Simić, Vladimir

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  • Simić, Vladimir (10)

Author's Bibliography

Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)

Životić, Dragana; Cvetković, Olga; Vulić, Predrag J.; Gržetić, Ivan; Simić, Vladimir; Ilijević, Konstantin; Dojčinović, Biljana; Erić, Suzana; Radić, Bogdan; Stojadinović, Sanja; Trifunović, Snežana S.

(Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja, 2019)

AU  - Životić, Dragana
AU  - Cvetković, Olga
AU  - Vulić, Predrag J.
AU  - Gržetić, Ivan
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Ilijević, Konstantin
AU  - Dojčinović, Biljana
AU  - Erić, Suzana
AU  - Radić, Bogdan
AU  - Stojadinović, Sanja
AU  - Trifunović, Snežana S.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - A geochemical and mineralogical study was performed on lignite samples from the Upper Miocene Kovin deposit, hosting three coal seams. The Kovin lignite is characterized by high moisture content, medium to high ash yield, medium to high sulphur content and a relatively low gross and net calorific value. The mineralogical composition, and major and trace element contents were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The most abundant minerals in all lignite samples from the three coal seams are clays (illite/smectite), silicates (quartz, plagioclase), sulphates (gypsum/anhydrite) and carbonate (calcite). The other iron-rich minerals are sulphides, oxides and hydroxides (pyrite, mag-netite, haematite, and limonite). In general, mineral matter in the matrix coal consists of illite/ smectite and quartz, while xylite-rich coals, apart from illite/smectite, have a higher content of sulphates and Fe-oxide/hydroxide minerals. The lignite from the Kovin deposit is enriched in As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Gd, Tb, Er and Lu in comparison with the Clarke values for brown coals. The statistical analysis of bulk compositional data shows inorganic affinity for the majority of the major and trace elements and possible association with pyrite, illite/ smectite and calcite.
PB  - Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja
T2  - Geologia Croatica
T1  - Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)
VL  - 72
IS  - 1
SP  - 51
EP  - 79
DO  - 10.4154/gc.2019.06
ER  - 
author = "Životić, Dragana and Cvetković, Olga and Vulić, Predrag J. and Gržetić, Ivan and Simić, Vladimir and Ilijević, Konstantin and Dojčinović, Biljana and Erić, Suzana and Radić, Bogdan and Stojadinović, Sanja and Trifunović, Snežana S.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "A geochemical and mineralogical study was performed on lignite samples from the Upper Miocene Kovin deposit, hosting three coal seams. The Kovin lignite is characterized by high moisture content, medium to high ash yield, medium to high sulphur content and a relatively low gross and net calorific value. The mineralogical composition, and major and trace element contents were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The most abundant minerals in all lignite samples from the three coal seams are clays (illite/smectite), silicates (quartz, plagioclase), sulphates (gypsum/anhydrite) and carbonate (calcite). The other iron-rich minerals are sulphides, oxides and hydroxides (pyrite, mag-netite, haematite, and limonite). In general, mineral matter in the matrix coal consists of illite/ smectite and quartz, while xylite-rich coals, apart from illite/smectite, have a higher content of sulphates and Fe-oxide/hydroxide minerals. The lignite from the Kovin deposit is enriched in As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Gd, Tb, Er and Lu in comparison with the Clarke values for brown coals. The statistical analysis of bulk compositional data shows inorganic affinity for the majority of the major and trace elements and possible association with pyrite, illite/ smectite and calcite.",
publisher = "Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja",
journal = "Geologia Croatica",
title = "Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)",
volume = "72",
number = "1",
pages = "51-79",
doi = "10.4154/gc.2019.06"
Životić, D., Cvetković, O., Vulić, P. J., Gržetić, I., Simić, V., Ilijević, K., Dojčinović, B., Erić, S., Radić, B., Stojadinović, S.,& Trifunović, S. S.. (2019). Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia). in Geologia Croatica
Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja., 72(1), 51-79.
Životić D, Cvetković O, Vulić PJ, Gržetić I, Simić V, Ilijević K, Dojčinović B, Erić S, Radić B, Stojadinović S, Trifunović SS. Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia). in Geologia Croatica. 2019;72(1):51-79.
doi:10.4154/gc.2019.06 .
Životić, Dragana, Cvetković, Olga, Vulić, Predrag J., Gržetić, Ivan, Simić, Vladimir, Ilijević, Konstantin, Dojčinović, Biljana, Erić, Suzana, Radić, Bogdan, Stojadinović, Sanja, Trifunović, Snežana S., "Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, 72, no. 1 (2019):51-79, . .

Značaj geohemijskih i mineraloških karakteristika sedimenata za predviđanje procese degradacije terena

Kašanin-Grubin, Milica; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Gajica, Gordana; Simić, Vladimir; Stojanović, Ksenija; Brčeski, Ilija; Jovančićević, Branimir

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Karnegijeva 4/III, Beograd, Srbija / Serbian Chemical Society, Karnegijeva 4/III, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018)

