Lončarević, Branka

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Lončarević, Branka (80)
  • Kekez, Branka (36)
Simultaneous Bioremediation and Soilification of Degraded Areas to Preserve Natural Resources of Biologically Active Substances, and Development and Production of Biomaterials and Dietetic Products Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200026 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy - IChTM)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200168 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry) Dynamics of nonlinear physicochemical and biochemical systems with modeling and predicting of their behavior under nonequilibrium conditions
Evropska Unija u okviru Horizon 2020 programa za istraživanje i inovaciju (broj 870292, BioICEP) The study of physicochemical and biochemical processes in living environment that have impacts on pollution and the investigation of possibilities for minimizing the consequences
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200178 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology) COST Action FP1405
Natural products of wild, cultivated and edible plants: structure and bioactivity determination Synthesis and characterization of novel functional polymers and polymeric nanocomposites
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200042 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200053 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200146 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200288 (Innovation Center of the Faculty of Chemistry)
Micro- Nanosystems and Sensors for Electric Power and Process Industry and Environmental Protection PhytoPFAS - Phytoremediation for in situ treatment of agricultural soil and surface waters polluted with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances – research on PFOS and PFOA as model compounds
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) COST Action 19124 Re-Thinking Packaging for Circular & Sustainable Food Supply Chains of the Future
European Union for Horizon 2020 project (870292, BioICEP) Geochemical investigations of sedimentary rocks - fossil fuels and environmental pollutants
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200125 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science) Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanostructured materials for application in the field of energy, mechanical engineering, environmental protection and biomedicine
Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Short-term) ID No. S-19013. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) grassroot project “Capacity building for analysis and reduction measures of persistent organic pollutants in Serbia”
PFAStwin - Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 870292 (BioICEP)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31961133014) The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31961133015)

Author's Bibliography

Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda

Kasalica, Kristina; Lješević, Marija; Joksimović, Kristina; Lončarević, Branka; Petronijević, Natalija; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, 2024)

AU  - Kasalica, Kristina
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Petronijević, Natalija
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7785
AB  - Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) su grupa jedinjenja koja su široko korišćena zbog svojih hidrofobnih i lipofilnih svojstava, što ih čini otpornim na vodu, ulje i toplotu. Ove supstance su korišćene u proizvodnji različitih proizvoda kao što su teflonski premazi, vodootporni tekstilni materijali i sredstva za gašenje požara i mnogi drugi. Međutim, zbog njihove perzistentnosti i sposobnosti da se akumuliraju u životinjama i životnom okruženju, PFAS su postali predmet zabrinutosti za životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. PFAS u otpadne vode mogu dospeti direktnom emisijom kao posledica proizvodnih i industrijskih procesa ili naknadno, upotrebom proizvoda koje sadrže ove štetne hemikalije, kao i neobazrivim odlaganjem istih. Nakon dospevanja u otpadne vode, PFAS se mogu širiti i kontaminirati vodne sisteme, što može ugroziti zdravlje ljudi i životinja koje konzumiraju tu vodu. Usled rastuće zabrinutosti od potencijalnih štetnih efekata PFAS, mnoge zemlje su počele da uvode strože regulative i mere kontrole kako bi smanjile izloženost ovim supstancama i ograničile njihovo širenje u životnoj sredini. Uz osvrt na probleme sa kojima se suočavamo prilikom otkrivanja ove grupe jedinjenja u otpadnim vodama, kao i pri samoj remedijaciji, u radu su prikazane i metode uklanjanja PFAS iz otpadnih voda.
AB  - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals that are widely used due to their hydrophobic and lipophilic properties, which make them resistant to water, oil and heat. These substances have been used in the production of various products such as Teflon coatings, waterproof textile materials, fire extinguishing agents, and many others. However, due to their persistence and ability to accumulate in animals and the environment, PFAS have become a concern for the environment and human health. PFAS get into waste water through direct emission as a consequence of production and industrial processes or subsequently, through the use of products containing these harmful chemicals, as well as their careless disposal. After reaching wastewater, PFAS can spread and contaminate water systems, which can endanger the health of humans and animals that consume that water. Due to growing concern about the potential harmful effects of PFAS, many countries have begun to introduce strict regulation and control measures to reduce exposure to these substances and limit their spread in the environment. With reference to the problems we face when detecting this group of compounds in wastewater, as well as during the remediation itself, PFAS removal methods from waste water are described.
PB  - Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo
T2  - Voda i sanitarna tehnika
T1  - Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda
T1  - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - sources of pollution, challenges of remediation and potential abiotic treatments of polluted waters
IS  - 2
SP  - 5
EP  - 16
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.12634290
ER  - 
author = "Kasalica, Kristina and Lješević, Marija and Joksimović, Kristina and Lončarević, Branka and Petronijević, Natalija and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) su grupa jedinjenja koja su široko korišćena zbog svojih hidrofobnih i lipofilnih svojstava, što ih čini otpornim na vodu, ulje i toplotu. Ove supstance su korišćene u proizvodnji različitih proizvoda kao što su teflonski premazi, vodootporni tekstilni materijali i sredstva za gašenje požara i mnogi drugi. Međutim, zbog njihove perzistentnosti i sposobnosti da se akumuliraju u životinjama i životnom okruženju, PFAS su postali predmet zabrinutosti za životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. PFAS u otpadne vode mogu dospeti direktnom emisijom kao posledica proizvodnih i industrijskih procesa ili naknadno, upotrebom proizvoda koje sadrže ove štetne hemikalije, kao i neobazrivim odlaganjem istih. Nakon dospevanja u otpadne vode, PFAS se mogu širiti i kontaminirati vodne sisteme, što može ugroziti zdravlje ljudi i životinja koje konzumiraju tu vodu. Usled rastuće zabrinutosti od potencijalnih štetnih efekata PFAS, mnoge zemlje su počele da uvode strože regulative i mere kontrole kako bi smanjile izloženost ovim supstancama i ograničile njihovo širenje u životnoj sredini. Uz osvrt na probleme sa kojima se suočavamo prilikom otkrivanja ove grupe jedinjenja u otpadnim vodama, kao i pri samoj remedijaciji, u radu su prikazane i metode uklanjanja PFAS iz otpadnih voda., Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals that are widely used due to their hydrophobic and lipophilic properties, which make them resistant to water, oil and heat. These substances have been used in the production of various products such as Teflon coatings, waterproof textile materials, fire extinguishing agents, and many others. However, due to their persistence and ability to accumulate in animals and the environment, PFAS have become a concern for the environment and human health. PFAS get into waste water through direct emission as a consequence of production and industrial processes or subsequently, through the use of products containing these harmful chemicals, as well as their careless disposal. After reaching wastewater, PFAS can spread and contaminate water systems, which can endanger the health of humans and animals that consume that water. Due to growing concern about the potential harmful effects of PFAS, many countries have begun to introduce strict regulation and control measures to reduce exposure to these substances and limit their spread in the environment. With reference to the problems we face when detecting this group of compounds in wastewater, as well as during the remediation itself, PFAS removal methods from waste water are described.",
publisher = "Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo",
journal = "Voda i sanitarna tehnika",
title = "Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda, Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - sources of pollution, challenges of remediation and potential abiotic treatments of polluted waters",
number = "2",
pages = "5-16",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.12634290"
Kasalica, K., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Lončarević, B., Petronijević, N.,& Beškoski, V.. (2024). Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda. in Voda i sanitarna tehnika
Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo.(2), 5-16.
Kasalica K, Lješević M, Joksimović K, Lončarević B, Petronijević N, Beškoski V. Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda. in Voda i sanitarna tehnika. 2024;(2):5-16.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.12634290 .
Kasalica, Kristina, Lješević, Marija, Joksimović, Kristina, Lončarević, Branka, Petronijević, Natalija, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda" in Voda i sanitarna tehnika, no. 2 (2024):5-16,
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12634290 . .

