đorđe
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Pavlović, Miroslav
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - This study investigates the electrochemical desulfurization of sulfur-rich subbituminous coal (6.96 wt.%) from the Bogovina Basin using graphite and dimensionally stable anode (DSA) electrodes. The objective was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of these electrodes under varying thermal conditions to determine the optimal operational parameters that balance desulfurization efficiency with energy consumption. Electrochemical assessments were conducted through linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) to derive polarization curves and calculate activation energies, reflecting the intrinsic energy barriers of the desulfurization reactions. These tests were performed across a temperature range from 30°C to 70°C, providing insight into the thermally activated nature of these processes. The results demonstrated that the DSA electrodes outperformed the graphite electrodes in several key areas. Notably, DSA electrodes exhibited higher current densities at equivalent temperatures and potentials, indicating a more robust electrochemical activity conducive to higher desulfurization rates. Moreover, activation energy analysis revealed that DSA electrodes operate with significantly lower energy barriers, facilitating easier and more efficient reaction initiations. Energy consumption metrics were critical in evaluating the operational costs associated with each electrode type. The DSA electrodes were found to consume less energy per kilogram of sulfur removed, particularly at an optimal temperature of 50°C, which was identified as the most energy-efficient operational point. At this temperature, the DSA electrodes achieved peak desulfurization efficiency with the most favorable balance between energy input and desulfurization output. The study substantiates the superiority of DSA electrodes over traditional graphite electrodes for coal desulfurization processes, particularly at the optimal operational temperature of 50°C. The findings highlight significant potential for enhancing the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of coal desulfurization technologies, suggesting a paradigm shift towards the adoption of DSA electrodes in industrial applications to achieve more efficient and environmentally friendly outcomes.
PB  - Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM
C3  - Proceedings, XXV YuCorr, International conference, Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection, May 28-31, 2024, Divčibare, Serbia
T1  - Comparative Study of Activation Energy and Desulfurization Efficiency of Coal in Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) Electrodes
SP  - 105
EP  - 105
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pantović Spajić, Katarina and Pantović Pavlović, Marijana and Stopić, Srećko and Gjumišev, Đorđe and Marković, Branislav and Pavlović, Miroslav and Stojanović, Ksenija",
year = "2024",
abstract = "This study investigates the electrochemical desulfurization of sulfur-rich subbituminous coal (6.96 wt.%) from the Bogovina Basin using graphite and dimensionally stable anode (DSA) electrodes. The objective was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of these electrodes under varying thermal conditions to determine the optimal operational parameters that balance desulfurization efficiency with energy consumption. Electrochemical assessments were conducted through linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) to derive polarization curves and calculate activation energies, reflecting the intrinsic energy barriers of the desulfurization reactions. These tests were performed across a temperature range from 30°C to 70°C, providing insight into the thermally activated nature of these processes. The results demonstrated that the DSA electrodes outperformed the graphite electrodes in several key areas. Notably, DSA electrodes exhibited higher current densities at equivalent temperatures and potentials, indicating a more robust electrochemical activity conducive to higher desulfurization rates. Moreover, activation energy analysis revealed that DSA electrodes operate with significantly lower energy barriers, facilitating easier and more efficient reaction initiations. Energy consumption metrics were critical in evaluating the operational costs associated with each electrode type. The DSA electrodes were found to consume less energy per kilogram of sulfur removed, particularly at an optimal temperature of 50°C, which was identified as the most energy-efficient operational point. At this temperature, the DSA electrodes achieved peak desulfurization efficiency with the most favorable balance between energy input and desulfurization output. The study substantiates the superiority of DSA electrodes over traditional graphite electrodes for coal desulfurization processes, particularly at the optimal operational temperature of 50°C. The findings highlight significant potential for enhancing the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of coal desulfurization technologies, suggesting a paradigm shift towards the adoption of DSA electrodes in industrial applications to achieve more efficient and environmentally friendly outcomes.",
publisher = "Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM",
journal = "Proceedings, XXV YuCorr, International conference, Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection, May 28-31, 2024, Divčibare, Serbia",
title = "Comparative Study of Activation Energy and Desulfurization Efficiency of Coal in Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) Electrodes",
pages = "105-105",
url = ""
Pantović Spajić, K., Pantović Pavlović, M., Stopić, S., Gjumišev, Đ., Marković, B., Pavlović, M.,& Stojanović, K.. (2024). Comparative Study of Activation Energy and Desulfurization Efficiency of Coal in Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) Electrodes. in Proceedings, XXV YuCorr, International conference, Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection, May 28-31, 2024, Divčibare, Serbia
Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM., 105-105.
Pantović Spajić K, Pantović Pavlović M, Stopić S, Gjumišev Đ, Marković B, Pavlović M, Stojanović K. Comparative Study of Activation Energy and Desulfurization Efficiency of Coal in Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) Electrodes. in Proceedings, XXV YuCorr, International conference, Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection, May 28-31, 2024, Divčibare, Serbia. 2024;:105-105. .
Pantović Spajić, Katarina, Pantović Pavlović, Marijana, Stopić, Srećko, Gjumišev, Đorđe, Marković, Branislav, Pavlović, Miroslav, Stojanović, Ksenija, "Comparative Study of Activation Energy and Desulfurization Efficiency of Coal in Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) Electrodes" in Proceedings, XXV YuCorr, International conference, Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection, May 28-31, 2024, Divčibare, Serbia (2024):105-105, .

Deashing and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Coal from the East Field (Bogovina Basin, Serbia) – Insights from Chemical Leaching

Pantović Spajić, Katarina; Marković, Branislav; Pavlović, Miroslav; Sokić, Miroslav; Zildžović, Snežana; Đorđević, Nataša; Stojanović, Ksenija

(Belgrade, Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society, 2021)

AU  - Pantović Spajić, Katarina
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Pavlović, Miroslav
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Zildžović, Snežana
AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The study is focused on the determination of the most effective chemical leaching process for the simultaneous demineralization/deashing and desulfuri­zation of subbituminous coal from the Bogovina Basin. Coal was treated for 30 min, at different temperatures, using variable concentrations of hydro­chloric, nitric, acetic and citric acids; hydrogen peroxide, mixture of hyd­rogen peroxide and nitric acid (pH 2), as well as by the stepwise leaching pro­cess (nitric acid + mixture of hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid, pH 2). The changes in mineral composition, caused by the chemical leaching, are followed using X-ray diffraction, whereas alterations of coal organic matter are tracked by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and the content of fixed carbon. Inorganic acid leaching, regardless of the temperature and acid concentration, enabled the successful deashing of coal, whereas the percent of desulfurization was insufficient. The organic acid leaching was not satisfactory for both, deashing and desulfurization. Leaching by H2O2 and H2O2/HNO3 mixture (pH 2) resulted in moderate desulfurization, but the ash reduction was low. The most suitable method for the simultaneous effective ash (78 wt.%) and the sulfur (66 wt. %) removal from Bogovina coal is the two-step leaching, com­bining 10 vol. % HNO3 and mixture of 35 vol. % H2O2/10 vol. % HNO3 of pH 2 at 60 °C.
AB  - Циљ рада је одређивање најефикаснијег хемијског третмана за истовремену деминерализацију/отпепељавање и одсумпоравање мрког угља из басена Боговина. Угаљ је
третиран 30 min, на различитим температурама, користећи различите концентрације
хлороводоничне, азотне, сирћетне и лимунске киселине; водоник-пероксид, смешу
водоник-пероксида и азотне киселине (pH 2), као и двостепено испирање (азотна киселина + смеша водоник-пероксида и азотне киселине, pH 2). Промене у минералном саставу, проузроковане хемијским третманом, праћене су дифракцијом рендгентских зрака, док су промене органске супстанце угља праћене помоћу инфрацрвене спектроскопије са Фуријеовом трансформацијом и садржаја фиксног угљеника. Третман неорганским киселинама, независно од температуре и концентрације реагенса, омогућио је успешно отпепељавање угља, док је проценат одсумпоравања био недовољан. Третман органским киселинама није био задовољавајући, ни за отпепељавање, ни за одсумпоравање. Третман угља са Н2О2 и смешом Н2О2/HNO3 (pH 2) резултовао је умереним одсумпоравањем, али је смањење садржаја пепела било мало. Најприкладнија метода за истовремено ефикасно уклањање пепела (78 мас. %) и сумпора (66 мас. %) из боговинског угља је двостепено испирање, комбинацијом 10 запр. % HNO3 и смеше 35 запр. % H2O2/10 запр. % HNO3 (pH 2) на 60 °С.
PB  - Belgrade, Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Deashing and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Coal from the East Field (Bogovina Basin, Serbia) – Insights from Chemical Leaching
T1  - Oтпепељавање и одсумпоравање мрког угља из источноg пољa басена Боговина (Србија) хемијским третманом
VL  - 86
IS  - 11
SP  - 1113
EP  - 1126
DO  - 10.2298/JSC210719061P
ER  - 
author = "Pantović Spajić, Katarina and Marković, Branislav and Pavlović, Miroslav and Sokić, Miroslav and Zildžović, Snežana and Đorđević, Nataša and Stojanović, Ksenija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The study is focused on the determination of the most effective chemical leaching process for the simultaneous demineralization/deashing and desulfuri­zation of subbituminous coal from the Bogovina Basin. Coal was treated for 30 min, at different temperatures, using variable concentrations of hydro­chloric, nitric, acetic and citric acids; hydrogen peroxide, mixture of hyd­rogen peroxide and nitric acid (pH 2), as well as by the stepwise leaching pro­cess (nitric acid + mixture of hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid, pH 2). The changes in mineral composition, caused by the chemical leaching, are followed using X-ray diffraction, whereas alterations of coal organic matter are tracked by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and the content of fixed carbon. Inorganic acid leaching, regardless of the temperature and acid concentration, enabled the successful deashing of coal, whereas the percent of desulfurization was insufficient. The organic acid leaching was not satisfactory for both, deashing and desulfurization. Leaching by H2O2 and H2O2/HNO3 mixture (pH 2) resulted in moderate desulfurization, but the ash reduction was low. The most suitable method for the simultaneous effective ash (78 wt.%) and the sulfur (66 wt. %) removal from Bogovina coal is the two-step leaching, com­bining 10 vol. % HNO3 and mixture of 35 vol. % H2O2/10 vol. % HNO3 of pH 2 at 60 °C., Циљ рада је одређивање најефикаснијег хемијског третмана за истовремену деминерализацију/отпепељавање и одсумпоравање мрког угља из басена Боговина. Угаљ је
третиран 30 min, на различитим температурама, користећи различите концентрације
хлороводоничне, азотне, сирћетне и лимунске киселине; водоник-пероксид, смешу
водоник-пероксида и азотне киселине (pH 2), као и двостепено испирање (азотна киселина + смеша водоник-пероксида и азотне киселине, pH 2). Промене у минералном саставу, проузроковане хемијским третманом, праћене су дифракцијом рендгентских зрака, док су промене органске супстанце угља праћене помоћу инфрацрвене спектроскопије са Фуријеовом трансформацијом и садржаја фиксног угљеника. Третман неорганским киселинама, независно од температуре и концентрације реагенса, омогућио је успешно отпепељавање угља, док је проценат одсумпоравања био недовољан. Третман органским киселинама није био задовољавајући, ни за отпепељавање, ни за одсумпоравање. Третман угља са Н2О2 и смешом Н2О2/HNO3 (pH 2) резултовао је умереним одсумпоравањем, али је смањење садржаја пепела било мало. Најприкладнија метода за истовремено ефикасно уклањање пепела (78 мас. %) и сумпора (66 мас. %) из боговинског угља је двостепено испирање, комбинацијом 10 запр. % HNO3 и смеше 35 запр. % H2O2/10 запр. % HNO3 (pH 2) на 60 °С.",
publisher = "Belgrade, Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Deashing and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Coal from the East Field (Bogovina Basin, Serbia) – Insights from Chemical Leaching, Oтпепељавање и одсумпоравање мрког угља из источноg пољa басена Боговина (Србија) хемијским третманом",
volume = "86",
number = "11",
pages = "1113-1126",
doi = "10.2298/JSC210719061P"
Pantović Spajić, K., Marković, B., Pavlović, M., Sokić, M., Zildžović, S., Đorđević, N.,& Stojanović, K.. (2021). Deashing and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Coal from the East Field (Bogovina Basin, Serbia) – Insights from Chemical Leaching. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Belgrade, Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society., 86(11), 1113-1126.
Pantović Spajić K, Marković B, Pavlović M, Sokić M, Zildžović S, Đorđević N, Stojanović K. Deashing and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Coal from the East Field (Bogovina Basin, Serbia) – Insights from Chemical Leaching. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2021;86(11):1113-1126.
doi:10.2298/JSC210719061P .
Pantović Spajić, Katarina, Marković, Branislav, Pavlović, Miroslav, Sokić, Miroslav, Zildžović, Snežana, Đorđević, Nataša, Stojanović, Ksenija, "Deashing and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Coal from the East Field (Bogovina Basin, Serbia) – Insights from Chemical Leaching" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 86, no. 11 (2021):1113-1126, . .