AU  - Kašanin-Grubin, Milica
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Gajica, Gordana
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Brčeski, Ilija
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Antropogeni uticaji na životnu sredinu započeli su pre nekoliko hiljada godina, ali su oni do industrijalizacije bili kratkotrajni i lokalizovani u vremenu i prostoru. Kasnije se stepen ljudskog uticaja na prirodno okruženje pojačavao i sada je znatno veći nego u bilo kom trenutku u ljudskoj istoriji. Tokom poslednjeg veka predeli se najčešće modifikuju i degradiraju rudarstvom, širenjem infrastrukture i urbanog razvoja [1] a efekti mogu da traju hiljadama, pa čak i milionima godina [2]. U cilju sprečavanja degradacije terena neophodno je razumeti kako će predeli reagovati na nametnute promene i to najpre u smislu a) verovatnoće da će predeo odgovoriti na nametnute promene, b) određivanja vremena, trajanja, brzine i načina odgovora i c) potencijala da se dat sistem vremenom stabilizuje [3]. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi značaj geohemijskog i minerološkog sastava sedimenata za određivanje osetljivosti terena na promene u životnoj sredini. U tu svrhu analizirano je 60 uzoraka sedimenata iz 5 neogenih jezerskih basena, a to su Loparski,
Valjevski, Toplički, Aleksinački i Kremanski basen. Ovi baseni su posebno interesantni zato što nose fosilne i/ili mineralne resurse, i postoji mogućnost da pri površinskoj eksploataciji ovih resursa dođe do degradacije životne sredine. Na svim uzorcima sedimenata određene su njihove minerološke, petrografske i geohemijske karakteristike. Sadržaji elemenata određeni su optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom sa indukovano spregnutom plazmom (ICP-OES), a mineralni sastav
određen je rendgenskom difrakcijom praha (XRD). Sadržaj organskog ugljenika (Corg) određen je elementarnom analizom nakon uklanjanja karbonata hlorovodoničnom kiselinom. Električna provodljivost (EC) i pH su mereni u rastvoru 1 g fino sprašenog uzorka u 10 ml destilovane vode. Dostupni joni Na+, K+, Mg2+ i Ca2+ određeni su eksperimentom izluživanja tokom kog je 10 g uzorka potopljeno je u 100 ml destilovane vode i mućkano 24 h. Nakon toga materijal je filtriran i određene su koncentracije jona na ICP-OES-u. Disperznost sedimenata je određena pomoću odnosa EC i koeficijenta adsorpcije natrijuma (Sodium Adsorption Ration SAR). Ispitivani sedimenti iz neogenih jezerskih basena su laporci sa promenjivim odnosom karbonanta i minerala glina, karbonatne stene izgrađene od kalcita ili dolomita, zatim bituminozni šejlovi i tufovi. U svim ispitivanim sedimentima uočena je statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija između pH i EC, kao i statitstički značajna negativna korelacija između pH i Corg. Odnos EC/SAR ukazuju na to da su laporci i tufovi najviše skloni disperziji.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Karnegijeva 4/III, Beograd, Srbija / Serbian Chemical Society, Karnegijeva 4/III, Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - 8. Simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine (sa međunarodnim učešćem) / 8th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection (with international participation), 30.5-01.06.2018., Kruševac, Serbia
T1  - Značaj geohemijskih i mineraloških karakteristika sedimenata za predviđanje procese degradacije terena
SP  - 105
EP  - 106
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kašanin-Grubin, Milica and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Gajica, Gordana and Simić, Vladimir and Stojanović, Ksenija and Brčeski, Ilija and Jovančićević, Branimir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Antropogeni uticaji na životnu sredinu započeli su pre nekoliko hiljada godina, ali su oni do industrijalizacije bili kratkotrajni i lokalizovani u vremenu i prostoru. Kasnije se stepen ljudskog uticaja na prirodno okruženje pojačavao i sada je znatno veći nego u bilo kom trenutku u ljudskoj istoriji. Tokom poslednjeg veka predeli se najčešće modifikuju i degradiraju rudarstvom, širenjem infrastrukture i urbanog razvoja [1] a efekti mogu da traju hiljadama, pa čak i milionima godina [2]. U cilju sprečavanja degradacije terena neophodno je razumeti kako će predeli reagovati na nametnute promene i to najpre u smislu a) verovatnoće da će predeo odgovoriti na nametnute promene, b) određivanja vremena, trajanja, brzine i načina odgovora i c) potencijala da se dat sistem vremenom stabilizuje [3]. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi značaj geohemijskog i minerološkog sastava sedimenata za određivanje osetljivosti terena na promene u životnoj sredini. U tu svrhu analizirano je 60 uzoraka sedimenata iz 5 neogenih jezerskih basena, a to su Loparski,
Valjevski, Toplički, Aleksinački i Kremanski basen. Ovi baseni su posebno interesantni zato što nose fosilne i/ili mineralne resurse, i postoji mogućnost da pri površinskoj eksploataciji ovih resursa dođe do degradacije životne sredine. Na svim uzorcima sedimenata određene su njihove minerološke, petrografske i geohemijske karakteristike. Sadržaji elemenata određeni su optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom sa indukovano spregnutom plazmom (ICP-OES), a mineralni sastav
određen je rendgenskom difrakcijom praha (XRD). Sadržaj organskog ugljenika (Corg) određen je elementarnom analizom nakon uklanjanja karbonata hlorovodoničnom kiselinom. Električna provodljivost (EC) i pH su mereni u rastvoru 1 g fino sprašenog uzorka u 10 ml destilovane vode. Dostupni joni Na+, K+, Mg2+ i Ca2+ određeni su eksperimentom izluživanja tokom kog je 10 g uzorka potopljeno je u 100 ml destilovane vode i mućkano 24 h. Nakon toga materijal je filtriran i određene su koncentracije jona na ICP-OES-u. Disperznost sedimenata je određena pomoću odnosa EC i koeficijenta adsorpcije natrijuma (Sodium Adsorption Ration SAR). Ispitivani sedimenti iz neogenih jezerskih basena su laporci sa promenjivim odnosom karbonanta i minerala glina, karbonatne stene izgrađene od kalcita ili dolomita, zatim bituminozni šejlovi i tufovi. U svim ispitivanim sedimentima uočena je statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija između pH i EC, kao i statitstički značajna negativna korelacija između pH i Corg. Odnos EC/SAR ukazuju na to da su laporci i tufovi najviše skloni disperziji.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Karnegijeva 4/III, Beograd, Srbija / Serbian Chemical Society, Karnegijeva 4/III, Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "8. Simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine (sa međunarodnim učešćem) / 8th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection (with international participation), 30.5-01.06.2018., Kruševac, Serbia",
title = "Značaj geohemijskih i mineraloških karakteristika sedimenata za predviđanje procese degradacije terena",
pages = "105-106",
url = ""
Kašanin-Grubin, M., Šajnović, A., Gajica, G., Simić, V., Stojanović, K., Brčeski, I.,& Jovančićević, B.. (2018). Značaj geohemijskih i mineraloških karakteristika sedimenata za predviđanje procese degradacije terena. in 8. Simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine (sa međunarodnim učešćem) / 8th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection (with international participation), 30.5-01.06.2018., Kruševac, Serbia
Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Karnegijeva 4/III, Beograd, Srbija / Serbian Chemical Society, Karnegijeva 4/III, Belgrade, Serbia., 105-106.
Kašanin-Grubin M, Šajnović A, Gajica G, Simić V, Stojanović K, Brčeski I, Jovančićević B. Značaj geohemijskih i mineraloških karakteristika sedimenata za predviđanje procese degradacije terena. in 8. Simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine (sa međunarodnim učešćem) / 8th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection (with international participation), 30.5-01.06.2018., Kruševac, Serbia. 2018;:105-106. .
Kašanin-Grubin, Milica, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Gajica, Gordana, Simić, Vladimir, Stojanović, Ksenija, Brčeski, Ilija, Jovančićević, Branimir, "Značaj geohemijskih i mineraloških karakteristika sedimenata za predviđanje procese degradacije terena" in 8. Simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine (sa međunarodnim učešćem) / 8th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection (with international participation), 30.5-01.06.2018., Kruševac, Serbia (2018):105-106, .