Catalytic-like effect of alternating electric field on the growth and germination of wheat seeds

Bubanja, Itana Nuša; Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Joksimović, Kristina; Kasalica, Kristina; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Stanisavljev, Dragomir; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Budapest, Hungary : AKCongress, 2024)

AU  - Bubanja, Itana Nuša
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Kasalica, Kristina
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Stanisavljev, Dragomir
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7684
AB  - In this preliminary experimental study wheat seed samples were treated with AEF (in the frequency range up to 1 MHz). Obtained results suggest that AEF used in this research may enhance seed germination and its growth. Besides this catalytic-like effect, statistically significant differences were observed in important photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a and b as well as in total chlorophyll content in wheat lives, while carotenoid pigments showed statistically insignificant differencies between control and AEF treated samples. Also some of the most commonly used vegetation indices used to monitor plant health, such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Greenness Index also showed statistical significant differences between control and seeds treated with AEF. Even though future experimental research is needed to optimize the experimental conditions as well as to confirm observed effects, we believe that AEF effects in pre-sowing seed treatment may have a great potential for agricultural production in future or even to potentially improve phytoremediation processes.
PB  - Budapest, Hungary : AKCongress
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 3rd International Conference on Reaction Kinetics,Mechanisms and Catalysis (RKMC), 22-25. May 2024, Budapest, Hungary
T1  - Catalytic-like effect of alternating electric field on the growth and germination of wheat seeds
SP  - 39
EP  - 40
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7684
ER  - 
author = "Bubanja, Itana Nuša and Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Joksimović, Kristina and Kasalica, Kristina and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Stanisavljev, Dragomir and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In this preliminary experimental study wheat seed samples were treated with AEF (in the frequency range up to 1 MHz). Obtained results suggest that AEF used in this research may enhance seed germination and its growth. Besides this catalytic-like effect, statistically significant differences were observed in important photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a and b as well as in total chlorophyll content in wheat lives, while carotenoid pigments showed statistically insignificant differencies between control and AEF treated samples. Also some of the most commonly used vegetation indices used to monitor plant health, such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Greenness Index also showed statistical significant differences between control and seeds treated with AEF. Even though future experimental research is needed to optimize the experimental conditions as well as to confirm observed effects, we believe that AEF effects in pre-sowing seed treatment may have a great potential for agricultural production in future or even to potentially improve phytoremediation processes.",
publisher = "Budapest, Hungary : AKCongress",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 3rd International Conference on Reaction Kinetics,Mechanisms and Catalysis (RKMC), 22-25. May 2024, Budapest, Hungary",
title = "Catalytic-like effect of alternating electric field on the growth and germination of wheat seeds",
pages = "39-40",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7684"
Bubanja, I. N., Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Joksimović, K., Kasalica, K., Lugonja, N., Stanisavljev, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2024). Catalytic-like effect of alternating electric field on the growth and germination of wheat seeds. in Book of Abstracts - 3rd International Conference on Reaction Kinetics,Mechanisms and Catalysis (RKMC), 22-25. May 2024, Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary : AKCongress., 39-40.
Bubanja IN, Lješević M, Lončarević B, Joksimović K, Kasalica K, Lugonja N, Stanisavljev D, Beškoski V. Catalytic-like effect of alternating electric field on the growth and germination of wheat seeds. in Book of Abstracts - 3rd International Conference on Reaction Kinetics,Mechanisms and Catalysis (RKMC), 22-25. May 2024, Budapest, Hungary. 2024;:39-40.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7684 .
Bubanja, Itana Nuša, Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Joksimović, Kristina, Kasalica, Kristina, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Stanisavljev, Dragomir, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Catalytic-like effect of alternating electric field on the growth and germination of wheat seeds" in Book of Abstracts - 3rd International Conference on Reaction Kinetics,Mechanisms and Catalysis (RKMC), 22-25. May 2024, Budapest, Hungary (2024):39-40,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7684 .

Potential application of phytoremediation to reduce pollution with polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds

Kasalica, Kristina; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Lončarević, Branka

(Academy of Applied Studies Šabac, 2024)