Microstructure as an essential aspect of EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy quality influenced by electromagnetic field during continuous casting process

Patarić, Aleksandra; Mihailović, Marija; Marković, Branislav; Sokić, Miroslav; Radovanović, Andreja; Jordović, Branka

(Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2021)

AU  - Patarić, Aleksandra
AU  - Mihailović, Marija
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Radovanović, Andreja
AU  - Jordović, Branka
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Microstructure assessment is crucial for the design and production of high-quality alloys such as cast aluminum alloy ingots. Along with the effect of a more homogeneous microstructure to result in much better mechanical properties, better as-cast alloy quality indicates a higher efficiency of the aluminum alloys production process. During the aluminum alloy solidification process many microstructural defects can occur, which deteriorate the mechanical properties and hence decrease the usability of such an ingot. Application of the electromagnetic field during the vertical continuous casting process significantly reduces occurrence of these defects. In the present study, EN AW 7075 alloy samples were cast with and without application of an electromagnetic field and examined regarding the microstructure, electrical conductivity, and changes in the phase composition. The obtained results clearly show that it is possible to decrease or avoid casting defects by the electromagnetic field application as verified by the microstructure characterization and quantification, electrical conductivity tests and differential thermal analysis (DTA).
AB  - Određivanje i analiza mikrostrukture su presudni tokom dizajniranja i prilikom dobijanja legura aluminijuma visokog kvaliteta u livenom stanju. Pored neizbežne povezanosti homogenije mikrostrukture i boljih mehaničkih svojstava, bolji kvalitet u livenom stanju ukazuje i na veću efikasnost procesa proizvodnje legura aluminijuma. Tokom procesa očvršćavanja legure aluminijuma mogu se pojaviti mnogi mikro-strukturni nedostaci koji pogoršavaju mehanička svojstva, a samim tim i upotrebljivost takvog odlivka. Delovanje elektromagnetnog polja tokom procesa vertikalnog kontinualnog livenja značajno smanjuje pojavu ovih grešaka. Ovde prikazani rezultati dobijeni ispitivanjem mikrostrukture, električne provodljivosti i promene faznog sastava uzoraka legure EN AV 7075, odlivene u prisustvu elektromagnetnog polja, kao i bez njega, jasno pokazuju da je moguće smanjiti ili izbeći nedostatke livenja pri-menom elektromagnetnog polja. To je pokazano pomoću određivanja i analize mikro-strukture, ispitivanja električne provodljivosti i diferencijalne termičke analize (DTA).
PB  - Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Microstructure as an essential aspect of EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy quality influenced by electromagnetic field during continuous casting process
T1  - Mikrostruktura kao bitan aspekt kvaliteta legure aluminijuma EN AW 7075 dobijene kontinuiranim procesom livenja pod uticajem elektromagnetnog polja
VL  - 75
IS  - 1
SP  - 31
EP  - 37
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND201214006P
ER  - 
author = "Patarić, Aleksandra and Mihailović, Marija and Marković, Branislav and Sokić, Miroslav and Radovanović, Andreja and Jordović, Branka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Microstructure assessment is crucial for the design and production of high-quality alloys such as cast aluminum alloy ingots. Along with the effect of a more homogeneous microstructure to result in much better mechanical properties, better as-cast alloy quality indicates a higher efficiency of the aluminum alloys production process. During the aluminum alloy solidification process many microstructural defects can occur, which deteriorate the mechanical properties and hence decrease the usability of such an ingot. Application of the electromagnetic field during the vertical continuous casting process significantly reduces occurrence of these defects. In the present study, EN AW 7075 alloy samples were cast with and without application of an electromagnetic field and examined regarding the microstructure, electrical conductivity, and changes in the phase composition. The obtained results clearly show that it is possible to decrease or avoid casting defects by the electromagnetic field application as verified by the microstructure characterization and quantification, electrical conductivity tests and differential thermal analysis (DTA)., Određivanje i analiza mikrostrukture su presudni tokom dizajniranja i prilikom dobijanja legura aluminijuma visokog kvaliteta u livenom stanju. Pored neizbežne povezanosti homogenije mikrostrukture i boljih mehaničkih svojstava, bolji kvalitet u livenom stanju ukazuje i na veću efikasnost procesa proizvodnje legura aluminijuma. Tokom procesa očvršćavanja legure aluminijuma mogu se pojaviti mnogi mikro-strukturni nedostaci koji pogoršavaju mehanička svojstva, a samim tim i upotrebljivost takvog odlivka. Delovanje elektromagnetnog polja tokom procesa vertikalnog kontinualnog livenja značajno smanjuje pojavu ovih grešaka. Ovde prikazani rezultati dobijeni ispitivanjem mikrostrukture, električne provodljivosti i promene faznog sastava uzoraka legure EN AV 7075, odlivene u prisustvu elektromagnetnog polja, kao i bez njega, jasno pokazuju da je moguće smanjiti ili izbeći nedostatke livenja pri-menom elektromagnetnog polja. To je pokazano pomoću određivanja i analize mikro-strukture, ispitivanja električne provodljivosti i diferencijalne termičke analize (DTA).",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Microstructure as an essential aspect of EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy quality influenced by electromagnetic field during continuous casting process, Mikrostruktura kao bitan aspekt kvaliteta legure aluminijuma EN AW 7075 dobijene kontinuiranim procesom livenja pod uticajem elektromagnetnog polja",
volume = "75",
number = "1",
pages = "31-37",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND201214006P"
Patarić, A., Mihailović, M., Marković, B., Sokić, M., Radovanović, A.,& Jordović, B.. (2021). Microstructure as an essential aspect of EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy quality influenced by electromagnetic field during continuous casting process. in Hemijska industrija
Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia., 75(1), 31-37.
Patarić A, Mihailović M, Marković B, Sokić M, Radovanović A, Jordović B. Microstructure as an essential aspect of EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy quality influenced by electromagnetic field during continuous casting process. in Hemijska industrija. 2021;75(1):31-37.
doi:10.2298/HEMIND201214006P .
Patarić, Aleksandra, Mihailović, Marija, Marković, Branislav, Sokić, Miroslav, Radovanović, Andreja, Jordović, Branka, "Microstructure as an essential aspect of EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy quality influenced by electromagnetic field during continuous casting process" in Hemijska industrija, 75, no. 1 (2021):31-37, . .