Assessment of landscape sensitivity based on geochemical characteristics of sediments (Kremna basin)

Kašanin-Grubin, Milica; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Perunović, Tamara; Stojanović, Ksenija; Simić, Vladimir; Gajica, Gordana; Brčeski, Ilija

(Romania : Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2018)

AU  - Kašanin-Grubin, Milica
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Perunović, Tamara
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Gajica, Gordana
AU  - Brčeski, Ilija
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The scale of human impacts on the natural environment is now considerably larger than at any point in history. The concept of geomorphic sensitivity can help to understand the rate, magnitude and nature of landscape adjustment to perturbation in a given natural system. Aim of this research is to show that geochemical and mineralogical data are important factors in determining landscape sensitivity. To test the suggested premise Neogene lacustrine Kremna basin (Serbia) was selected since sediments found in lacustrine basins are usually prone to dispersion and erosion. Furthermore, lacustrine basins often bear fossil and mineral resources and because of that are often undergoing land use changes. For the purpose of this study, samples of serpentinite, carbonates, marly carbonates, oil shale and tuff were analyzed. Besides mineralogical and petrographic analyses, samples were subjected to the weathering experiments. Obtained results indicate that marly carbonates and tuff are most prone to dispersion primarily due to presence of clay minerals. However, oil shale which also contains clay minerals showed minor leaching characteristics due to high content of organic matter. It can be concluded that mineralogical and geochemical characteristics are important for determining landscape sensitivity to erosion processes of an area.
PB  - Romania : Editura Universităţii din Oradea
T2  - Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
T1  - Assessment of landscape sensitivity based on geochemical characteristics of sediments (Kremna basin)
VL  - 8
IS  - 2
SP  - 148
EP  - 165
DO  - 10.31924/nrsd.v8i2.016
ER  - 
author = "Kašanin-Grubin, Milica and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Perunović, Tamara and Stojanović, Ksenija and Simić, Vladimir and Gajica, Gordana and Brčeski, Ilija",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The scale of human impacts on the natural environment is now considerably larger than at any point in history. The concept of geomorphic sensitivity can help to understand the rate, magnitude and nature of landscape adjustment to perturbation in a given natural system. Aim of this research is to show that geochemical and mineralogical data are important factors in determining landscape sensitivity. To test the suggested premise Neogene lacustrine Kremna basin (Serbia) was selected since sediments found in lacustrine basins are usually prone to dispersion and erosion. Furthermore, lacustrine basins often bear fossil and mineral resources and because of that are often undergoing land use changes. For the purpose of this study, samples of serpentinite, carbonates, marly carbonates, oil shale and tuff were analyzed. Besides mineralogical and petrographic analyses, samples were subjected to the weathering experiments. Obtained results indicate that marly carbonates and tuff are most prone to dispersion primarily due to presence of clay minerals. However, oil shale which also contains clay minerals showed minor leaching characteristics due to high content of organic matter. It can be concluded that mineralogical and geochemical characteristics are important for determining landscape sensitivity to erosion processes of an area.",
publisher = "Romania : Editura Universităţii din Oradea",
journal = "Natural Resources and Sustainable Development",
title = "Assessment of landscape sensitivity based on geochemical characteristics of sediments (Kremna basin)",
volume = "8",
number = "2",
pages = "148-165",
doi = "10.31924/nrsd.v8i2.016"
Kašanin-Grubin, M., Šajnović, A., Perunović, T., Stojanović, K., Simić, V., Gajica, G.,& Brčeski, I.. (2018). Assessment of landscape sensitivity based on geochemical characteristics of sediments (Kremna basin). in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Romania : Editura Universităţii din Oradea., 8(2), 148-165.
Kašanin-Grubin M, Šajnović A, Perunović T, Stojanović K, Simić V, Gajica G, Brčeski I. Assessment of landscape sensitivity based on geochemical characteristics of sediments (Kremna basin). in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development. 2018;8(2):148-165.
doi:10.31924/nrsd.v8i2.016 .
Kašanin-Grubin, Milica, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Perunović, Tamara, Stojanović, Ksenija, Simić, Vladimir, Gajica, Gordana, Brčeski, Ilija, "Assessment of landscape sensitivity based on geochemical characteristics of sediments (Kremna basin)" in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, 8, no. 2 (2018):148-165, . .

Geochemical investigation as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia)

Perunovic, Tamara; Stojanović, Ksenija; Kašanin-Grubin, Milica; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Simić, Vladimir; Jovančićević, Branimir; Brčeski, Ilija

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2015)

AU  - Perunovic, Tamara
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Kašanin-Grubin, Milica
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
AU  - Brčeski, Ilija
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The geochemical composition of the soils and underlying sediments in the Kremna Basin was investigated. The aim was to assess whether the observed heavy metal concentrations in the soil samples represent geogenic or anthropogenic contamination. The second objective was to show that geochemical data of underlying sediments should be used as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination. For this purpose, the contents of As, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn of soil samples were compared with standard values, a reference soil sample and local background values of the underlying sediments. The soil samples were unpolluted regarding the contents of As, Hg, Pb and Zn. All samples had higher contents of Cr and Ni, whereas three samples had higher contents of Cu than the limit standard values. Geochemical parameters showed that the higher concentrations of Cr, Cu and Ni in the soils could be attributed to geogenic impact. This conclusion was supported by the Chemical Proxy of Alteration and Chemical Index of Weathering values, which indicated intense weathering of the sediments. The obtained results showed that the Kremna area is under slight to moderate hazard if a land use change would occur, and proved the importance of the geochemical composition of underlying sediments in the interpretation of heavy metal pollution.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Geochemical investigation as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia)
VL  - 80
IS  - 8
SP  - 1087
EP  - 1099
DO  - 10.2298/JSC140917108P
ER  - 
author = "Perunovic, Tamara and Stojanović, Ksenija and Kašanin-Grubin, Milica and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Simić, Vladimir and Jovančićević, Branimir and Brčeski, Ilija",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The geochemical composition of the soils and underlying sediments in the Kremna Basin was investigated. The aim was to assess whether the observed heavy metal concentrations in the soil samples represent geogenic or anthropogenic contamination. The second objective was to show that geochemical data of underlying sediments should be used as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination. For this purpose, the contents of As, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn of soil samples were compared with standard values, a reference soil sample and local background values of the underlying sediments. The soil samples were unpolluted regarding the contents of As, Hg, Pb and Zn. All samples had higher contents of Cr and Ni, whereas three samples had higher contents of Cu than the limit standard values. Geochemical parameters showed that the higher concentrations of Cr, Cu and Ni in the soils could be attributed to geogenic impact. This conclusion was supported by the Chemical Proxy of Alteration and Chemical Index of Weathering values, which indicated intense weathering of the sediments. The obtained results showed that the Kremna area is under slight to moderate hazard if a land use change would occur, and proved the importance of the geochemical composition of underlying sediments in the interpretation of heavy metal pollution.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Geochemical investigation as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia)",
volume = "80",
number = "8",
pages = "1087-1099",
doi = "10.2298/JSC140917108P"
Perunovic, T., Stojanović, K., Kašanin-Grubin, M., Šajnović, A., Simić, V., Jovančićević, B.,& Brčeski, I.. (2015). Geochemical investigation as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia). in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 80(8), 1087-1099.
Perunovic T, Stojanović K, Kašanin-Grubin M, Šajnović A, Simić V, Jovančićević B, Brčeski I. Geochemical investigation as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia). in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2015;80(8):1087-1099.
doi:10.2298/JSC140917108P .
Perunovic, Tamara, Stojanović, Ksenija, Kašanin-Grubin, Milica, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Simić, Vladimir, Jovančićević, Branimir, Brčeski, Ilija, "Geochemical investigation as a tool in the determination of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia)" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 80, no. 8 (2015):1087-1099, . .

Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene kremna basin, Serbia

Perunovic, Tamara; Stojanović, Ksenija; Simić, Vladimir; Kašanin-Grubin, Milica; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Eric, Vladisav; Schwarzbauer, Jan; Vasic, Nebojsa; Jovančićević, Branimir; Brčeski, Ilija

(Polish Geological Soc, Krakow, 2014)

AU  - Perunovic, Tamara
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Kašanin-Grubin, Milica
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Eric, Vladisav
AU  - Schwarzbauer, Jan
AU  - Vasic, Nebojsa
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
AU  - Brčeski, Ilija
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The Kremna Basin is located in south west Serbia, in the Zlatibor area, which is part of the Internal Dinarides. This basin is note worthy because of the type of bedrock drainage, which it represents. It was formed on ultrabasic rocks and volcanic materials that influenced the occurrence of organic matter (OM) in the basin fill. The objective of the study was to determine the organic geochemical characteristics of sediments from the central part of the Kremna Basin. The sediments studied belong to an intrabasinal facies, in which two sequences were distinguished. The lower sequence occurs at depths of 216-343 m, while the upper sequence is found from 13.5-216 m. At the start of basin development (265-343 m) sedimentation took place in shallow alkaline water, rich in Mg ions. Through time, a slight deepening of the basin occurred. This was followed by chemical deposition of carbonates (216-265 m). The most important change in the sedimentary environment occurred with the formation of sediments marking the transition between the sequences (at about 200 m). Sediments from the lower sequence are characterized by the dominance of dolomite and magnesite. There are indications of volcanic activity, i.e. tuff layers and the presence of searlesite. The upper sequence is characterized by the prevalence of calcite and dolomite. The amounts of MgO, Na2O and B are higher in the lower sequence, whereas the CaO content is higher in the upper sequence. The sediments contain different amounts of immature OM (late diagenesis). Biomarker analysis shows diverse precursors of the sedimentary OM: methanogenic archaea, photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae), bacterivorous ciliates, various bacteria, both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic, the green unicellular microalga, Botryococcus braunii race A (exclusively in the upper sequence) and terrestrial plants. The lower sequence contains lower amount OM, composed primarily of kerogen II/III and III types, indicating a higher contribution of the allochtonous biomass of land plants from the lake catchment, particularly in the lower part. The sediments of the upper sequence are enriched in autochthonous aquatic OM, which comprises mostly kerogen I, I/II and II types. The transition from the lower sequence to the upper one is associated with a decrease in pristane to phytane ratio, gammacerane index and content of C-28 steroids, absence or significantly lower amount of squalane, absence of C-24 and C-25 regular isoprenoids, 8-methyl-2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl) chroman and C-30 hop-17(21)-ene. Pyrolytic experiments showed that the sediments of the upper sequence, rich in aquatic OM, at a catagenetic stage could be a source of liquid hydrocarbons. The values of hopane, sterane and phenanthrene maturation parameters indicate that through pyrolysis at 400 degrees C the samples investigated reached a value of vitrinite reflectance equivalent of approximately 0.70%. It was estimated that the sediments should be found at depths of 2300-2900 m in order to become active source rocks. The calculated minimum temperature, necessary for catagenetic hydrocarbon generation, is between 103 and 107 degrees C.
PB  - Polish Geological Soc, Krakow
T2  - Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
T1  - Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene kremna basin, Serbia
VL  - 84
IS  - 3
SP  - 185
EP  - 212
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perunovic, Tamara and Stojanović, Ksenija and Simić, Vladimir and Kašanin-Grubin, Milica and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Eric, Vladisav and Schwarzbauer, Jan and Vasic, Nebojsa and Jovančićević, Branimir and Brčeski, Ilija",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The Kremna Basin is located in south west Serbia, in the Zlatibor area, which is part of the Internal Dinarides. This basin is note worthy because of the type of bedrock drainage, which it represents. It was formed on ultrabasic rocks and volcanic materials that influenced the occurrence of organic matter (OM) in the basin fill. The objective of the study was to determine the organic geochemical characteristics of sediments from the central part of the Kremna Basin. The sediments studied belong to an intrabasinal facies, in which two sequences were distinguished. The lower sequence occurs at depths of 216-343 m, while the upper sequence is found from 13.5-216 m. At the start of basin development (265-343 m) sedimentation took place in shallow alkaline water, rich in Mg ions. Through time, a slight deepening of the basin occurred. This was followed by chemical deposition of carbonates (216-265 m). The most important change in the sedimentary environment occurred with the formation of sediments marking the transition between the sequences (at about 200 m). Sediments from the lower sequence are characterized by the dominance of dolomite and magnesite. There are indications of volcanic activity, i.e. tuff layers and the presence of searlesite. The upper sequence is characterized by the prevalence of calcite and dolomite. The amounts of MgO, Na2O and B are higher in the lower sequence, whereas the CaO content is higher in the upper sequence. The sediments contain different amounts of immature OM (late diagenesis). Biomarker analysis shows diverse precursors of the sedimentary OM: methanogenic archaea, photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae), bacterivorous ciliates, various bacteria, both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic, the green unicellular microalga, Botryococcus braunii race A (exclusively in the upper sequence) and terrestrial plants. The lower sequence contains lower amount OM, composed primarily of kerogen II/III and III types, indicating a higher contribution of the allochtonous biomass of land plants from the lake catchment, particularly in the lower part. The sediments of the upper sequence are enriched in autochthonous aquatic OM, which comprises mostly kerogen I, I/II and II types. The transition from the lower sequence to the upper one is associated with a decrease in pristane to phytane ratio, gammacerane index and content of C-28 steroids, absence or significantly lower amount of squalane, absence of C-24 and C-25 regular isoprenoids, 8-methyl-2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl) chroman and C-30 hop-17(21)-ene. Pyrolytic experiments showed that the sediments of the upper sequence, rich in aquatic OM, at a catagenetic stage could be a source of liquid hydrocarbons. The values of hopane, sterane and phenanthrene maturation parameters indicate that through pyrolysis at 400 degrees C the samples investigated reached a value of vitrinite reflectance equivalent of approximately 0.70%. It was estimated that the sediments should be found at depths of 2300-2900 m in order to become active source rocks. The calculated minimum temperature, necessary for catagenetic hydrocarbon generation, is between 103 and 107 degrees C.",
publisher = "Polish Geological Soc, Krakow",
journal = "Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae",
title = "Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene kremna basin, Serbia",
volume = "84",
number = "3",
pages = "185-212",
url = ""
Perunovic, T., Stojanović, K., Simić, V., Kašanin-Grubin, M., Šajnović, A., Eric, V., Schwarzbauer, J., Vasic, N., Jovančićević, B.,& Brčeski, I.. (2014). Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene kremna basin, Serbia. in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Polish Geological Soc, Krakow., 84(3), 185-212.
Perunovic T, Stojanović K, Simić V, Kašanin-Grubin M, Šajnović A, Eric V, Schwarzbauer J, Vasic N, Jovančićević B, Brčeski I. Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene kremna basin, Serbia. in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. 2014;84(3):185-212. .
Perunovic, Tamara, Stojanović, Ksenija, Simić, Vladimir, Kašanin-Grubin, Milica, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Eric, Vladisav, Schwarzbauer, Jan, Vasic, Nebojsa, Jovančićević, Branimir, Brčeski, Ilija, "Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene kremna basin, Serbia" in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 84, no. 3 (2014):185-212, .

Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Grba, Nenad; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Stojanović, Ksenija; Simić, Vladimir; Jovančićević, Branimir; Roglić, Goran; Eric, Vladisav

(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, Jena, 2014)

AU  - Grba, Nenad
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
AU  - Roglić, Goran
AU  - Eric, Vladisav
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Sedimentary rocks from the saline formation of the Lopare Basin were investigated. Sediments contain a moderate amount of immature to marginally mature algal organic matter deposited under slightly reducing to anoxic and slightly saline to hypersaline conditions. Almost all of the samples contain beta-carotane in a relatively high quantity, and in some, it represents the most abundant compound in the total distribution of hydrocarbons. The objective of the study was to determine the conditions that are favourable to precursors of beta-carotene and/or the preservation of the carotenoid hydrocarbon skeleton. Moreover, the dominant transformation pathways of beta-carotene under different redox and salinity conditions, which lead to the formation of aromatic carotenoids were defined. Based on the content of beta-carotane, the examined sedimentary rocks are divided into groups A, B and C. Group A does not contain or contains up to 1% of beta-carotane, group B contains between 1 and 5% of beta-carotane, while group C contains more than 5% of 13-carotane in the overall distribution of hydrocarbons. The organic matter (OM) of the sediments of group A is characterized by a higher contribution of prokaryotic precursor organisms, in comparison with the other samples. The OM was deposited in a slightly saline reductive environment, with an increased erosion activity. This environment was unfavourable for the precursors of beta-carotene and/or for preservation of its hydrocarbon skeleton. Evidence for the degradation of the poliene chain in beta-carotene is the domination of monoaromatic compounds in the aromatic carotenoids distribution. The OM of sediments of groups B and C is similar, predominantly of algal origin deposited in a reducing to anoxic calm carbonate environment with salinity changes from hypersaline to saline. Such reduced to anoxic saline, but not hypersaline environments are most appropriate for precursors of beta-carotene and for the preservation of carotenoid skeleton. Cyclization and aromatization of polyene isoprenoid chain, whereby terminal groups remain the main pattern, is the main pathway of beta-carotene aromatization in anoxic hypersaline environments, whereas aromatization of terminal 1,1,5-trimethylcyclohexen-5-enyl groups and expulsion of toluene and m-xylene are typical for the reduced to anoxic saline environments.
PB  - Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, Jena
T2  - Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry
T1  - Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
VL  - 74
IS  - 1
SP  - 107
EP  - 123
DO  - 10.1016/j.chemer.2013.10.002
ER  - 
author = "Grba, Nenad and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Stojanović, Ksenija and Simić, Vladimir and Jovančićević, Branimir and Roglić, Goran and Eric, Vladisav",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Sedimentary rocks from the saline formation of the Lopare Basin were investigated. Sediments contain a moderate amount of immature to marginally mature algal organic matter deposited under slightly reducing to anoxic and slightly saline to hypersaline conditions. Almost all of the samples contain beta-carotane in a relatively high quantity, and in some, it represents the most abundant compound in the total distribution of hydrocarbons. The objective of the study was to determine the conditions that are favourable to precursors of beta-carotene and/or the preservation of the carotenoid hydrocarbon skeleton. Moreover, the dominant transformation pathways of beta-carotene under different redox and salinity conditions, which lead to the formation of aromatic carotenoids were defined. Based on the content of beta-carotane, the examined sedimentary rocks are divided into groups A, B and C. Group A does not contain or contains up to 1% of beta-carotane, group B contains between 1 and 5% of beta-carotane, while group C contains more than 5% of 13-carotane in the overall distribution of hydrocarbons. The organic matter (OM) of the sediments of group A is characterized by a higher contribution of prokaryotic precursor organisms, in comparison with the other samples. The OM was deposited in a slightly saline reductive environment, with an increased erosion activity. This environment was unfavourable for the precursors of beta-carotene and/or for preservation of its hydrocarbon skeleton. Evidence for the degradation of the poliene chain in beta-carotene is the domination of monoaromatic compounds in the aromatic carotenoids distribution. The OM of sediments of groups B and C is similar, predominantly of algal origin deposited in a reducing to anoxic calm carbonate environment with salinity changes from hypersaline to saline. Such reduced to anoxic saline, but not hypersaline environments are most appropriate for precursors of beta-carotene and for the preservation of carotenoid skeleton. Cyclization and aromatization of polyene isoprenoid chain, whereby terminal groups remain the main pattern, is the main pathway of beta-carotene aromatization in anoxic hypersaline environments, whereas aromatization of terminal 1,1,5-trimethylcyclohexen-5-enyl groups and expulsion of toluene and m-xylene are typical for the reduced to anoxic saline environments.",
publisher = "Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, Jena",
journal = "Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry",
title = "Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
volume = "74",
number = "1",
pages = "107-123",
doi = "10.1016/j.chemer.2013.10.002"
Grba, N., Šajnović, A., Stojanović, K., Simić, V., Jovančićević, B., Roglić, G.,& Eric, V.. (2014). Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina). in Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry
Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, Jena., 74(1), 107-123.
Grba N, Šajnović A, Stojanović K, Simić V, Jovančićević B, Roglić G, Eric V. Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina). in Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry. 2014;74(1):107-123.
doi:10.1016/j.chemer.2013.10.002 .
Grba, Nenad, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Stojanović, Ksenija, Simić, Vladimir, Jovančićević, Branimir, Roglić, Goran, Eric, Vladisav, "Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry, 74, no. 1 (2014):107-123, . .

Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia)

Životić, Dragana; Stojanović, Ksenija; Gržetić, Ivan; Jovančićević, Branimir; Cvetković, Olga; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Simić, Vladimir; Stojakovic, Rajko; Scheeder, Georg

(Elsevier, 2013)

AU  - Životić, Dragana
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Gržetić, Ivan
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
AU  - Cvetković, Olga
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Stojakovic, Rajko
AU  - Scheeder, Georg
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The Upper Miocene lignite from the Main coal seam in the D field, Kolubara basin, is a typical humic coal with huminite, liptinite and inertinite concentrations of up to 83.7 vol.%, 17.2 vol.% and 15.5 vol.%, respectively. In the huminite group, textinite and ulminite are the most abundant macerals with variable amounts of densinite and attrinite. Liptodetrinite and sporinite are the most common macerals of the liptinite group, while inertodetrinite is the most abundant maceral of the inertinite group. The mineral matter consists mostly of clay minerals. The main sources of organic matter were gymnosperms (conifers) and microbial biomass, followed by angiosperms. Based on composition of saturated and aromatic diterpenoids it has been established that coal forming plants belonged to the gymnosperm families Taxodiaceae, Podocarpaceae, Cupressaceae, Araucariaceae, Phyllocladaceae and Pinaceae. Peatification occurred in neutral to slightly acidic, fresh water environment Composition and distribution of biomarkers show that diagenetic changes of the organic matter were mainly governed by bacterial activity in a suboxic to oxic environment Based on distribution of aromatic diterpenoids a novel diagenetic pathway for transformation of abietane-type precursors under suboxic to oxic conditions is proposed. Variations in compositions of macerals and biomarkers are in concordance with pronounced seasonality during Pontian, which caused changes in the water level, redox conditions during peatification, and to some extent vegetation differences in the paleo-plant communities.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - International Journal of Coal Geology
T1  - Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia)
VL  - 111
SP  - 5
EP  - 22
DO  - 10.1016/j.coal.2012.10.014
ER  - 
author = "Životić, Dragana and Stojanović, Ksenija and Gržetić, Ivan and Jovančićević, Branimir and Cvetković, Olga and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Simić, Vladimir and Stojakovic, Rajko and Scheeder, Georg",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The Upper Miocene lignite from the Main coal seam in the D field, Kolubara basin, is a typical humic coal with huminite, liptinite and inertinite concentrations of up to 83.7 vol.%, 17.2 vol.% and 15.5 vol.%, respectively. In the huminite group, textinite and ulminite are the most abundant macerals with variable amounts of densinite and attrinite. Liptodetrinite and sporinite are the most common macerals of the liptinite group, while inertodetrinite is the most abundant maceral of the inertinite group. The mineral matter consists mostly of clay minerals. The main sources of organic matter were gymnosperms (conifers) and microbial biomass, followed by angiosperms. Based on composition of saturated and aromatic diterpenoids it has been established that coal forming plants belonged to the gymnosperm families Taxodiaceae, Podocarpaceae, Cupressaceae, Araucariaceae, Phyllocladaceae and Pinaceae. Peatification occurred in neutral to slightly acidic, fresh water environment Composition and distribution of biomarkers show that diagenetic changes of the organic matter were mainly governed by bacterial activity in a suboxic to oxic environment Based on distribution of aromatic diterpenoids a novel diagenetic pathway for transformation of abietane-type precursors under suboxic to oxic conditions is proposed. Variations in compositions of macerals and biomarkers are in concordance with pronounced seasonality during Pontian, which caused changes in the water level, redox conditions during peatification, and to some extent vegetation differences in the paleo-plant communities.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "International Journal of Coal Geology",
title = "Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia)",
volume = "111",
pages = "5-22",
doi = "10.1016/j.coal.2012.10.014"
Životić, D., Stojanović, K., Gržetić, I., Jovančićević, B., Cvetković, O., Šajnović, A., Simić, V., Stojakovic, R.,& Scheeder, G.. (2013). Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia). in International Journal of Coal Geology
Elsevier., 111, 5-22.
Životić D, Stojanović K, Gržetić I, Jovančićević B, Cvetković O, Šajnović A, Simić V, Stojakovic R, Scheeder G. Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia). in International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013;111:5-22.
doi:10.1016/j.coal.2012.10.014 .
Životić, Dragana, Stojanović, Ksenija, Gržetić, Ivan, Jovančićević, Branimir, Cvetković, Olga, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Simić, Vladimir, Stojakovic, Rajko, Scheeder, Georg, "Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia)" in International Journal of Coal Geology, 111 (2013):5-22, . .

Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia)

Šajnović, Aleksandra; Stojanović, Ksenija; Simić, Vladimir; Jovančićević, Branimir

(IntechOpen, 2012)

AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stojanović, Ksenija
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Valjevo-Mionica Basin is one of the numerous lacustrine Neogene basins in Serbia. AfterAleksinac Basin, according to the quality and amount of oil shale, it is one of the maindeposits of this raw material in Serbia. The most important oil shale deposits in Valjevo-Mionica Basin are located in the central part of the basin (Bela stena series, Sušeočka andRadobićka Bela Stena). The kerogen content in oil shales ranged from 8 - 16 %. The averageoil yield of 6.3 % is of economical value.Total of 62 samples of Neogene lacustrine sedimentary rocks to the depth of 400 m wereinvestigated in this study. The first objective of the study was to reconstruct geologicalhistory (evolution) of the sediments i.e. to determine the palaeoconditions in depositionalenvironment during its formation. For this purpose numerous geochemical methods andapproaches were used. The second objective of the study was to determine the origin, type,maturity and liquid hydrocarbon potential of organic matter (OM). Aimed at detailedestimation of the oil shale OM potential, and prediction of the conditions necessary tobecome active oil generating source rock, pyrolytic experiments were performed on thebitumen-free sample. Bearing in mind that some metal ions (e.g. Al(III)-ion in clay minerals)(Jovančićević et al., 1993; Peters et al., 2005) have catalytic influence on most of thematuration processes, and that Pt(IV)- and Ru(III)- ions are often components of catalysts inmany laboratory investigations and industrial procedures (Hu et al., 1994; Kawaguchi et al.,2005), the pyrolytic experiments of bitumen-free rock were performed also in the presence ofsimple inorganic compounds, H2[PtCl6] and RuCl3, to investigate if their presence changesthe yield and hydrocarbon composition of liquid pyrolysates.
PB  - IntechOpen
T2  - Geochemistry – Earth's System Processes
T1  - Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia)
SP  - 1
EP  - 26
DO  - 10.5772/32180
ER  - 
author = "Šajnović, Aleksandra and Stojanović, Ksenija and Simić, Vladimir and Jovančićević, Branimir",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Valjevo-Mionica Basin is one of the numerous lacustrine Neogene basins in Serbia. AfterAleksinac Basin, according to the quality and amount of oil shale, it is one of the maindeposits of this raw material in Serbia. The most important oil shale deposits in Valjevo-Mionica Basin are located in the central part of the basin (Bela stena series, Sušeočka andRadobićka Bela Stena). The kerogen content in oil shales ranged from 8 - 16 %. The averageoil yield of 6.3 % is of economical value.Total of 62 samples of Neogene lacustrine sedimentary rocks to the depth of 400 m wereinvestigated in this study. The first objective of the study was to reconstruct geologicalhistory (evolution) of the sediments i.e. to determine the palaeoconditions in depositionalenvironment during its formation. For this purpose numerous geochemical methods andapproaches were used. The second objective of the study was to determine the origin, type,maturity and liquid hydrocarbon potential of organic matter (OM). Aimed at detailedestimation of the oil shale OM potential, and prediction of the conditions necessary tobecome active oil generating source rock, pyrolytic experiments were performed on thebitumen-free sample. Bearing in mind that some metal ions (e.g. Al(III)-ion in clay minerals)(Jovančićević et al., 1993; Peters et al., 2005) have catalytic influence on most of thematuration processes, and that Pt(IV)- and Ru(III)- ions are often components of catalysts inmany laboratory investigations and industrial procedures (Hu et al., 1994; Kawaguchi et al.,2005), the pyrolytic experiments of bitumen-free rock were performed also in the presence ofsimple inorganic compounds, H2[PtCl6] and RuCl3, to investigate if their presence changesthe yield and hydrocarbon composition of liquid pyrolysates.",
publisher = "IntechOpen",
journal = "Geochemistry – Earth's System Processes",
booktitle = "Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia)",
pages = "1-26",
doi = "10.5772/32180"
Šajnović, A., Stojanović, K., Simić, V.,& Jovančićević, B.. (2012). Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia). in Geochemistry – Earth's System Processes
IntechOpen., 1-26.
Šajnović A, Stojanović K, Simić V, Jovančićević B. Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia). in Geochemistry – Earth's System Processes. 2012;:1-26.
doi:10.5772/32180 .
Šajnović, Aleksandra, Stojanović, Ksenija, Simić, Vladimir, Jovančićević, Branimir, "Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia)" in Geochemistry – Earth's System Processes (2012):1-26, . .

Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Suseocka Bela Stena Based on Geochemical Parameters (Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia)

Šajnović, Aleksandra; Simić, Vladimir; Jovančićević, Branimir; Cvetković, Olga; Dimitrijević, Radovan; Grubin, Nenad

(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, Malden, 2008)

AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
AU  - Cvetković, Olga
AU  - Dimitrijević, Radovan
AU  - Grubin, Nenad
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Sediments of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin (Serbia) were examined both geochemically and mineralogically to explain, on the basis of their sedimentological characteristics, the causes of changes in their qualitative and quantitative composition. A total of 62 samples obtained from the drillhole at depths up to 400 m was investigated. Using correlation of the obtained data, six geochemical zones were defined, two of which being specially distinguished by their mineralogical, geochemical and sedimentological characteristics. The first one, upper zone A, consists of banded marlstones interbedded with clay and oil shales and is characterized by presence of analcite and searlesite. These minerals and very high contents of Na(2)O indicate sedimentation in alkaline conditions with increased salinity in and climate. That provided pronounced water stratification, as well as higher bioproductivity in the basin and sedimentary organic matter preservation. Therefore, the zone A sediments are characterized by high organic matter contents of the type which provides good potential for production of liquid hydrocarbons. Another specific zone, zone F, contains sediments with very high MgO, K(2)O and Li concentrations. Their geochemical correlation, as well as almost complete absence of illite in this zone, indicates the presence of interstratified clay mineral type illite-saponite (lithium-bearing Mg-smectite).
PB  - Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, Malden
T2  - Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition
T1  - Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Suseocka Bela Stena Based on Geochemical Parameters (Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia)
VL  - 82
IS  - 6
SP  - 1201
EP  - 1212
DO  - 10.1111/j.1755-6724.2008.tb00722.x
ER  - 
author = "Šajnović, Aleksandra and Simić, Vladimir and Jovančićević, Branimir and Cvetković, Olga and Dimitrijević, Radovan and Grubin, Nenad",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Sediments of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin (Serbia) were examined both geochemically and mineralogically to explain, on the basis of their sedimentological characteristics, the causes of changes in their qualitative and quantitative composition. A total of 62 samples obtained from the drillhole at depths up to 400 m was investigated. Using correlation of the obtained data, six geochemical zones were defined, two of which being specially distinguished by their mineralogical, geochemical and sedimentological characteristics. The first one, upper zone A, consists of banded marlstones interbedded with clay and oil shales and is characterized by presence of analcite and searlesite. These minerals and very high contents of Na(2)O indicate sedimentation in alkaline conditions with increased salinity in and climate. That provided pronounced water stratification, as well as higher bioproductivity in the basin and sedimentary organic matter preservation. Therefore, the zone A sediments are characterized by high organic matter contents of the type which provides good potential for production of liquid hydrocarbons. Another specific zone, zone F, contains sediments with very high MgO, K(2)O and Li concentrations. Their geochemical correlation, as well as almost complete absence of illite in this zone, indicates the presence of interstratified clay mineral type illite-saponite (lithium-bearing Mg-smectite).",
publisher = "Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, Malden",
journal = "Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition",
title = "Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Suseocka Bela Stena Based on Geochemical Parameters (Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia)",
volume = "82",
number = "6",
pages = "1201-1212",
doi = "10.1111/j.1755-6724.2008.tb00722.x"
Šajnović, A., Simić, V., Jovančićević, B., Cvetković, O., Dimitrijević, R.,& Grubin, N.. (2008). Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Suseocka Bela Stena Based on Geochemical Parameters (Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia). in Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, Malden., 82(6), 1201-1212.
Šajnović A, Simić V, Jovančićević B, Cvetković O, Dimitrijević R, Grubin N. Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Suseocka Bela Stena Based on Geochemical Parameters (Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia). in Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition. 2008;82(6):1201-1212.
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Petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical characteristics of coal from the Soko mine, Serbia

Životić, Dragana; Wehner, Herman; Cvetković, Olga; Jovančićević, Branimir; Gržetić, Ivan; Scheeder, Georg; Vidal, Angelika; Šajnović, Aleksandra; Ercegovac, Marko; Simić, Vladimir

(Elsevier, 2008)