AU  - Kasalica, Kristina
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7666
AB  - Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are very resistant to degradation and pose a serious environmental threat, especially the short-chain PFAS, which bioaccumulate and readily translocate in plants. They enter soils and crops by using contaminated biosolids and compost as fertilizers, irrigation with contaminated water sources, or the application of pesticides containing PFAS. Soil and water contamination with PFAS has become a significant issue with negative effects on both the environment and public health. 
Removing PFAS from the environment is challenging due to their complex chemical structure and interactions with soil and water and therefore, they cannot be eliminated by traditional physical or chemical treatments. Many effective remediation technologies for PFAS removal are currently in use, including adsorption through granular activated carbon or resins, photocatalysis, electrochemical oxidation, thermolysis, and biological treatment. However, most of these techniques are energy-intensive and have considerable operating costs. 
Phytoremediation uses nature to treat soils and water that have been contaminated with hazardous compounds including PFAS. This technique involves the bioaccumulation and dispersion of PFAS inside plant compartments, which is a very promising technology. Plant communities play a vital role in immobilizing and reducing PFAS bioavailability through root absorption. Phytoremediation has the potential as a low-cost, long-term green solution, and can be employed on a wide scale as an in situ remediation strategy. However, there is still a significant lack of knowledge regarding the selection of plant species and methods to enhance their performance.
PB  - Academy of Applied Studies Šabac
C3  - Book of Proceedings from the Second International Scientific Conference GIRR 2024 "Global challenges through the prism of rural development in the sector of agriculture and tourism", 10th May, 2024, Šabac, Serbia
T1  - Potential application of phytoremediation to reduce pollution with polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds
SP  - 259
EP  - 268
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7666
ER  - 
author = "Kasalica, Kristina and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Lončarević, Branka",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are very resistant to degradation and pose a serious environmental threat, especially the short-chain PFAS, which bioaccumulate and readily translocate in plants. They enter soils and crops by using contaminated biosolids and compost as fertilizers, irrigation with contaminated water sources, or the application of pesticides containing PFAS. Soil and water contamination with PFAS has become a significant issue with negative effects on both the environment and public health. 
Removing PFAS from the environment is challenging due to their complex chemical structure and interactions with soil and water and therefore, they cannot be eliminated by traditional physical or chemical treatments. Many effective remediation technologies for PFAS removal are currently in use, including adsorption through granular activated carbon or resins, photocatalysis, electrochemical oxidation, thermolysis, and biological treatment. However, most of these techniques are energy-intensive and have considerable operating costs. 
Phytoremediation uses nature to treat soils and water that have been contaminated with hazardous compounds including PFAS. This technique involves the bioaccumulation and dispersion of PFAS inside plant compartments, which is a very promising technology. Plant communities play a vital role in immobilizing and reducing PFAS bioavailability through root absorption. Phytoremediation has the potential as a low-cost, long-term green solution, and can be employed on a wide scale as an in situ remediation strategy. However, there is still a significant lack of knowledge regarding the selection of plant species and methods to enhance their performance.",
publisher = "Academy of Applied Studies Šabac",
journal = "Book of Proceedings from the Second International Scientific Conference GIRR 2024 "Global challenges through the prism of rural development in the sector of agriculture and tourism", 10th May, 2024, Šabac, Serbia",
title = "Potential application of phytoremediation to reduce pollution with polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds",
pages = "259-268",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7666"
Kasalica, K., Lugonja, N.,& Lončarević, B.. (2024). Potential application of phytoremediation to reduce pollution with polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds. in Book of Proceedings from the Second International Scientific Conference GIRR 2024 "Global challenges through the prism of rural development in the sector of agriculture and tourism", 10th May, 2024, Šabac, Serbia
Academy of Applied Studies Šabac., 259-268.
Kasalica K, Lugonja N, Lončarević B. Potential application of phytoremediation to reduce pollution with polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds. in Book of Proceedings from the Second International Scientific Conference GIRR 2024 "Global challenges through the prism of rural development in the sector of agriculture and tourism", 10th May, 2024, Šabac, Serbia. 2024;:259-268.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7666 .
Kasalica, Kristina, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Lončarević, Branka, "Potential application of phytoremediation to reduce pollution with polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds" in Book of Proceedings from the Second International Scientific Conference GIRR 2024 "Global challenges through the prism of rural development in the sector of agriculture and tourism", 10th May, 2024, Šabac, Serbia (2024):259-268,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7666 .

Investigation of biodegradability of levan-polystyrene graft copolymers in liquid and solid medium

Lončarević, Branka; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Lješević, Marija; Joksimović, Kristina; Nikolić, Vladimir; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Nikolić, Vladimir
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7144
AB  - In the present study graft copolymer with microbial levan and polystyren was synthesized and its biodegradable potential inliquid and soil medium was investigated.
PB  - Chemical Society of Montenegro
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
T1  - Investigation of biodegradability of levan-polystyrene graft copolymers in liquid and solid medium
SP  - 94
EP  - 94
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7144
ER  - 
author = "Lončarević, Branka and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Lješević, Marija and Joksimović, Kristina and Nikolić, Vladimir and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the present study graft copolymer with microbial levan and polystyren was synthesized and its biodegradable potential inliquid and soil medium was investigated.",
publisher = "Chemical Society of Montenegro",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro",
title = "Investigation of biodegradability of levan-polystyrene graft copolymers in liquid and solid medium",
pages = "94-94",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7144"
Lončarević, B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Nikolić, V.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Investigation of biodegradability of levan-polystyrene graft copolymers in liquid and solid medium. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
Chemical Society of Montenegro., 94-94.
Lončarević B, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Lješević M, Joksimović K, Nikolić V, Beškoski V. Investigation of biodegradability of levan-polystyrene graft copolymers in liquid and solid medium. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro. 2023;:94-94.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7144 .
Lončarević, Branka, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Lješević, Marija, Joksimović, Kristina, Nikolić, Vladimir, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Investigation of biodegradability of levan-polystyrene graft copolymers in liquid and solid medium" in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro (2023):94-94,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7144 .

Investigation of the capacity of the isolated sulfate-reducing bacteria to degrade PFOA

Lješević, Marija; Petrović, Anđela; Radulović, Jelena; Yamamoto, Atsushi; Slavković Beškoski, Latinka; Lončarević, Branka; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Petrović, Anđela
AU  - Radulović, Jelena
AU  - Yamamoto, Atsushi
AU  - Slavković Beškoski, Latinka
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7143
AB  - The aim of this study is to isolate and select sulfate-reducing bacteria from PFAs-contaminated sediment and assess their potential for PFOA biodegradation.
PB  - Chemical Society of Montenegro
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
T1  - Investigation of the capacity of the isolated sulfate-reducing bacteria to degrade PFOA
SP  - 100
EP  - 100
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7143
ER  - 
author = "Lješević, Marija and Petrović, Anđela and Radulović, Jelena and Yamamoto, Atsushi and Slavković Beškoski, Latinka and Lončarević, Branka and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this study is to isolate and select sulfate-reducing bacteria from PFAs-contaminated sediment and assess their potential for PFOA biodegradation.",
publisher = "Chemical Society of Montenegro",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro",
title = "Investigation of the capacity of the isolated sulfate-reducing bacteria to degrade PFOA",
pages = "100-100",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7143"
Lješević, M., Petrović, A., Radulović, J., Yamamoto, A., Slavković Beškoski, L., Lončarević, B.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Investigation of the capacity of the isolated sulfate-reducing bacteria to degrade PFOA. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
Chemical Society of Montenegro., 100-100.
Lješević M, Petrović A, Radulović J, Yamamoto A, Slavković Beškoski L, Lončarević B, Beškoski V. Investigation of the capacity of the isolated sulfate-reducing bacteria to degrade PFOA. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro. 2023;:100-100.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7143 .
Lješević, Marija, Petrović, Anđela, Radulović, Jelena, Yamamoto, Atsushi, Slavković Beškoski, Latinka, Lončarević, Branka, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Investigation of the capacity of the isolated sulfate-reducing bacteria to degrade PFOA" in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro (2023):100-100,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7143 .