Fabrication and characterization of manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite as a magnetic adsorbent of nickel ions

Bugarčić, Mladen; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Milivojević, Milan; Marinković, Aleksandar; Perendija, Jovana; Lopičić, Zorica

(Belgrade : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM, 2021)

AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
AU  - Perendija, Jovana
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Adsorbents based on magnetic materials are the subject of numerous researches. Beside good magnetism and functional surface, manganese ferrite is unstable and prone to form low mechanical strength agglomerates, which necessitate its deposition on the substrate surface. Expanded vermiculite outer surfac, is a useful medium for the deposition of nanoparticles whereas intercation layer is suitable for holding cation species (distance of 2:1 layers may be greater than 10 Å). Due to its relatively high surface area, cation exchange capacity and natural abundance of vermiculite, this mica mineral and its composites could be valorized as potentially low-cost adsorbents. In this study, manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite (MnFe2O4/EV) composite was prepared by in-situ method. Deposited manganese ferrite particles on the surface of EV were formed in the solvothermal reaction using suitable reagents. Both composite and base material are characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area (SSA), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and pH point of zero charge (pHPZC) determination. The adsorption properties of MnFe2O4/EV and EV have been investigated in a batch system at pH close to the pHPZC for the removal of Ni (II) from water. Considering process parameters such as contact time, adsorbent dosage and temperature: adsorption type, isotherm parameters (Langmuir and Freundlich) and rate of adsorption parameters were determined. Results of the kinetic studies gave fine correlations with pseudo – second order and Weber – Morris model. Taking into consideration fact that EV had low CEC values and SSA, obtained composite have high adsorption capacity (more than 30 mg Ni g-1). Also, X-ray diffractograms showed alteration of biotite vermiculite (formed during solvothermal action) into phlogopite (formed after adsorption process and aging). The methodology applied in this work may be utilized for the fabrication of other ferrite spinels, perovskites and other oxide systems.
AB  - Adsorbenti na bazi magnetičnih materijala su predmet brojnih istraživanja. Osim dobre magnetičnosti i funkcioncionalnoj površini, mangan ferit je nestabilan i teši formiranju aglomerata niske mehaničke čvrstine, čime se iziskuje njegova depozicija na površini supstrata. Spoljna površina ekspandovanog vermikulita je korisni medijum za depoziciju nanočestica dok interkalacioni sloj je podesan za zadržavanje katjonskih vrsta (rastojanje između slojeva može biti iznad 10 Å). Zahvaljujući relativno visokoj površini, kapacitetu katjonske izmene i prirodnoj zastupljenosti vermikulita, ovaj mineral liskuna i njegovi kompoziti mogu biti valorizovani kao potencijalni povoljni adsorbenti. U ovoj studiji, kompozit mangan ferita/eksapndovanom vermikulitu (MnFe2O4/EV) pripremljen je in-situ metodom. Deponovane čestice mangan ferita na površini EV formirane su u solvotermalnoj reakciji korišćenjem podesnih reagenasa. Kompozit kao i bazni materijal karakterizovani su: infracrvenom spektroskopijom sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FTIR), difrakcijom X-zraka na prahu (XRPD), skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), specifičnom površinom (SSA) određenom metodologijom po BET-u, kapacitetom katjonske izmene (CEC) i pH tačke nultog naelektrisanja (pHPZC). Adsorpciona svojstva MnFe2O4/EV i EV istražena su u šaržnom sistemu na pH vrednosti bliskoj pH tački nultog naelektrisanja za uklanjane Ni (II) iz vode. Uzimajući u obzir procesne parametre kao što su vreme kontakta, masa adsorbenta i temperatura određeni su: tip adsorpcije, izotermski parametri (Lengmir i Frojndlih) kao i parametri brzine adsorpcije. Rezultati kinetičkih studija dobro se korelišu pseudo – drugom redu reakcije i Veber – Morisovim modelom. Uzevši u obzir činjenicu da je uzorak EV imao malu vrednost CEC i nisku specifičnu površinu, dobijeni kompozit ima visok adsorpcioni kapacitet (preko 30 mg Ni g-1). Osim toga, difraktogrami X-zraka pokazali su alteraciju biotitskog vermikulita (formiranog solvotermalnom akcijom) u flogopit (formiran nakon adsorpcionog procesa i starenjem). Metodologija primenjena u ovom radu može biti iskorištena za proizvodnju drugih feritnih spinela, perovskita i ostalih oksidnih sistema.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM
C3  - Meeting point of the science and practice in the fields of corrosion, materials and environmental protection : proceedings XXII YuCorr International Conference / Stecište nauke i prakse u oblastima korozije, zaštite materijala i životne sredine : knjiga radova XXII YuCorr [Jugoslovenska korozija] Međunarodna konferencija
T1  - Fabrication and characterization of manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite as a magnetic adsorbent of nickel ions
SP  - 84
EP  - 94
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Sokić, Miroslav and Marković, Branislav and Milivojević, Milan and Marinković, Aleksandar and Perendija, Jovana and Lopičić, Zorica",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Adsorbents based on magnetic materials are the subject of numerous researches. Beside good magnetism and functional surface, manganese ferrite is unstable and prone to form low mechanical strength agglomerates, which necessitate its deposition on the substrate surface. Expanded vermiculite outer surfac, is a useful medium for the deposition of nanoparticles whereas intercation layer is suitable for holding cation species (distance of 2:1 layers may be greater than 10 Å). Due to its relatively high surface area, cation exchange capacity and natural abundance of vermiculite, this mica mineral and its composites could be valorized as potentially low-cost adsorbents. In this study, manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite (MnFe2O4/EV) composite was prepared by in-situ method. Deposited manganese ferrite particles on the surface of EV were formed in the solvothermal reaction using suitable reagents. Both composite and base material are characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area (SSA), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and pH point of zero charge (pHPZC) determination. The adsorption properties of MnFe2O4/EV and EV have been investigated in a batch system at pH close to the pHPZC for the removal of Ni (II) from water. Considering process parameters such as contact time, adsorbent dosage and temperature: adsorption type, isotherm parameters (Langmuir and Freundlich) and rate of adsorption parameters were determined. Results of the kinetic studies gave fine correlations with pseudo – second order and Weber – Morris model. Taking into consideration fact that EV had low CEC values and SSA, obtained composite have high adsorption capacity (more than 30 mg Ni g-1). Also, X-ray diffractograms showed alteration of biotite vermiculite (formed during solvothermal action) into phlogopite (formed after adsorption process and aging). The methodology applied in this work may be utilized for the fabrication of other ferrite spinels, perovskites and other oxide systems., Adsorbenti na bazi magnetičnih materijala su predmet brojnih istraživanja. Osim dobre magnetičnosti i funkcioncionalnoj površini, mangan ferit je nestabilan i teši formiranju aglomerata niske mehaničke čvrstine, čime se iziskuje njegova depozicija na površini supstrata. Spoljna površina ekspandovanog vermikulita je korisni medijum za depoziciju nanočestica dok interkalacioni sloj je podesan za zadržavanje katjonskih vrsta (rastojanje između slojeva može biti iznad 10 Å). Zahvaljujući relativno visokoj površini, kapacitetu katjonske izmene i prirodnoj zastupljenosti vermikulita, ovaj mineral liskuna i njegovi kompoziti mogu biti valorizovani kao potencijalni povoljni adsorbenti. U ovoj studiji, kompozit mangan ferita/eksapndovanom vermikulitu (MnFe2O4/EV) pripremljen je in-situ metodom. Deponovane čestice mangan ferita na površini EV formirane su u solvotermalnoj reakciji korišćenjem podesnih reagenasa. Kompozit kao i bazni materijal karakterizovani su: infracrvenom spektroskopijom sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FTIR), difrakcijom X-zraka na prahu (XRPD), skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), specifičnom površinom (SSA) određenom metodologijom po BET-u, kapacitetom katjonske izmene (CEC) i pH tačke nultog naelektrisanja (pHPZC). Adsorpciona svojstva MnFe2O4/EV i EV istražena su u šaržnom sistemu na pH vrednosti bliskoj pH tački nultog naelektrisanja za uklanjane Ni (II) iz vode. Uzimajući u obzir procesne parametre kao što su vreme kontakta, masa adsorbenta i temperatura određeni su: tip adsorpcije, izotermski parametri (Lengmir i Frojndlih) kao i parametri brzine adsorpcije. Rezultati kinetičkih studija dobro se korelišu pseudo – drugom redu reakcije i Veber – Morisovim modelom. Uzevši u obzir činjenicu da je uzorak EV imao malu vrednost CEC i nisku specifičnu površinu, dobijeni kompozit ima visok adsorpcioni kapacitet (preko 30 mg Ni g-1). Osim toga, difraktogrami X-zraka pokazali su alteraciju biotitskog vermikulita (formiranog solvotermalnom akcijom) u flogopit (formiran nakon adsorpcionog procesa i starenjem). Metodologija primenjena u ovom radu može biti iskorištena za proizvodnju drugih feritnih spinela, perovskita i ostalih oksidnih sistema.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM",
journal = "Meeting point of the science and practice in the fields of corrosion, materials and environmental protection : proceedings XXII YuCorr International Conference / Stecište nauke i prakse u oblastima korozije, zaštite materijala i životne sredine : knjiga radova XXII YuCorr [Jugoslovenska korozija] Međunarodna konferencija",
title = "Fabrication and characterization of manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite as a magnetic adsorbent of nickel ions",
pages = "84-94",
url = ""
Bugarčić, M., Sokić, M., Marković, B., Milivojević, M., Marinković, A., Perendija, J.,& Lopičić, Z.. (2021). Fabrication and characterization of manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite as a magnetic adsorbent of nickel ions. in Meeting point of the science and practice in the fields of corrosion, materials and environmental protection : proceedings XXII YuCorr International Conference / Stecište nauke i prakse u oblastima korozije, zaštite materijala i životne sredine : knjiga radova XXII YuCorr [Jugoslovenska korozija] Međunarodna konferencija
Belgrade : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM., 84-94.
Bugarčić M, Sokić M, Marković B, Milivojević M, Marinković A, Perendija J, Lopičić Z. Fabrication and characterization of manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite as a magnetic adsorbent of nickel ions. in Meeting point of the science and practice in the fields of corrosion, materials and environmental protection : proceedings XXII YuCorr International Conference / Stecište nauke i prakse u oblastima korozije, zaštite materijala i životne sredine : knjiga radova XXII YuCorr [Jugoslovenska korozija] Međunarodna konferencija. 2021;:84-94. .
Bugarčić, Mladen, Sokić, Miroslav, Marković, Branislav, Milivojević, Milan, Marinković, Aleksandar, Perendija, Jovana, Lopičić, Zorica, "Fabrication and characterization of manganese ferrite/expanded vermiculite as a magnetic adsorbent of nickel ions" in Meeting point of the science and practice in the fields of corrosion, materials and environmental protection : proceedings XXII YuCorr International Conference / Stecište nauke i prakse u oblastima korozije, zaštite materijala i životne sredine : knjiga radova XXII YuCorr [Jugoslovenska korozija] Međunarodna konferencija (2021):84-94, .