AU  - Životić, Dragana
AU  - Wehner, Herman
AU  - Cvetković, Olga
AU  - Jovančićević, Branimir
AU  - Gržetić, Ivan
AU  - Scheeder, Georg
AU  - Vidal, Angelika
AU  - Šajnović, Aleksandra
AU  - Ercegovac, Marko
AU  - Simić, Vladimir
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - A petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical study was performed on coal samples from the Soko Mine, Soko Banja basin, Serbia. Ten coal and two carbonaceous clay samples were collected from fresh, working faces in the underground brown coal mine from different parts of the main coal seam. The Lower Miocene, low-rank coal of the Soko Mine is a typical humic coal with huminite concentrations of up to 76.2 vol.%, liptinite less than 14 vol.% and inertinite less than 11 vol.%. Ulminite is the most abundant maceral with variable amounts of densinite and clay minerals. Sporinite and resinite are the most common macerals of the liptinite group. Inertodetrinite is the most abundant maceral of the inertinite group. The mineral-bituminous groundmass identified in some coal samples, and carbonaceous marly clay, indicate sub-aquatic origin and strong bacterial decomposition. The mean random huminite reflectance (ulminite B) for the main coal seam is 0.40 +/- 0.05% Rr, which is typical for an immature to early mature stage of organic matter. The extract yields from the coal of the Soko Banja basin ranges from 9413 to 14,096 ppm, in which alkanes constituted 1.02-0.1%, aromatics 1.3-14.7%, asphaltenes 28.1-76.2% and resins 20.2-43.5%. The saturated hydrocarbon fractions included n-C-15 to n-C-32, with an odd carbon number that predominate in almost all the samples. The contents of n-C-27 and n-C-29 alkanes are extremely high in some samples, as a contribution of epicuticular waxes from higher plants. Acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons are minor constituents in the aliphatic fraction, and the pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio varies between 0.56 and 3.13, which implies anaerobic to oxic conditions during sedimentation. The most abundant diterpanes were abietane, dehydroabietane and 16 alpha(H)-phyllocladane. In samples from the upper part of the coal seam, diterpanes are the dominant constituents of the alkane fraction. Polycyclic alkanes of the triterpane type are important constituents of alkane fractions. The occurrence of beta beta- and alpha beta-type hopanes from C-27 to C-31, but without C-28, is typical for the Soko Banja coals. The major and trace elements in the coal were analysed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In comparison with world lignites, using the geometric mean value, the coal from the Soko Banja Basin has a high content of strontium (306.953 mg/kg). Higher values than the world lignites were obtained for Mo (3.614 mg/kg), Ni(8.119 mg/kg), Se (0.884 mg/kg), U (2.642 mg/kg) and W (0.148 mg/kg). Correlation analysis shows inorganic affinity for almost all the major and trace elements, except for S, which has an organic affinity.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - International Journal of Coal Geology
T1  - Petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical characteristics of coal from the Soko mine, Serbia
VL  - 73
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 285
EP  - 306
DO  - 10.1016/j.coal.2007.07.001
ER  - 
author = "Životić, Dragana and Wehner, Herman and Cvetković, Olga and Jovančićević, Branimir and Gržetić, Ivan and Scheeder, Georg and Vidal, Angelika and Šajnović, Aleksandra and Ercegovac, Marko and Simić, Vladimir",
year = "2008",
abstract = "A petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical study was performed on coal samples from the Soko Mine, Soko Banja basin, Serbia. Ten coal and two carbonaceous clay samples were collected from fresh, working faces in the underground brown coal mine from different parts of the main coal seam. The Lower Miocene, low-rank coal of the Soko Mine is a typical humic coal with huminite concentrations of up to 76.2 vol.%, liptinite less than 14 vol.% and inertinite less than 11 vol.%. Ulminite is the most abundant maceral with variable amounts of densinite and clay minerals. Sporinite and resinite are the most common macerals of the liptinite group. Inertodetrinite is the most abundant maceral of the inertinite group. The mineral-bituminous groundmass identified in some coal samples, and carbonaceous marly clay, indicate sub-aquatic origin and strong bacterial decomposition. The mean random huminite reflectance (ulminite B) for the main coal seam is 0.40 +/- 0.05% Rr, which is typical for an immature to early mature stage of organic matter. The extract yields from the coal of the Soko Banja basin ranges from 9413 to 14,096 ppm, in which alkanes constituted 1.02-0.1%, aromatics 1.3-14.7%, asphaltenes 28.1-76.2% and resins 20.2-43.5%. The saturated hydrocarbon fractions included n-C-15 to n-C-32, with an odd carbon number that predominate in almost all the samples. The contents of n-C-27 and n-C-29 alkanes are extremely high in some samples, as a contribution of epicuticular waxes from higher plants. Acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons are minor constituents in the aliphatic fraction, and the pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio varies between 0.56 and 3.13, which implies anaerobic to oxic conditions during sedimentation. The most abundant diterpanes were abietane, dehydroabietane and 16 alpha(H)-phyllocladane. In samples from the upper part of the coal seam, diterpanes are the dominant constituents of the alkane fraction. Polycyclic alkanes of the triterpane type are important constituents of alkane fractions. The occurrence of beta beta- and alpha beta-type hopanes from C-27 to C-31, but without C-28, is typical for the Soko Banja coals. The major and trace elements in the coal were analysed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In comparison with world lignites, using the geometric mean value, the coal from the Soko Banja Basin has a high content of strontium (306.953 mg/kg). Higher values than the world lignites were obtained for Mo (3.614 mg/kg), Ni(8.119 mg/kg), Se (0.884 mg/kg), U (2.642 mg/kg) and W (0.148 mg/kg). Correlation analysis shows inorganic affinity for almost all the major and trace elements, except for S, which has an organic affinity.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "International Journal of Coal Geology",
title = "Petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical characteristics of coal from the Soko mine, Serbia",
volume = "73",
number = "3-4",
pages = "285-306",
doi = "10.1016/j.coal.2007.07.001"
Životić, D., Wehner, H., Cvetković, O., Jovančićević, B., Gržetić, I., Scheeder, G., Vidal, A., Šajnović, A., Ercegovac, M.,& Simić, V.. (2008). Petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical characteristics of coal from the Soko mine, Serbia. in International Journal of Coal Geology
Elsevier., 73(3-4), 285-306.
Životić D, Wehner H, Cvetković O, Jovančićević B, Gržetić I, Scheeder G, Vidal A, Šajnović A, Ercegovac M, Simić V. Petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical characteristics of coal from the Soko mine, Serbia. in International Journal of Coal Geology. 2008;73(3-4):285-306.
doi:10.1016/j.coal.2007.07.001 .
Životić, Dragana, Wehner, Herman, Cvetković, Olga, Jovančićević, Branimir, Gržetić, Ivan, Scheeder, Georg, Vidal, Angelika, Šajnović, Aleksandra, Ercegovac, Marko, Simić, Vladimir, "Petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical characteristics of coal from the Soko mine, Serbia" in International Journal of Coal Geology, 73, no. 3-4 (2008):285-306, . .