Reducing Adverse Effects of Copper on Alivibrio fischeri Using Microbial Levan and Pullulan

Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Joksimović, Kristina; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7142
AB  - Aim of this study wvas to determine effects of levan and pullulan on bioluminescence of A. fischeri after acute Cu2+ exposure.
PB  - Chemical Society of Montenegro
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
T1  - Reducing Adverse Effects of Copper on Alivibrio fischeri Using Microbial Levan and Pullulan
SP  - 102
EP  - 102
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7142
ER  - 
author = "Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Joksimović, Kristina and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Aim of this study wvas to determine effects of levan and pullulan on bioluminescence of A. fischeri after acute Cu2+ exposure.",
publisher = "Chemical Society of Montenegro",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro",
title = "Reducing Adverse Effects of Copper on Alivibrio fischeri Using Microbial Levan and Pullulan",
pages = "102-102",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7142"
Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Joksimović, K., Lugonja, N.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Reducing Adverse Effects of Copper on Alivibrio fischeri Using Microbial Levan and Pullulan. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
Chemical Society of Montenegro., 102-102.
Lješević M, Lončarević B, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Joksimović K, Lugonja N, Beškoski V. Reducing Adverse Effects of Copper on Alivibrio fischeri Using Microbial Levan and Pullulan. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro. 2023;:102-102.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7142 .
Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Joksimović, Kristina, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Reducing Adverse Effects of Copper on Alivibrio fischeri Using Microbial Levan and Pullulan" in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro (2023):102-102,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7142 .

Exploring the potential of plants for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid

Joksimović, Kristina; Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Kasalica, Kristina; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Radulović, Jelena; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Kasalica, Kristina
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Radulović, Jelena
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7122
AB  - Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are synthetic chemicals, which are introduced to the environment through anthropogenic activities. Remediation of PFAS contaminated soil and aqueous media is challenging, which is attributed to the chemical and thermal stability of PFAS and the complexity of PFAS mixtures.
Plants absorb water and nutrients through their roots to maintain their continuous healthy growth. Phytoremediation is a method that uses the ability of plants to remove and stabilize contaminants from the environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the plant growth in the presence of high concentrations of PFOA using the germination test, and further investigate their potential to degrade PFOA in soil. The accumulation of PFOA in plants was monitored using target LC/MS/MS analysis.
PB  - Chemical Society of Montenegro
C3  - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
T1  - Exploring the potential of plants for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid
SP  - 97
EP  - 97
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7122
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Kasalica, Kristina and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Radulović, Jelena and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are synthetic chemicals, which are introduced to the environment through anthropogenic activities. Remediation of PFAS contaminated soil and aqueous media is challenging, which is attributed to the chemical and thermal stability of PFAS and the complexity of PFAS mixtures.
Plants absorb water and nutrients through their roots to maintain their continuous healthy growth. Phytoremediation is a method that uses the ability of plants to remove and stabilize contaminants from the environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the plant growth in the presence of high concentrations of PFOA using the germination test, and further investigate their potential to degrade PFOA in soil. The accumulation of PFOA in plants was monitored using target LC/MS/MS analysis.",
publisher = "Chemical Society of Montenegro",
journal = "23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro",
title = "Exploring the potential of plants for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid",
pages = "97-97",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7122"
Joksimović, K., Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Kasalica, K., Lugonja, N., Radulović, J.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Exploring the potential of plants for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid. in 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
Chemical Society of Montenegro., 97-97.
Joksimović K, Lješević M, Lončarević B, Kasalica K, Lugonja N, Radulović J, Beškoski V. Exploring the potential of plants for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid. in 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro. 2023;:97-97.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7122 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Kasalica, Kristina, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Radulović, Jelena, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Exploring the potential of plants for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid" in 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro (2023):97-97,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7122 .

Decolorization of Azo Dye Through the Utilization of Microbial Fuel Cells Connected in Parallel Confiouration

Joksimović, Kristina; Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Kodranov, Igor; Randjelović, Danijela; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Kodranov, Igor
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7121
AB  - Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a promising technology that has the potential to solve environmental problems while simultaneously generating electricity. Thanks to the direct use of energy from the substrate and its conversion into electricity, as well as the controlled production of activated sludge, the multiplicity of independent applications highly qualifies MFC for the use of wastewater treatment. Wastewater from various industries is an ideal source of organic substrate that can potentially be used in MFC systems. In this way besides degrading organic pollutants, generated energy can be obtained as added value and used for various purposes.
PB  - Chemical Society of Montenegro
C3  - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
T1  - Decolorization of Azo Dye Through the Utilization of Microbial Fuel Cells Connected in Parallel Confiouration
SP  - 96
EP  - 96
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7121
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Kodranov, Igor and Randjelović, Danijela and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a promising technology that has the potential to solve environmental problems while simultaneously generating electricity. Thanks to the direct use of energy from the substrate and its conversion into electricity, as well as the controlled production of activated sludge, the multiplicity of independent applications highly qualifies MFC for the use of wastewater treatment. Wastewater from various industries is an ideal source of organic substrate that can potentially be used in MFC systems. In this way besides degrading organic pollutants, generated energy can be obtained as added value and used for various purposes.",
publisher = "Chemical Society of Montenegro",
journal = "23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro",
title = "Decolorization of Azo Dye Through the Utilization of Microbial Fuel Cells Connected in Parallel Confiouration",
pages = "96-96",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7121"
Joksimović, K., Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Žerađanin, A., Kodranov, I., Randjelović, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Decolorization of Azo Dye Through the Utilization of Microbial Fuel Cells Connected in Parallel Confiouration. in 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
Chemical Society of Montenegro., 96-96.
Joksimović K, Lješević M, Lončarević B, Žerađanin A, Kodranov I, Randjelović D, Beškoski V. Decolorization of Azo Dye Through the Utilization of Microbial Fuel Cells Connected in Parallel Confiouration. in 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro. 2023;:96-96.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7121 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Kodranov, Igor, Randjelović, Danijela, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Decolorization of Azo Dye Through the Utilization of Microbial Fuel Cells Connected in Parallel Confiouration" in 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd - December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro (2023):96-96,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7121 .