Primena mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata kao apsorpcionog sredstva CO2 u zaštiti životne sredine

Đorđević, Nataša G.; Mihajlović, Slavica; Martinović, Sanja; Vlahović, Milica; Patarić, Aleksandra; Marković, Branislav

(Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Republike Srbije, 2020)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša G.
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Patarić, Aleksandra
AU  - Marković, Branislav
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Problem zagađenja životne sredine odnosi se na vazduh, vodu i zemljište. Emisija CO2 u atmosferu smatra se glavnim uzrokom efekta staklene bašte i globalnog zagrevanja. Ovaj pronalazak se odnsoi na primenu mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata
na zaštitu životne sredine, a zahvaljujući značajnom povećanjem apsopcionih i hemisorpcionih svojstava natrijum karbonata do kojih dolazi usled aktivacije uzorka. Mehanohemijskom aktivacijom natrijum karbonata i njegovom primenom pokazano je da se masa polaznog uzorka poveća i do 30% u atmosferi vazduha pri sobnim uslovima u toku vremena. Ovako aktiviran natrijum karbonat kome su značajno povećana apsorpciona svojstva je moguće primeniti i na
postojećim aparaturama koje inače koriste natrijum karbonat u cilju apsorpcije CO2, radi zaštite životne sredine, čime bi se i njihova efektivnost značajno povećala.
AB  - Environmental pollution is a serious problem that affects air, water and soil. Emission of CO2 into the atmosphere is considered to be a major cause of the greenhouse effect and global warming. The present invention relates to the application of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate to the environment, owing to the significant increase in the absorption and chemisorption properties of sodium carbonate due to activation. Using activated sodium carbonate, it was shown that the mass of the starting sample increase up to 30% at room conditions and temperature over time. Sodium carbonate activated in mechanochemical activator, has significantly increased absorption properties, and also can be applied to existing appliances that otherwise use sodium carbonate for the purpose of CO2 absorption, for environmental protection, which would also increase their effectiveness.
PB  - Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Republike Srbije
T2  - Glasnik intulektualne svojine
T1  - Primena mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata kao apsorpcionog sredstva CO2 u zaštiti životne sredine
T1  - Application Of Mechanochemically Activated Sodium Carbonate As A Co2 Absorbent In Environmental Protection
VL  - 8
SP  - 10
EP  - 11
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša G. and Mihajlović, Slavica and Martinović, Sanja and Vlahović, Milica and Patarić, Aleksandra and Marković, Branislav",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Problem zagađenja životne sredine odnosi se na vazduh, vodu i zemljište. Emisija CO2 u atmosferu smatra se glavnim uzrokom efekta staklene bašte i globalnog zagrevanja. Ovaj pronalazak se odnsoi na primenu mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata
na zaštitu životne sredine, a zahvaljujući značajnom povećanjem apsopcionih i hemisorpcionih svojstava natrijum karbonata do kojih dolazi usled aktivacije uzorka. Mehanohemijskom aktivacijom natrijum karbonata i njegovom primenom pokazano je da se masa polaznog uzorka poveća i do 30% u atmosferi vazduha pri sobnim uslovima u toku vremena. Ovako aktiviran natrijum karbonat kome su značajno povećana apsorpciona svojstva je moguće primeniti i na
postojećim aparaturama koje inače koriste natrijum karbonat u cilju apsorpcije CO2, radi zaštite životne sredine, čime bi se i njihova efektivnost značajno povećala., Environmental pollution is a serious problem that affects air, water and soil. Emission of CO2 into the atmosphere is considered to be a major cause of the greenhouse effect and global warming. The present invention relates to the application of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate to the environment, owing to the significant increase in the absorption and chemisorption properties of sodium carbonate due to activation. Using activated sodium carbonate, it was shown that the mass of the starting sample increase up to 30% at room conditions and temperature over time. Sodium carbonate activated in mechanochemical activator, has significantly increased absorption properties, and also can be applied to existing appliances that otherwise use sodium carbonate for the purpose of CO2 absorption, for environmental protection, which would also increase their effectiveness.",
publisher = "Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Republike Srbije",
journal = "Glasnik intulektualne svojine",
title = "Primena mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata kao apsorpcionog sredstva CO2 u zaštiti životne sredine, Application Of Mechanochemically Activated Sodium Carbonate As A Co2 Absorbent In Environmental Protection",
volume = "8",
pages = "10-11",
url = ""
Đorđević, N. G., Mihajlović, S., Martinović, S., Vlahović, M., Patarić, A.,& Marković, B.. (2020). Primena mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata kao apsorpcionog sredstva CO2 u zaštiti životne sredine. in Glasnik intulektualne svojine
Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Republike Srbije., 8, 10-11.
Đorđević NG, Mihajlović S, Martinović S, Vlahović M, Patarić A, Marković B. Primena mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata kao apsorpcionog sredstva CO2 u zaštiti životne sredine. in Glasnik intulektualne svojine. 2020;8:10-11. .
Đorđević, Nataša G., Mihajlović, Slavica, Martinović, Sanja, Vlahović, Milica, Patarić, Aleksandra, Marković, Branislav, "Primena mehanohemijski aktiviranog natrijum karbonata kao apsorpcionog sredstva CO2 u zaštiti životne sredine" in Glasnik intulektualne svojine, 8 (2020):10-11, .

Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties

Marković, Branislav; Manasijević, Dragan; Talijan, Nadežda M.; Sokić, Miroslav; Štrbac, Nada; Patarić, Aleksandra; Bugarčić, Mladen

(Serbia : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2017)

AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Manasijević, Dragan
AU  - Talijan, Nadežda M.
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Štrbac, Nada
AU  - Patarić, Aleksandra
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The Bi–Cu–Ni ternary system belongs to the group of potential Cu-Ni-based advanced lead-free solder materials for high temperature application. The paper shows results of the thermodynamic calculations using general solution model along the line with the molar ratio of Cu: Ni = 1:1. The experimental part shows thermal, structural, electrical and mechanical properties based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), electroconductivity and hardness measurements of the alloys selected in the section from bismuth corner with molar ratio Cu: Ni = 1:1, Cu: Ni = 3:1, and Cu: Ni = 1:3.
PB  - Serbia : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
T1  - Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties
VL  - 23
IS  - 3
SP  - 241
EP  - 254
DO  - 10.30544/316
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Branislav and Manasijević, Dragan and Talijan, Nadežda M. and Sokić, Miroslav and Štrbac, Nada and Patarić, Aleksandra and Bugarčić, Mladen",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The Bi–Cu–Ni ternary system belongs to the group of potential Cu-Ni-based advanced lead-free solder materials for high temperature application. The paper shows results of the thermodynamic calculations using general solution model along the line with the molar ratio of Cu: Ni = 1:1. The experimental part shows thermal, structural, electrical and mechanical properties based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), electroconductivity and hardness measurements of the alloys selected in the section from bismuth corner with molar ratio Cu: Ni = 1:1, Cu: Ni = 3:1, and Cu: Ni = 1:3.",
publisher = "Serbia : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical & Materials Engineering",
title = "Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties",
volume = "23",
number = "3",
pages = "241-254",
doi = "10.30544/316"
Marković, B., Manasijević, D., Talijan, N. M., Sokić, M., Štrbac, N., Patarić, A.,& Bugarčić, M.. (2017). Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Serbia : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 23(3), 241-254.
Marković B, Manasijević D, Talijan NM, Sokić M, Štrbac N, Patarić A, Bugarčić M. Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. 2017;23(3):241-254.
doi:10.30544/316 .
Marković, Branislav, Manasijević, Dragan, Talijan, Nadežda M., Sokić, Miroslav, Štrbac, Nada, Patarić, Aleksandra, Bugarčić, Mladen, "Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties" in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 23, no. 3 (2017):241-254, . .

The influence of modification on structural, textural and adsorption properties of bentonite

Jović-Jovičić, Nataša; Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra; Gržetić, Ivan; Banković, Predrag; Marković, Branislav Ž.; Jovanović, Dušan M.

(Assoc Chemical Engineers Serbia, Belgrade, 2008)

AU  - Jović-Jovičić, Nataša
AU  - Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra
AU  - Gržetić, Ivan
AU  - Banković, Predrag
AU  - Marković, Branislav Ž.
AU  - Jovanović, Dušan M.
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Natural bentonite clay from the Bogovina locality in Serbia was Na-exchanged and modified using hexadecyll-trimethylammonium bromide as surfactant and organobentonite was obtained. The influence of modifications on the structural, textural and sorption properties of bentonite was investigated. It was estimated that modifications solely replace exchangeable cations in smectite layers, whereas other admixture minerals (quartz, calcite, feldspar) in bentonite remain unaffected. According to X-ray results the modification lead to changes in the smectite structure by either decreasing, for Na-bentonite, or increasing, for organobentonite, the interplanar spacing, JQOI- The appearance of three new bands in IR spectra of HDTMA-bentonite comparing to those of raw and Na-bentonite assigned to the methylene vibrations confirmed the embedding of aliphatic cations into smectite structure. In organobentonite a significant change in textural properties was observed. In particular, specific surface area dramatically decreased while originally meso and microporous material became almost completely non-porous. Despite almost insignificant specific surface area the synthesized organobentonite due to gained organophyllity of its surface exhibits exquisite adsorption properties toward investigated textile dyes having adsorption capacity approx. 2 times higher than activated carbon.
AB  - Prirodna bentonitna glina sa lokaliteta Bogovina u Srbiji je natrijumski izmenjena i modifikovana heksadeciltrimetil amonijum-bromidom kao surfaktantom, pri čemu je dobijen organobentonit. Ispitivan je uticaj modifikacije na strukturu, teksturalna i adsorpciona svojstva bentonita. Utvrđeno je da primenjeni postupci modifikacije dovode isključivo do izmene katjona u medulamelamom sloju smektita, dok modifikacija ne deluje na druge prateće minerale u bentonitu (kvare, kalcit, feldspat). Uprkos neznatnoj specifičnoj površini sintetizovani organobentonit zahvaljujući novodobijenoj organofilnosti površine pokazuje izuzetna adsorpciona svojstva prema tekstilnim bojama, imajući adsorpcioni kapacitet oko 2 puta veći od aktivnog uglja.
PB  - Assoc Chemical Engineers Serbia, Belgrade
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - The influence of modification on structural, textural and adsorption properties of bentonite
T1  - Uticaj modifikacije na strukturna, teksturalna i adsorpciona svojstva bentonita
VL  - 62
IS  - 3
SP  - 131
EP  - 137
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND0803131J
ER  - 
author = "Jović-Jovičić, Nataša and Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra and Gržetić, Ivan and Banković, Predrag and Marković, Branislav Ž. and Jovanović, Dušan M.",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Natural bentonite clay from the Bogovina locality in Serbia was Na-exchanged and modified using hexadecyll-trimethylammonium bromide as surfactant and organobentonite was obtained. The influence of modifications on the structural, textural and sorption properties of bentonite was investigated. It was estimated that modifications solely replace exchangeable cations in smectite layers, whereas other admixture minerals (quartz, calcite, feldspar) in bentonite remain unaffected. According to X-ray results the modification lead to changes in the smectite structure by either decreasing, for Na-bentonite, or increasing, for organobentonite, the interplanar spacing, JQOI- The appearance of three new bands in IR spectra of HDTMA-bentonite comparing to those of raw and Na-bentonite assigned to the methylene vibrations confirmed the embedding of aliphatic cations into smectite structure. In organobentonite a significant change in textural properties was observed. In particular, specific surface area dramatically decreased while originally meso and microporous material became almost completely non-porous. Despite almost insignificant specific surface area the synthesized organobentonite due to gained organophyllity of its surface exhibits exquisite adsorption properties toward investigated textile dyes having adsorption capacity approx. 2 times higher than activated carbon., Prirodna bentonitna glina sa lokaliteta Bogovina u Srbiji je natrijumski izmenjena i modifikovana heksadeciltrimetil amonijum-bromidom kao surfaktantom, pri čemu je dobijen organobentonit. Ispitivan je uticaj modifikacije na strukturu, teksturalna i adsorpciona svojstva bentonita. Utvrđeno je da primenjeni postupci modifikacije dovode isključivo do izmene katjona u medulamelamom sloju smektita, dok modifikacija ne deluje na druge prateće minerale u bentonitu (kvare, kalcit, feldspat). Uprkos neznatnoj specifičnoj površini sintetizovani organobentonit zahvaljujući novodobijenoj organofilnosti površine pokazuje izuzetna adsorpciona svojstva prema tekstilnim bojama, imajući adsorpcioni kapacitet oko 2 puta veći od aktivnog uglja.",
publisher = "Assoc Chemical Engineers Serbia, Belgrade",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "The influence of modification on structural, textural and adsorption properties of bentonite, Uticaj modifikacije na strukturna, teksturalna i adsorpciona svojstva bentonita",
volume = "62",
number = "3",
pages = "131-137",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND0803131J"
Jović-Jovičić, N., Milutinović Nikolić, A., Gržetić, I., Banković, P., Marković, B. Ž.,& Jovanović, D. M.. (2008). The influence of modification on structural, textural and adsorption properties of bentonite. in Hemijska industrija
Assoc Chemical Engineers Serbia, Belgrade., 62(3), 131-137.
Jović-Jovičić N, Milutinović Nikolić A, Gržetić I, Banković P, Marković BŽ, Jovanović DM. The influence of modification on structural, textural and adsorption properties of bentonite. in Hemijska industrija. 2008;62(3):131-137.
doi:10.2298/HEMIND0803131J .
Jović-Jovičić, Nataša, Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra, Gržetić, Ivan, Banković, Predrag, Marković, Branislav Ž., Jovanović, Dušan M., "The influence of modification on structural, textural and adsorption properties of bentonite" in Hemijska industrija, 62, no. 3 (2008):131-137, . .

Composites based on nonwoven textile materials and alumosilicates

Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra; Lukić, Slavenka; Krstić, Jugoslav; Marković, Branislav; Jovanović, Dušan M.

(Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije, Beograd, 2004)

AU  - Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra
AU  - Lukić, Slavenka
AU  - Krstić, Jugoslav
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Jovanović, Dušan M.
PY  - 2004
UR  -
AB  - The part of results obtained during the investigation of synthesis of composites based on nonwoven textile materials (NTM) and alumosilicates are presented. The newly obtained material is composite agro textile that can be used in protection of the soil from chemical pollutants. The possibility of obtaining composites on elevated temperatures under the pressure was investigated. Hemp fibers, NTM based on polypropylene (PP) as well as betonies powder of defined granulation and specific surface area are used for making composites. The investigated composite material showed satisfactory capability of irreversible removal of Pb2+ ions from solution.
AB  - Prikazan je deo rezultata ostvarenih pri dobijanju kompozita na bazi netkanih tekstilnih materijala (NTM) i alumosilikata. Novodobijeni materijal predstavlja kompozitni agrotekstil koji bi trebalo da nađe primenu u zaštiti zemljišta od hemijskog zagađenja. Ispitana je mogućnost dobijanja kompozita postupkom presovanja na povišenoj temperaturi. Kompoziti su izrađeni od vlakana konoplje, NTM na bazi polipropilena (PP) i bentonintog praha definisane granulacije i specifične površine. Istraživani kompozitni materijal pokazao je zadovoljavajuću sposobnost ireverzibilnog uklanjanja jona Pb2+ iz rastvora.
PB  - Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Tekstilna industrija
T1  - Composites based on nonwoven textile materials and alumosilicates
T1  - Kompoziti na bazi netkanih tekstilnih materijala i alumosilikata
VL  - 52
IS  - 1-3
SP  - 25
EP  - 29
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra and Lukić, Slavenka and Krstić, Jugoslav and Marković, Branislav and Jovanović, Dušan M.",
year = "2004",
abstract = "The part of results obtained during the investigation of synthesis of composites based on nonwoven textile materials (NTM) and alumosilicates are presented. The newly obtained material is composite agro textile that can be used in protection of the soil from chemical pollutants. The possibility of obtaining composites on elevated temperatures under the pressure was investigated. Hemp fibers, NTM based on polypropylene (PP) as well as betonies powder of defined granulation and specific surface area are used for making composites. The investigated composite material showed satisfactory capability of irreversible removal of Pb2+ ions from solution., Prikazan je deo rezultata ostvarenih pri dobijanju kompozita na bazi netkanih tekstilnih materijala (NTM) i alumosilikata. Novodobijeni materijal predstavlja kompozitni agrotekstil koji bi trebalo da nađe primenu u zaštiti zemljišta od hemijskog zagađenja. Ispitana je mogućnost dobijanja kompozita postupkom presovanja na povišenoj temperaturi. Kompoziti su izrađeni od vlakana konoplje, NTM na bazi polipropilena (PP) i bentonintog praha definisane granulacije i specifične površine. Istraživani kompozitni materijal pokazao je zadovoljavajuću sposobnost ireverzibilnog uklanjanja jona Pb2+ iz rastvora.",
publisher = "Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Tekstilna industrija",
title = "Composites based on nonwoven textile materials and alumosilicates, Kompoziti na bazi netkanih tekstilnih materijala i alumosilikata",
volume = "52",
number = "1-3",
pages = "25-29",
url = ""
Milutinović Nikolić, A., Lukić, S., Krstić, J., Marković, B.,& Jovanović, D. M.. (2004). Composites based on nonwoven textile materials and alumosilicates. in Tekstilna industrija
Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije, Beograd., 52(1-3), 25-29.
Milutinović Nikolić A, Lukić S, Krstić J, Marković B, Jovanović DM. Composites based on nonwoven textile materials and alumosilicates. in Tekstilna industrija. 2004;52(1-3):25-29. .
Milutinović Nikolić, Aleksandra, Lukić, Slavenka, Krstić, Jugoslav, Marković, Branislav, Jovanović, Dušan M., "Composites based on nonwoven textile materials and alumosilicates" in Tekstilna industrija, 52, no. 1-3 (2004):25-29, .