Microbial degradation of terephtalic acid as a PET-derived compound

Petronijević, Natalija; Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Joksimović, Kristina; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Beškoski, Vladimir; Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina

(Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2023)

AU  - Petronijević, Natalija
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7118
AB  - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a plastic material that poses a significant global concern
due to its durability and resistance to degradation. One effective method for minimizing PET
waste is through microbial degradation, resulting in the production of ethylene glycol and
terephthalic acid (TA). Terephthalic acid, as a PET monomer, holds promise as a model
compound for further exploration into PET plastic degradation and valorisation.
PB  - Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - Programme and the Book of Abstracts - Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrad
T1  - Microbial degradation of terephtalic acid as a PET-derived compound
SP  - 28
EP  - 28
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7118
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Natalija and Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Joksimović, Kristina and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Beškoski, Vladimir and Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a plastic material that poses a significant global concern
due to its durability and resistance to degradation. One effective method for minimizing PET
waste is through microbial degradation, resulting in the production of ethylene glycol and
terephthalic acid (TA). Terephthalic acid, as a PET monomer, holds promise as a model
compound for further exploration into PET plastic degradation and valorisation.",
publisher = "Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "Programme and the Book of Abstracts - Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrad",
title = "Microbial degradation of terephtalic acid as a PET-derived compound",
pages = "28-28",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7118"
Petronijević, N., Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Joksimović, K., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Beškoski, V.,& Nikodinović-Runić, J.. (2023). Microbial degradation of terephtalic acid as a PET-derived compound. in Programme and the Book of Abstracts - Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrad
Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 28-28.
Petronijević N, Lješević M, Lončarević B, Joksimović K, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Beškoski V, Nikodinović-Runić J. Microbial degradation of terephtalic acid as a PET-derived compound. in Programme and the Book of Abstracts - Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrad. 2023;:28-28.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7118 .
Petronijević, Natalija, Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Joksimović, Kristina, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Beškoski, Vladimir, Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, "Microbial degradation of terephtalic acid as a PET-derived compound" in Programme and the Book of Abstracts - Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrad (2023):28-28,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7118 .

Utilization of carbon fiber in the context of microbial fuel cell systems

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lončarević, Branka; Lješević, Marija; Randjelović, Danijela; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2023)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7117
AB  - The paramount challenge of the 21st century lies in the profound energy demands imposed by
contemporary society. The utilization of energy derived from non-renewable sources,
notably coal, oil, and their byproducts, is intrinsically associated with grave environmental
repercussions, primarily manifested in the form of pollution. The notion of fuel cells stands
as a prospective resolution to this problem, offering a sustainable avenue for energy
production devoid of environmentally adverse emissions. The aim of this research was to
explore the potential of carbon cloth electrodes in the Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) system.
PB  - Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - Programme and the Book of Abstracts -  Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrade
T1  - Utilization of carbon fiber in the context of microbial fuel cell systems
SP  - 70
EP  - 70
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7117
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lončarević, Branka and Lješević, Marija and Randjelović, Danijela and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The paramount challenge of the 21st century lies in the profound energy demands imposed by
contemporary society. The utilization of energy derived from non-renewable sources,
notably coal, oil, and their byproducts, is intrinsically associated with grave environmental
repercussions, primarily manifested in the form of pollution. The notion of fuel cells stands
as a prospective resolution to this problem, offering a sustainable avenue for energy
production devoid of environmentally adverse emissions. The aim of this research was to
explore the potential of carbon cloth electrodes in the Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) system.",
publisher = "Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "Programme and the Book of Abstracts -  Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrade",
title = "Utilization of carbon fiber in the context of microbial fuel cell systems",
pages = "70-70",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7117"
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Lončarević, B., Lješević, M., Randjelović, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Utilization of carbon fiber in the context of microbial fuel cell systems. in Programme and the Book of Abstracts -  Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrade
Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 70-70.
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Lončarević B, Lješević M, Randjelović D, Beškoski V. Utilization of carbon fiber in the context of microbial fuel cell systems. in Programme and the Book of Abstracts -  Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrade. 2023;:70-70.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7117 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lončarević, Branka, Lješević, Marija, Randjelović, Danijela, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Utilization of carbon fiber in the context of microbial fuel cell systems" in Programme and the Book of Abstracts -  Twenty-first Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering, November 29 - December 1, 2023, Belgrade (2023):70-70,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7117 .

Mikrobiološka degradacija bis (2-hidroksietil)-tereftalata.

Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Pantelić, Brana; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Beškoski, Vladimir; Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2023)

AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Pantelić, Brana
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6423
AB  - U poslednje vreme, bis-(2-hidroksietil)-tereftalat (BHET) se često koristi kao model jedinjenje za identifikovanje novih biokatalizatora za degradaciju polietilen-tereftalat (PET).  Stoga, u radu je predstavljeno ispitivanje mehanizma degradacije BHET-a pomoću mikroorganizama.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023
T1  - Mikrobiološka degradacija bis (2-hidroksietil)-tereftalata.
T1  - Microbial degradation of bis (2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate
SP  - 43
EP  - 44
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6423
ER  - 
author = "Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Pantelić, Brana and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Beškoski, Vladimir and Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U poslednje vreme, bis-(2-hidroksietil)-tereftalat (BHET) se često koristi kao model jedinjenje za identifikovanje novih biokatalizatora za degradaciju polietilen-tereftalat (PET).  Stoga, u radu je predstavljeno ispitivanje mehanizma degradacije BHET-a pomoću mikroorganizama.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023",
title = "Mikrobiološka degradacija bis (2-hidroksietil)-tereftalata., Microbial degradation of bis (2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate",
pages = "43-44",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6423"
Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Pantelić, B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Beškoski, V.,& Nikodinović-Runić, J.. (2023). Mikrobiološka degradacija bis (2-hidroksietil)-tereftalata.. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023
Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 43-44.
Lješević M, Lončarević B, Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Pantelić B, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Beškoski V, Nikodinović-Runić J. Mikrobiološka degradacija bis (2-hidroksietil)-tereftalata.. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023. 2023;:43-44.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6423 .
Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Pantelić, Brana, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Beškoski, Vladimir, Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, "Mikrobiološka degradacija bis (2-hidroksietil)-tereftalata." in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023 (2023):43-44,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6423 .

Egzopolisaharidi mikroorganizama koji mogu da degraduju BHET: Optimizacija produkcije

Lončarević, Branka; Lješević, Marija; Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Beškoski, Vladimir; Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2023)

AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6424
AB  - Cilj ovog rada bio je selektovati mikroorganizme koji mogu da razgrade Bis-(2-hidroksietil)-tereftalat (BHET) kao model jedinjenje za ispitivanje degradacije plastičnog otpada na bazi polietilen tereftalata (PET) i sa visokim prinosom produkuju egzopolisaharide.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023
T1  - Egzopolisaharidi mikroorganizama koji mogu da degraduju BHET: Optimizacija produkcije
T1  - Exopolysaccharides from microorganisms which degrade BHET: Optimization of production
SP  - 45
EP  - 46
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6424
ER  - 
author = "Lončarević, Branka and Lješević, Marija and Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Beškoski, Vladimir and Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Cilj ovog rada bio je selektovati mikroorganizme koji mogu da razgrade Bis-(2-hidroksietil)-tereftalat (BHET) kao model jedinjenje za ispitivanje degradacije plastičnog otpada na bazi polietilen tereftalata (PET) i sa visokim prinosom produkuju egzopolisaharide.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023",
title = "Egzopolisaharidi mikroorganizama koji mogu da degraduju BHET: Optimizacija produkcije, Exopolysaccharides from microorganisms which degrade BHET: Optimization of production",
pages = "45-46",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6424"
Lončarević, B., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Beškoski, V.,& Nikodinović-Runić, J.. (2023). Egzopolisaharidi mikroorganizama koji mogu da degraduju BHET: Optimizacija produkcije. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023
Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 45-46.
Lončarević B, Lješević M, Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Beškoski V, Nikodinović-Runić J. Egzopolisaharidi mikroorganizama koji mogu da degraduju BHET: Optimizacija produkcije. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023. 2023;:45-46.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6424 .
Lončarević, Branka, Lješević, Marija, Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Beškoski, Vladimir, Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, "Egzopolisaharidi mikroorganizama koji mogu da degraduju BHET: Optimizacija produkcije" in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023 (2023):45-46,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6424 .

Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata

Petronijević, Natalija; Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Beškoski, Vladimir; Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2023)

AU  - Petronijević, Natalija
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6426
AB  - Plastika kao izvor zagađenja postaje sve veći globalni problem. Većina plastike je
dizajnirana za jednokratnu upotrebu, što dodatno povećava količinu plastičnog otpada. Usled preopterećenja zemlje i voda plastičnim otpadom neophodno je razviti procese koji će omogućiti efikasno uklanjanje plastike iz životne sredine. Kao povoljan metod degradacije PET plastike predlaže se enzimska hidroliza korišćenjem mikroorganizama koji kao izvor ugljenika mogu koristiti PET. Cilj ovog rada je bila identifikacija mikroorganizama koji potencijalno razgrađuju BHET, kao i primena čistih kultura za degradaciju istog.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023
T1  - Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata
SP  - 133
EP  - 134
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6426
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Natalija and Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Beškoski, Vladimir and Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Plastika kao izvor zagađenja postaje sve veći globalni problem. Većina plastike je
dizajnirana za jednokratnu upotrebu, što dodatno povećava količinu plastičnog otpada. Usled preopterećenja zemlje i voda plastičnim otpadom neophodno je razviti procese koji će omogućiti efikasno uklanjanje plastike iz životne sredine. Kao povoljan metod degradacije PET plastike predlaže se enzimska hidroliza korišćenjem mikroorganizama koji kao izvor ugljenika mogu koristiti PET. Cilj ovog rada je bila identifikacija mikroorganizama koji potencijalno razgrađuju BHET, kao i primena čistih kultura za degradaciju istog.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023",
title = "Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata",
pages = "133-134",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6426"
Petronijević, N., Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Beškoski, V.,& Nikodinović-Runić, J.. (2023). Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023
Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 133-134.
Petronijević N, Lješević M, Lončarević B, Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Beškoski V, Nikodinović-Runić J. Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023. 2023;:133-134.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6426 .
Petronijević, Natalija, Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Beškoski, Vladimir, Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, "Molekularna karakterizacija mikroorganizama izolovanih iz kontaminirane životne sredine i njihova primena za degradaciju bis(2-hidroksietil) tereftalata" in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023 (2023):133-134,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6426 .

Proces respiracije mikroorganizama u MFC sistemu tokom generisanja energije iz rečnog sedimenta

Lončarević, Branka; Joksimović, Kristina; Popović, Lazar; Avdalović, Jelena; Randjelović, Danijela; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2023)

AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Popović, Lazar
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6427
AB  - Aktivnost mikroorganizama je direktno povezana sa njihovim disanjem. U prisustvu
velikih količina biodostupne organske supstance, brzina disanja mikroorganizama je veća.
Praćenje disanja je postalo bitan parametar u raznim procesima biodegradacije otpadne
supstance. Stoga, cilj ovog rada obuhvata praćenje ćelijskog disanja pomoću Micro-Oxymax
respirometra, kako bi se dobio bolji uvid u prisustvo dostupne organske supstance u
upotrebljenom rečnom sedimentu za generisanje električne energije pomoću MFC
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023
T1  - Proces respiracije mikroorganizama u MFC sistemu tokom generisanja energije iz rečnog sedimenta
T1  - Respiration of microorganisms in the MFC system during the generation of energy from river sediment
SP  - 169
EP  - 170
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6427
ER  - 
author = "Lončarević, Branka and Joksimović, Kristina and Popović, Lazar and Avdalović, Jelena and Randjelović, Danijela and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Aktivnost mikroorganizama je direktno povezana sa njihovim disanjem. U prisustvu
velikih količina biodostupne organske supstance, brzina disanja mikroorganizama je veća.
Praćenje disanja je postalo bitan parametar u raznim procesima biodegradacije otpadne
supstance. Stoga, cilj ovog rada obuhvata praćenje ćelijskog disanja pomoću Micro-Oxymax
respirometra, kako bi se dobio bolji uvid u prisustvo dostupne organske supstance u
upotrebljenom rečnom sedimentu za generisanje električne energije pomoću MFC",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023",
title = "Proces respiracije mikroorganizama u MFC sistemu tokom generisanja energije iz rečnog sedimenta, Respiration of microorganisms in the MFC system during the generation of energy from river sediment",
pages = "169-170",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6427"
Lončarević, B., Joksimović, K., Popović, L., Avdalović, J., Randjelović, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Proces respiracije mikroorganizama u MFC sistemu tokom generisanja energije iz rečnog sedimenta. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023
Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 169-170.
Lončarević B, Joksimović K, Popović L, Avdalović J, Randjelović D, Beškoski V. Proces respiracije mikroorganizama u MFC sistemu tokom generisanja energije iz rečnog sedimenta. in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023. 2023;:169-170.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6427 .
Lončarević, Branka, Joksimović, Kristina, Popović, Lazar, Avdalović, Jelena, Randjelović, Danijela, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Proces respiracije mikroorganizama u MFC sistemu tokom generisanja energije iz rečnog sedimenta" in Knjiga uzvoda - 9. Simpozijum Hemija i Zaštita Životne Sredine - EnviroChem2023, 4-7. jun 2023, Kladovo / Book of abstracts - 9 th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection - EnviroChem2023, 4-7 th June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia, 2023 (2023):169-170,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6427 .

Starch Copolymers with Enhanced Biodegradability

Lončarević, Branka; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Lješević, Marija; Joksimović, Kristina; Nikolić, Vladimir; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023)

AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Nikolić, Vladimir
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7145
AB  - In the present study graft copolymers combining starch with polystyrene (S-PS) or methacrylic acid 
were (S-MA) were synthesized and its biodegradable potential was investigated.
PB  - Chemical Society of Montenegro
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
T1  - Starch Copolymers with Enhanced Biodegradability
SP  - 95
EP  - 95
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7145
ER  - 
author = "Lončarević, Branka and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Lješević, Marija and Joksimović, Kristina and Nikolić, Vladimir and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the present study graft copolymers combining starch with polystyrene (S-PS) or methacrylic acid 
were (S-MA) were synthesized and its biodegradable potential was investigated.",
publisher = "Chemical Society of Montenegro",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro",
title = "Starch Copolymers with Enhanced Biodegradability",
pages = "95-95",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7145"
Lončarević, B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Nikolić, V.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Starch Copolymers with Enhanced Biodegradability. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro
Chemical Society of Montenegro., 95-95.
Lončarević B, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Lješević M, Joksimović K, Nikolić V, Beškoski V. Starch Copolymers with Enhanced Biodegradability. in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro. 2023;:95-95.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7145 .
Lončarević, Branka, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Lješević, Marija, Joksimović, Kristina, Nikolić, Vladimir, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Starch Copolymers with Enhanced Biodegradability" in Book of Abstracts - 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 23), 3-6 December, 2023, Budva, Montenegro (2023):95-95,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7145 .