Partial hydrogenation of edible oils: Synthesis and verification of the nickel catalyst

Jovanović, Dušan M.; Marković, Branislav; Stanković, Miroslav; Rožić, Ljiljana; Novaković, Tatjana; Vuković, Zorica; Anić, Mirjana R.; Petrović, Srđan

(Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2002)

AU  - Jovanović, Dušan M.
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Stanković, Miroslav
AU  - Rožić, Ljiljana
AU  - Novaković, Tatjana
AU  - Vuković, Zorica
AU  - Anić, Mirjana R.
AU  - Petrović, Srđan
PY  - 2002
UR  -
AB  - Developed in the late 1800s as a butter substitute, margarine is made with vegetable oils. Margarine was created by a scientist from Provence (France) Hippolyte Mege-Mouries, in response to an offer by the Emperor Louis Napoleon III. To formulate his entry, Mege-Mouries used margaric acid, a fatty acid component isolated in 1813 by Michael Chevreul and named because of the lustrous pearly drops that reminded him of the Greek word for pearl - margarites.
AB  - Parcijalna hidrogenacija jestivih biljnih ulja je veoma važna operacija u industriji biljnih masti i ulja. Katalizator koji se uobičajeno upotrebljava u industrijskom procesu parcijalne hidrogenaciji biljnih ulja je nikl nanešen na silikatni nosač. Izbor i hemijska sinteza niklovog katalizatora, postupak nanošenja nikla i promotora na nosač i aktivacija katalizatora su od vitalnog značaja za dobijanje visoko-aktivnog hidrogenacionog katalizatora. Niklov katalizator, nanešen na domaći prirodni silikat (dijatomejska zemlja) sintetizovan je precipitacionom metodom sa NaaCOs. Aktivnost sintetizovanog katalizatora je testirana na pilot postrojenju (5 kg) i u industrijskom reaktoru kapaciteta 5 tona. Dobijena aktivnost sintetizovanog katalizatora potvrđena je i na "scale-up" nivou sa faktorom 1000.
PB  - Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Partial hydrogenation of edible oils: Synthesis and verification of the nickel catalyst
T1  - Parcijalno hidrogenovanje jestivih ulja - sinteza i verifikacija katalizatora na bazi nikla
VL  - 56
IS  - 4
SP  - 147
EP  - 156
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND0204147J
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Dušan M. and Marković, Branislav and Stanković, Miroslav and Rožić, Ljiljana and Novaković, Tatjana and Vuković, Zorica and Anić, Mirjana R. and Petrović, Srđan",
year = "2002",
abstract = "Developed in the late 1800s as a butter substitute, margarine is made with vegetable oils. Margarine was created by a scientist from Provence (France) Hippolyte Mege-Mouries, in response to an offer by the Emperor Louis Napoleon III. To formulate his entry, Mege-Mouries used margaric acid, a fatty acid component isolated in 1813 by Michael Chevreul and named because of the lustrous pearly drops that reminded him of the Greek word for pearl - margarites., Parcijalna hidrogenacija jestivih biljnih ulja je veoma važna operacija u industriji biljnih masti i ulja. Katalizator koji se uobičajeno upotrebljava u industrijskom procesu parcijalne hidrogenaciji biljnih ulja je nikl nanešen na silikatni nosač. Izbor i hemijska sinteza niklovog katalizatora, postupak nanošenja nikla i promotora na nosač i aktivacija katalizatora su od vitalnog značaja za dobijanje visoko-aktivnog hidrogenacionog katalizatora. Niklov katalizator, nanešen na domaći prirodni silikat (dijatomejska zemlja) sintetizovan je precipitacionom metodom sa NaaCOs. Aktivnost sintetizovanog katalizatora je testirana na pilot postrojenju (5 kg) i u industrijskom reaktoru kapaciteta 5 tona. Dobijena aktivnost sintetizovanog katalizatora potvrđena je i na "scale-up" nivou sa faktorom 1000.",
publisher = "Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Partial hydrogenation of edible oils: Synthesis and verification of the nickel catalyst, Parcijalno hidrogenovanje jestivih ulja - sinteza i verifikacija katalizatora na bazi nikla",
volume = "56",
number = "4",
pages = "147-156",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND0204147J"
Jovanović, D. M., Marković, B., Stanković, M., Rožić, L., Novaković, T., Vuković, Z., Anić, M. R.,& Petrović, S.. (2002). Partial hydrogenation of edible oils: Synthesis and verification of the nickel catalyst. in Hemijska industrija
Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia., 56(4), 147-156.
Jovanović DM, Marković B, Stanković M, Rožić L, Novaković T, Vuković Z, Anić MR, Petrović S. Partial hydrogenation of edible oils: Synthesis and verification of the nickel catalyst. in Hemijska industrija. 2002;56(4):147-156.
doi:10.2298/HEMIND0204147J .
Jovanović, Dušan M., Marković, Branislav, Stanković, Miroslav, Rožić, Ljiljana, Novaković, Tatjana, Vuković, Zorica, Anić, Mirjana R., Petrović, Srđan, "Partial hydrogenation of edible oils: Synthesis and verification of the nickel catalyst" in Hemijska industrija, 56, no. 4 (2002):147-156, . .

The diatomite: Type catalyst’s support

Jovanović, Dušan M.; Novaković, Tatjana; Stanković, Miroslav; Rožić, Ljiljana; Marković, Branislav; Jovanović, Nadežda N.; Vuković, Zorica; Anić, Mirjana R.; Petrović, Srđan

(Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad, 2002)

AU  - Jovanović, Dušan M.
AU  - Novaković, Tatjana
AU  - Stanković, Miroslav
AU  - Rožić, Ljiljana
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Jovanović, Nadežda N.
AU  - Vuković, Zorica
AU  - Anić, Mirjana R.
AU  - Petrović, Srđan
PY  - 2002
UR  -
AB  - Hydrogenation of the animal fats and edible oils is a very important operation in the fats and oils industry. A catalyst usually used in industrial processes of the tallow and fat hydrogenation and in the vegetable oils selective hydrogenation, is a nickel catalyst deposited on a silicate support. Choice and activation of the support are of the vital importance for obtaining a highly active hydrogenation catalyst. As a support suitable for the catalyst's synthesis, we have chosen the natural biogenic sediment rock - diatomite earth. By an appropriate chemical and thermal treatment of the domestic crude diatomite, we have obtained a type of the activated support with performances, in comparison with the same-class commercial supports, quite satisfying the requirements.
AB  - Hidrogenacija životinjskih masti i jestivih biljnih ulja je veoma važna operacija u industriji masti i ulja. Katalizator koji se uobičajeno upotrebljava u industrijskom procesu hidrogenacije masti i lojeva i u selektivnoj hidrogenaciji biljnih ulja, je nikal nanešen na silikatni nosač. Izbor i aktivacija nosača su od vitalnog značaja za dobijanje visoko-aktivnog hidrogenacionog katalizatora. Kao pogodan nosač za sintezu katalizatora odabrana je prirodna biogena sedimentna stena - dijatomejska zemlja. Pogodnim mehaničkim, hemijskim i termičkim tretmanom domaćeg sirovog dijatomita, dobijen je tip aktiviranog nosača sa zadovoljavajućim performansama u poređenju sa komercijalnim nosačima istog tipa.
PB  - Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad
T2  - Uljarstvo
T1  - The diatomite: Type catalyst’s support
T1  - Nosač katalizatora tipa dijatomita
VL  - 33
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 9
EP  - 14
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Dušan M. and Novaković, Tatjana and Stanković, Miroslav and Rožić, Ljiljana and Marković, Branislav and Jovanović, Nadežda N. and Vuković, Zorica and Anić, Mirjana R. and Petrović, Srđan",
year = "2002",
abstract = "Hydrogenation of the animal fats and edible oils is a very important operation in the fats and oils industry. A catalyst usually used in industrial processes of the tallow and fat hydrogenation and in the vegetable oils selective hydrogenation, is a nickel catalyst deposited on a silicate support. Choice and activation of the support are of the vital importance for obtaining a highly active hydrogenation catalyst. As a support suitable for the catalyst's synthesis, we have chosen the natural biogenic sediment rock - diatomite earth. By an appropriate chemical and thermal treatment of the domestic crude diatomite, we have obtained a type of the activated support with performances, in comparison with the same-class commercial supports, quite satisfying the requirements., Hidrogenacija životinjskih masti i jestivih biljnih ulja je veoma važna operacija u industriji masti i ulja. Katalizator koji se uobičajeno upotrebljava u industrijskom procesu hidrogenacije masti i lojeva i u selektivnoj hidrogenaciji biljnih ulja, je nikal nanešen na silikatni nosač. Izbor i aktivacija nosača su od vitalnog značaja za dobijanje visoko-aktivnog hidrogenacionog katalizatora. Kao pogodan nosač za sintezu katalizatora odabrana je prirodna biogena sedimentna stena - dijatomejska zemlja. Pogodnim mehaničkim, hemijskim i termičkim tretmanom domaćeg sirovog dijatomita, dobijen je tip aktiviranog nosača sa zadovoljavajućim performansama u poređenju sa komercijalnim nosačima istog tipa.",
publisher = "Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad",
journal = "Uljarstvo",
title = "The diatomite: Type catalyst’s support, Nosač katalizatora tipa dijatomita",
volume = "33",
number = "1-2",
pages = "9-14",
url = ""
Jovanović, D. M., Novaković, T., Stanković, M., Rožić, L., Marković, B., Jovanović, N. N., Vuković, Z., Anić, M. R.,& Petrović, S.. (2002). The diatomite: Type catalyst’s support. in Uljarstvo
Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad., 33(1-2), 9-14.
Jovanović DM, Novaković T, Stanković M, Rožić L, Marković B, Jovanović NN, Vuković Z, Anić MR, Petrović S. The diatomite: Type catalyst’s support. in Uljarstvo. 2002;33(1-2):9-14. .
Jovanović, Dušan M., Novaković, Tatjana, Stanković, Miroslav, Rožić, Ljiljana, Marković, Branislav, Jovanović, Nadežda N., Vuković, Zorica, Anić, Mirjana R., Petrović, Srđan, "The diatomite: Type catalyst’s support" in Uljarstvo, 33, no. 1-2 (2002):9-14, .

Polymorphic transformations of edible vegetable fats

Jovanović, Dušan M.; Rosić, Aleksandra A.; Marković, Branislav; Vuković, Zorica; Krstić, Jugoslav; Petrović, Srđan

(Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad, 2002)

AU  - Jovanović, Dušan M.
AU  - Rosić, Aleksandra A.
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Vuković, Zorica
AU  - Krstić, Jugoslav
AU  - Petrović, Srđan
PY  - 2002
UR  -
AB  - Triglycerides are characterized by complex melting behaviour, as reflected by multiple melting temperatures. They can solidify in different crystal structures and this polymorphism can be defined as the ability to reveal different unit cell structures in crystals, originating from a variety of molecular conformations and molecular packing. A detailed study of the morphology of the polymorphic forms of edible vegetable oils using X-ray diffraction and polarized light microscopy is presented. An important problem in the study is the correlation between the melting/solidification behaviour and the crystal structure. The application of X-ray diffraction method allows to perform dynamic studies of structural changes during fast or slow thermal transition processes.
AB  - Karakterizacija triglicerida se ogleda u kompleksnosti osobine topljenja što se u krajnosti reflektuje na postojanje više temperatura topljenja. Trigliceridi kristališu u raznim kristalnim formama i takav polimorfizam se može definisati kao sposobnost otkrivanja različitih jediničnih strukturalnih ćelija u kristalima, što potiče od različitosti rasporeda i pakovanja molekula. U ovom radu je prikazano ispitivanje morfologije polimorfnih oblika jestivih biljnih masnoća metodom rendgenske difrakcije i polarizacionim mikroskopom. Važnost ovog rada je ukazivanje na korelaciju osobina: topljenje (ili hlađenje) masnoće i njena kristalna struktura. Primenjena rendgeno-strukturna analiza omogućava realizaciju dinamičkih istraživanja strukturalnih promena za vreme brzih ili sporih temperaturnih procesa.
PB  - Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad
T2  - Uljarstvo
T1  - Polymorphic transformations of edible vegetable fats
T1  - Polimorfne transformacije jestivih biljnih masnoća
VL  - 33
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 9
EP  - 17
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Dušan M. and Rosić, Aleksandra A. and Marković, Branislav and Vuković, Zorica and Krstić, Jugoslav and Petrović, Srđan",
year = "2002",
abstract = "Triglycerides are characterized by complex melting behaviour, as reflected by multiple melting temperatures. They can solidify in different crystal structures and this polymorphism can be defined as the ability to reveal different unit cell structures in crystals, originating from a variety of molecular conformations and molecular packing. A detailed study of the morphology of the polymorphic forms of edible vegetable oils using X-ray diffraction and polarized light microscopy is presented. An important problem in the study is the correlation between the melting/solidification behaviour and the crystal structure. The application of X-ray diffraction method allows to perform dynamic studies of structural changes during fast or slow thermal transition processes., Karakterizacija triglicerida se ogleda u kompleksnosti osobine topljenja što se u krajnosti reflektuje na postojanje više temperatura topljenja. Trigliceridi kristališu u raznim kristalnim formama i takav polimorfizam se može definisati kao sposobnost otkrivanja različitih jediničnih strukturalnih ćelija u kristalima, što potiče od različitosti rasporeda i pakovanja molekula. U ovom radu je prikazano ispitivanje morfologije polimorfnih oblika jestivih biljnih masnoća metodom rendgenske difrakcije i polarizacionim mikroskopom. Važnost ovog rada je ukazivanje na korelaciju osobina: topljenje (ili hlađenje) masnoće i njena kristalna struktura. Primenjena rendgeno-strukturna analiza omogućava realizaciju dinamičkih istraživanja strukturalnih promena za vreme brzih ili sporih temperaturnih procesa.",
publisher = "Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad",
journal = "Uljarstvo",
title = "Polymorphic transformations of edible vegetable fats, Polimorfne transformacije jestivih biljnih masnoća",
volume = "33",
number = "3-4",
pages = "9-17",
url = ""
Jovanović, D. M., Rosić, A. A., Marković, B., Vuković, Z., Krstić, J.,& Petrović, S.. (2002). Polymorphic transformations of edible vegetable fats. in Uljarstvo
Tehnološki fakultet, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i DOO "Industrijsko bilje", Novi Sad., 33(3-4), 9-17.
Jovanović DM, Rosić AA, Marković B, Vuković Z, Krstić J, Petrović S. Polymorphic transformations of edible vegetable fats. in Uljarstvo. 2002;33(3-4):9-17. .
Jovanović, Dušan M., Rosić, Aleksandra A., Marković, Branislav, Vuković, Zorica, Krstić, Jugoslav, Petrović, Srđan, "Polymorphic transformations of edible vegetable fats" in Uljarstvo, 33, no. 3-4 (2002):9-17, .

Direct liquefaction of soft brown coal from the Kosovo basin

Aleksić, Bojana D.; Aleksić, Bogdan R.; Marković, Branislav Ž.; Cvetković, Olga; Ercegovac, Marko D.; Vitorović, Dragomir K.

(Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2000)