Set of Small Molecule Polyurethane (PU) Model Substrates: Ecotoxicity Evaluation and Identification of PU Degrading Biocatalysts

Pantelić, Brana; Skaro Bogojević, Sanja; Milivojević, Dušan; Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana; Lončarević, Branka; Beškoski, Vladimir; Maslak, Veselin; Guzik, Maciej; Makryniotis, Konstantinos; Taxeidis, George; Siaperas, Romanos; Topakas, Evangelos; Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina

(Switzerland : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)

AU  - Pantelić, Brana
AU  - Skaro Bogojević, Sanja
AU  - Milivojević, Dušan
AU  - Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Maslak, Veselin
AU  - Guzik, Maciej
AU  - Makryniotis, Konstantinos
AU  - Taxeidis, George
AU  - Siaperas, Romanos
AU  - Topakas, Evangelos
AU  - Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5789
AB  - Polyurethanes (PUs) are an exceedingly heterogeneous group of plastic polymers, widely used in a variety of industries from construction to medical implants. In the past decades, we have witnessed the accumulation of PU waste and its detrimental environmental impacts. PUs have been identified as one of the most toxic polymers leaching hazardous compounds derived both from the polymer itself and the additives used in production. Further environmental impact assessment, identification and characterization of substances derived from PU materials and establishing efficient degradation strategies are crucial. Thus, a selection of eight synthetic model compounds which represent partial PU hydrolysis products were synthesized and characterized both in terms of toxicity and suitability to be used as substrates for the identification of novel biocatalysts for PU biodegradation. Overall, the compounds exhibited low in vitro cytotoxicity against a healthy human fibroblast cell line and virtually no toxic effect on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans up to 500 µg mL−1, and two of the substrates showed moderate aquatic ecotoxicity with EC50 values 53 µg mL−1 and 45 µg mL−1, respectively, on Aliivibrio fischeri. The compounds were successfully applied to study the mechanism of ester and urethane bond cleaving preference of known plastic-degrading enzymes and were used to single out a novel PU-degrading biocatalyst, Amycolatopsis mediterranei ISP5501, among 220 microbial strains. A. mediterranei ISP5501 can also degrade commercially available polyether and polyester PU materials, reducing the average molecular number of the polymer up to 13.5%. This study uncovered a biocatalyst capable of degrading different types of PUs and identified potential enzymes responsible as a key step in developing biotechnological process for PU waste treatment options.
PB  - Switzerland : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
T2  - Catalysts
T1  - Set of Small Molecule Polyurethane (PU) Model Substrates: Ecotoxicity Evaluation and Identification of PU Degrading Biocatalysts
VL  - 13
IS  - 2
SP  - 278
DO  - 10.3390/catal13020278
ER  - 
author = "Pantelić, Brana and Skaro Bogojević, Sanja and Milivojević, Dušan and Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana and Lončarević, Branka and Beškoski, Vladimir and Maslak, Veselin and Guzik, Maciej and Makryniotis, Konstantinos and Taxeidis, George and Siaperas, Romanos and Topakas, Evangelos and Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Polyurethanes (PUs) are an exceedingly heterogeneous group of plastic polymers, widely used in a variety of industries from construction to medical implants. In the past decades, we have witnessed the accumulation of PU waste and its detrimental environmental impacts. PUs have been identified as one of the most toxic polymers leaching hazardous compounds derived both from the polymer itself and the additives used in production. Further environmental impact assessment, identification and characterization of substances derived from PU materials and establishing efficient degradation strategies are crucial. Thus, a selection of eight synthetic model compounds which represent partial PU hydrolysis products were synthesized and characterized both in terms of toxicity and suitability to be used as substrates for the identification of novel biocatalysts for PU biodegradation. Overall, the compounds exhibited low in vitro cytotoxicity against a healthy human fibroblast cell line and virtually no toxic effect on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans up to 500 µg mL−1, and two of the substrates showed moderate aquatic ecotoxicity with EC50 values 53 µg mL−1 and 45 µg mL−1, respectively, on Aliivibrio fischeri. The compounds were successfully applied to study the mechanism of ester and urethane bond cleaving preference of known plastic-degrading enzymes and were used to single out a novel PU-degrading biocatalyst, Amycolatopsis mediterranei ISP5501, among 220 microbial strains. A. mediterranei ISP5501 can also degrade commercially available polyether and polyester PU materials, reducing the average molecular number of the polymer up to 13.5%. This study uncovered a biocatalyst capable of degrading different types of PUs and identified potential enzymes responsible as a key step in developing biotechnological process for PU waste treatment options.",
publisher = "Switzerland : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)",
journal = "Catalysts",
title = "Set of Small Molecule Polyurethane (PU) Model Substrates: Ecotoxicity Evaluation and Identification of PU Degrading Biocatalysts",
volume = "13",
number = "2",
pages = "278",
doi = "10.3390/catal13020278"
Pantelić, B., Skaro Bogojević, S., Milivojević, D., Ilić-Tomić, T., Lončarević, B., Beškoski, V., Maslak, V., Guzik, M., Makryniotis, K., Taxeidis, G., Siaperas, R., Topakas, E.,& Nikodinović-Runić, J.. (2023). Set of Small Molecule Polyurethane (PU) Model Substrates: Ecotoxicity Evaluation and Identification of PU Degrading Biocatalysts. in Catalysts
Switzerland : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)., 13(2), 278.
Pantelić B, Skaro Bogojević S, Milivojević D, Ilić-Tomić T, Lončarević B, Beškoski V, Maslak V, Guzik M, Makryniotis K, Taxeidis G, Siaperas R, Topakas E, Nikodinović-Runić J. Set of Small Molecule Polyurethane (PU) Model Substrates: Ecotoxicity Evaluation and Identification of PU Degrading Biocatalysts. in Catalysts. 2023;13(2):278.
doi:10.3390/catal13020278 .
Pantelić, Brana, Skaro Bogojević, Sanja, Milivojević, Dušan, Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana, Lončarević, Branka, Beškoski, Vladimir, Maslak, Veselin, Guzik, Maciej, Makryniotis, Konstantinos, Taxeidis, George, Siaperas, Romanos, Topakas, Evangelos, Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, "Set of Small Molecule Polyurethane (PU) Model Substrates: Ecotoxicity Evaluation and Identification of PU Degrading Biocatalysts" in Catalysts, 13, no. 2 (2023):278,
https://doi.org/10.3390/catal13020278 . .