AU  - Aleksić, Bojana D.
AU  - Aleksić, Bogdan R.
AU  - Marković, Branislav Ž.
AU  - Cvetković, Olga
AU  - Ercegovac, Marko D.
AU  - Vitorović, Dragomir K.
PY  - 2000
UR  -
AB  - The behavior of Kosovo Basin (Yugoslavia) soft brown coal was studied during a direct liquefaction process by catalytic hydrogenation. A stream of hydrogen was passed through a tetralin dispersion of the pulverized coal in the presence of commercial extruded hydrogenating-desulphurizing cobalt-moly­bdenum/alumina catalyst. The experiments were carried out in the temperature range between 365 and 440°C at 13.5 and 15.0 MPa, the reactants being kept at selected stationary working conditions for 1-8 hrs. The yields of liquid products soluble in n-heptane (light oils), asphaltenes (n-heptane insoluble liquid products) and the solid coal residue served as a basis for the estimation of coal reactivity and for the calculation of total coal conversion. The liquid product yields varied substantially depending on the reaction temperature and the residence time. The total conversion under most of the applied reaction conditions was found to be around 80%, the highest (~86%) being observed with the longest, 8 h residence time. Various types of grains of modified coal and newly formed types of coal grains, as well as mineral matter were identified by micropetrographic analysis, indicating the release of gases in the initial stages of hydrogenation and the formation of semi-coke and coke by the polymerization of liquid products in the later reaction stages.
AB  - Ispitivano je ponašanje mekog mrkog uglja Kosovskog basena (Jugoslavija) pri direktnoj likvefakciji. Katalitička hidrogenizacija izvođena je u protočnom šaržnom reaktoru propuštanjem vodonika kroz suspenziju tetralina i usitnjenog uglja, u prisustvu komercijalnog presulfidiziranog CO-MO/AI2O3 katalizatora. Eksperimenti su izvođeni na temperaturi 365 i 440°C, pritisku 13,5 i 15,0 MPa, u trajanju 1-8 sati. Reaktivnost uglja je procenjivana i ukupna totalna konverzija izračunavana je na osnovu prinosa tečnih proizvoda rastvornih u n-heptanu (laka ulja), asfaltena (proizvodi nerastvorni u n-heptanu) i čvrstog ostatka. Konverzija uglja pri navedenim uslovima iznosila je oko 80 %, a najveća je bila (~86 %) pri najdužem reakcionom vremenu. Mikropetrografskom analizom identifikovane su različite vrste zrna modifikovanog uglja kao i novo stvoreni tipovi zrna uglja kao i mineralnog materijala. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se gasovi oslobađaju u početnim fazama hidrogenizacije, a da polimerizacijom tečnih proizvoda polu-koks i koks postaju u kasnijim fazama hidrogenizacije.
PB  - Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Direct liquefaction of soft brown coal from the Kosovo basin
T1  - Likvefakcija mekog mrkog uglja kosovskog basena
VL  - 54
IS  - 6
SP  - 265
EP  - 269
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Bojana D. and Aleksić, Bogdan R. and Marković, Branislav Ž. and Cvetković, Olga and Ercegovac, Marko D. and Vitorović, Dragomir K.",
year = "2000",
abstract = "The behavior of Kosovo Basin (Yugoslavia) soft brown coal was studied during a direct liquefaction process by catalytic hydrogenation. A stream of hydrogen was passed through a tetralin dispersion of the pulverized coal in the presence of commercial extruded hydrogenating-desulphurizing cobalt-moly­bdenum/alumina catalyst. The experiments were carried out in the temperature range between 365 and 440°C at 13.5 and 15.0 MPa, the reactants being kept at selected stationary working conditions for 1-8 hrs. The yields of liquid products soluble in n-heptane (light oils), asphaltenes (n-heptane insoluble liquid products) and the solid coal residue served as a basis for the estimation of coal reactivity and for the calculation of total coal conversion. The liquid product yields varied substantially depending on the reaction temperature and the residence time. The total conversion under most of the applied reaction conditions was found to be around 80%, the highest (~86%) being observed with the longest, 8 h residence time. Various types of grains of modified coal and newly formed types of coal grains, as well as mineral matter were identified by micropetrographic analysis, indicating the release of gases in the initial stages of hydrogenation and the formation of semi-coke and coke by the polymerization of liquid products in the later reaction stages., Ispitivano je ponašanje mekog mrkog uglja Kosovskog basena (Jugoslavija) pri direktnoj likvefakciji. Katalitička hidrogenizacija izvođena je u protočnom šaržnom reaktoru propuštanjem vodonika kroz suspenziju tetralina i usitnjenog uglja, u prisustvu komercijalnog presulfidiziranog CO-MO/AI2O3 katalizatora. Eksperimenti su izvođeni na temperaturi 365 i 440°C, pritisku 13,5 i 15,0 MPa, u trajanju 1-8 sati. Reaktivnost uglja je procenjivana i ukupna totalna konverzija izračunavana je na osnovu prinosa tečnih proizvoda rastvornih u n-heptanu (laka ulja), asfaltena (proizvodi nerastvorni u n-heptanu) i čvrstog ostatka. Konverzija uglja pri navedenim uslovima iznosila je oko 80 %, a najveća je bila (~86 %) pri najdužem reakcionom vremenu. Mikropetrografskom analizom identifikovane su različite vrste zrna modifikovanog uglja kao i novo stvoreni tipovi zrna uglja kao i mineralnog materijala. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se gasovi oslobađaju u početnim fazama hidrogenizacije, a da polimerizacijom tečnih proizvoda polu-koks i koks postaju u kasnijim fazama hidrogenizacije.",
publisher = "Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Direct liquefaction of soft brown coal from the Kosovo basin, Likvefakcija mekog mrkog uglja kosovskog basena",
volume = "54",
number = "6",
pages = "265-269",
url = ""
Aleksić, B. D., Aleksić, B. R., Marković, B. Ž., Cvetković, O., Ercegovac, M. D.,& Vitorović, D. K.. (2000). Direct liquefaction of soft brown coal from the Kosovo basin. in Hemijska industrija
Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia., 54(6), 265-269.
Aleksić BD, Aleksić BR, Marković BŽ, Cvetković O, Ercegovac MD, Vitorović DK. Direct liquefaction of soft brown coal from the Kosovo basin. in Hemijska industrija. 2000;54(6):265-269. .
Aleksić, Bojana D., Aleksić, Bogdan R., Marković, Branislav Ž., Cvetković, Olga, Ercegovac, Marko D., Vitorović, Dragomir K., "Direct liquefaction of soft brown coal from the Kosovo basin" in Hemijska industrija, 54, no. 6 (2000):265-269, .

Isomerization and selectivity calculation of the soybean oil hydrogenation process

Jovanović, Dušan M.; Čupić, Željko; Stanković, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav Z.; Rožić, Ljiljana

(Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad, 2000)

AU  - Jovanović, Dušan M.
AU  - Čupić, Željko
AU  - Stanković, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Branislav Z.
AU  - Rožić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2000
UR  -
AB  - Soybean-oil hydrogenation process has been conducted in an industrial reactor by syn­thesized NICAT-2000 catalyst and by commercial G-70 catalyst under the same working conditions. Although this reaction includes a series of side processes, the first approxima­tion indicate that the basis of this mechanism is composed of a series of consecutive stages. The rate constants of consecutive stages and process selectivity are determined by the nu­merical analyzes of experimentally measured fatty acids concentrations. Synthesized NICAT-2000 catalyst has all attributes of the same-type standard commercial catalysts (G-70) with SLo > 40 (linoleic selectivity) and SLn = 2.5 (linolenic selectivity). An analysis of the experi­mentally obtained values confirmed the application of a numeric method used in determin­ing the selectivity of the soybean oil hydrogenation process and isomerization reaction model was proposed. .
AB  - Proces hidrogenacije sojinog ulja, standardnih fizičko hemijskih karakteristika, vršen je u industrijskom reaktoru firme KRUPP, tip D404S, u fabrici D.D. 'Vital', Vrbas, katalizatorom NICAT-2000 sintetizovanim u IHTM-Centru za katalizu i hemijsko inženjerstvo i komercijalnim katalizatorom G- 70 pod istim uslovima rada. Mada ova reakcija hidrogenacije jestivog sojinog ulja obuhvata i niz bočnih procesa, u prvoj aproksimaciji se može smatrati da osnovu mehanizma čini niz konsekutivnih stupnjeva. Numeričkom analizom eksperimentalno izmerenih koncentracija C18 masnih kiselina, određene su konstante brzina konsekutivnih stupnjeva i parametri selektivnosti procesa. Sintetizovani katalizator NICAT-2000 poseduje sve atribute standardnih komercijalnih katalizatora istoga tipa (G-70) sa selektivnostima: SLo > 40 (prema linolnoj kiselini) i SLn = 2.5 (prema linoleinskoj kiselini). Analizom eksperimentalno dobijenih vrednosti potvrđena je primena upotrebljenog numeričkog postupka u određivanju selektivnosti procesa hidrogenacije sojinog ulja i ponuđen je reakcioni model geometrijske izomerizacije.
PB  - Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad
T2  - Acta periodica technologica
T1  - Isomerization and selectivity calculation of the soybean oil hydrogenation process
T1  - Izomerizacija i izračunavanje selektivnosti u procesu hidrogenacije sojinog ulja
IS  - 31
SP  - 183
EP  - 191
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Dušan M. and Čupić, Željko and Stanković, Miroslav and Marković, Branislav Z. and Rožić, Ljiljana",
year = "2000",
abstract = "Soybean-oil hydrogenation process has been conducted in an industrial reactor by syn­thesized NICAT-2000 catalyst and by commercial G-70 catalyst under the same working conditions. Although this reaction includes a series of side processes, the first approxima­tion indicate that the basis of this mechanism is composed of a series of consecutive stages. The rate constants of consecutive stages and process selectivity are determined by the nu­merical analyzes of experimentally measured fatty acids concentrations. Synthesized NICAT-2000 catalyst has all attributes of the same-type standard commercial catalysts (G-70) with SLo > 40 (linoleic selectivity) and SLn = 2.5 (linolenic selectivity). An analysis of the experi­mentally obtained values confirmed the application of a numeric method used in determin­ing the selectivity of the soybean oil hydrogenation process and isomerization reaction model was proposed. ., Proces hidrogenacije sojinog ulja, standardnih fizičko hemijskih karakteristika, vršen je u industrijskom reaktoru firme KRUPP, tip D404S, u fabrici D.D. 'Vital', Vrbas, katalizatorom NICAT-2000 sintetizovanim u IHTM-Centru za katalizu i hemijsko inženjerstvo i komercijalnim katalizatorom G- 70 pod istim uslovima rada. Mada ova reakcija hidrogenacije jestivog sojinog ulja obuhvata i niz bočnih procesa, u prvoj aproksimaciji se može smatrati da osnovu mehanizma čini niz konsekutivnih stupnjeva. Numeričkom analizom eksperimentalno izmerenih koncentracija C18 masnih kiselina, određene su konstante brzina konsekutivnih stupnjeva i parametri selektivnosti procesa. Sintetizovani katalizator NICAT-2000 poseduje sve atribute standardnih komercijalnih katalizatora istoga tipa (G-70) sa selektivnostima: SLo > 40 (prema linolnoj kiselini) i SLn = 2.5 (prema linoleinskoj kiselini). Analizom eksperimentalno dobijenih vrednosti potvrđena je primena upotrebljenog numeričkog postupka u određivanju selektivnosti procesa hidrogenacije sojinog ulja i ponuđen je reakcioni model geometrijske izomerizacije.",
publisher = "Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad",
journal = "Acta periodica technologica",
title = "Isomerization and selectivity calculation of the soybean oil hydrogenation process, Izomerizacija i izračunavanje selektivnosti u procesu hidrogenacije sojinog ulja",
number = "31",
pages = "183-191",
url = ""
Jovanović, D. M., Čupić, Ž., Stanković, M., Marković, B. Z.,& Rožić, L.. (2000). Isomerization and selectivity calculation of the soybean oil hydrogenation process. in Acta periodica technologica
Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad.(31), 183-191.
Jovanović DM, Čupić Ž, Stanković M, Marković BZ, Rožić L. Isomerization and selectivity calculation of the soybean oil hydrogenation process. in Acta periodica technologica. 2000;(31):183-191. .
Jovanović, Dušan M., Čupić, Željko, Stanković, Miroslav, Marković, Branislav Z., Rožić, Ljiljana, "Isomerization and selectivity calculation of the soybean oil hydrogenation process" in Acta periodica technologica, no. 31 (2000):183-191, .