Apple pectin as a potential prebiotic in infant nutrition

Lugonja, Nikoleta; Lončarević, Branka; Stanković, Dalibor; Lješević, Marija; Avdalović, Jelena; Spasić, Snežana; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), 2022)

AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Stanković, Dalibor
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Spasić, Snežana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6877
AB  - The aim of this study was to research the influence of apple pectin in infant nutrition, its impact on selected bacteria of the infant’s gastrointestinal tract, gas production and total antioxidant capacity by electrochemical determination of changes in redox potential.
PB  - Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)
PB  - Serbian Society of Microbiology
C3  - Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology
T1  - Apple pectin as a potential prebiotic in infant nutrition
SP  - 781
EP  - 781
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6877
ER  - 
author = "Lugonja, Nikoleta and Lončarević, Branka and Stanković, Dalibor and Lješević, Marija and Avdalović, Jelena and Spasić, Snežana and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to research the influence of apple pectin in infant nutrition, its impact on selected bacteria of the infant’s gastrointestinal tract, gas production and total antioxidant capacity by electrochemical determination of changes in redox potential.",
publisher = "Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), Serbian Society of Microbiology",
journal = "Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology",
title = "Apple pectin as a potential prebiotic in infant nutrition",
pages = "781-781",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6877"
Lugonja, N., Lončarević, B., Stanković, D., Lješević, M., Avdalović, J., Spasić, S.,& Beškoski, V.. (2022). Apple pectin as a potential prebiotic in infant nutrition. in Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology
Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)., 781-781.
Lugonja N, Lončarević B, Stanković D, Lješević M, Avdalović J, Spasić S, Beškoski V. Apple pectin as a potential prebiotic in infant nutrition. in Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology. 2022;:781-781.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6877 .
Lugonja, Nikoleta, Lončarević, Branka, Stanković, Dalibor, Lješević, Marija, Avdalović, Jelena, Spasić, Snežana, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Apple pectin as a potential prebiotic in infant nutrition" in Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology (2022):781-781,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6877 .

The influence of chromate on the respiration activity of baker's and brewer's yeast

Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Joksimović, Kristina; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Serbian Society of Microbiology, 2022)

AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6429
AB  - Metals are widespread in nature and organisms are constantly exposed to them through a variety of sources, therefore, there is a need for microorganisms to have the ability to respond to potentially toxic metals in their environment. One of such metals is chromium (Cr), and the toxicity of Cr is dependent on oxidation state and solubility. Chromate (Cr(VI)) is a powerful oxidizing agent, and is more toxic then Cr (III).
The aim of this work was to determine the influence of chromate on the respiration and enzymatic activity of baker’s and brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
PB  - Serbian Society of Microbiology
C3  - Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, 30 June - 02 July 2022, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - The influence of chromate on the respiration activity of baker's and brewer's yeast
SP  - 422
EP  - 422
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6429
ER  - 
author = "Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Joksimović, Kristina and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Metals are widespread in nature and organisms are constantly exposed to them through a variety of sources, therefore, there is a need for microorganisms to have the ability to respond to potentially toxic metals in their environment. One of such metals is chromium (Cr), and the toxicity of Cr is dependent on oxidation state and solubility. Chromate (Cr(VI)) is a powerful oxidizing agent, and is more toxic then Cr (III).
The aim of this work was to determine the influence of chromate on the respiration and enzymatic activity of baker’s and brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.",
publisher = "Serbian Society of Microbiology",
journal = "Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, 30 June - 02 July 2022, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "The influence of chromate on the respiration activity of baker's and brewer's yeast",
pages = "422-422",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6429"
Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Žerađanin, A., Joksimović, K., Lugonja, N., Gojgić-Cvijović, G.,& Beškoski, V.. (2022). The influence of chromate on the respiration activity of baker's and brewer's yeast. in Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, 30 June - 02 July 2022, Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian Society of Microbiology., 422-422.
Lješević M, Lončarević B, Žerađanin A, Joksimović K, Lugonja N, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Beškoski V. The influence of chromate on the respiration activity of baker's and brewer's yeast. in Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, 30 June - 02 July 2022, Belgrade, Serbia. 2022;:422-422.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6429 .
Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Joksimović, Kristina, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Beškoski, Vladimir, "The influence of chromate on the respiration activity of baker's and brewer's yeast" in Electronic Abstract Book - FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, 30 June - 02 July 2022, Belgrade, Serbia (2022):422-422,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_6429 .

Elucidating the antibiofilm activity of Frangula emodin against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms

Đukanović, Stefana; Ganić, Tea; Lončarević, Branka; Cvetković, Stefana; Nikolić, Biljana; Tenji, Dina; Randjelović, Danijela; Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana

(Wiley, 2022)

AU  - Đukanović, Stefana
AU  - Ganić, Tea
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Cvetković, Stefana
AU  - Nikolić, Biljana
AU  - Tenji, Dina
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5590
AB  - Aims Because the Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most well‐known pathogens associated with medical devices and nosocomial infections, the aim of the study was to examine antibiofilm potential of emodin against it.  Methods and Results Antibacterial activity was examined through microdilution assay. Antibiofilm testing included crystal violet staining of biofilm biomass and morphology analysis by Atomic force microscopy (AFM). Furthermore, aerobic respiration was monitored using the Micro‐Oxymax respirometer. For investigation of gene expression qRT‐PCR was performed. Emodin demonstrated strong antibacterial activity and ability to inhibit biofilm formation of all tested strains. The effect on preformed biofilms was spotted in few strains. AFM revealed that emodin affects biofilm structure and roughness. Monitoring of respiration under emodin treatment in planktonic and biofilm form revealed that emodin influenced aerobic respiration. Moreover, qRT‐PCR showed that emodin modulates expression of icaA, icaD, srrA and srrB genes, as well as RNAIII, and that this activity was strain‐specific.  Conclusion The results obtained in this study indicate the novel antibiofilm activity of emodin and its multiple pathways of action.  Significance and Impact of Study This is the first study that examined pathways through which emodin expressed its antibiofilm activity
PB  - Wiley
T2  - Journal of Applied Microbiology
T1  - Elucidating the antibiofilm activity of Frangula emodin against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms
VL  - 132
IS  - 3
SP  - 1840
EP  - 1855
DO  - 10.1111/jam.15360
ER  - 
author = "Đukanović, Stefana and Ganić, Tea and Lončarević, Branka and Cvetković, Stefana and Nikolić, Biljana and Tenji, Dina and Randjelović, Danijela and Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Aims Because the Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most well‐known pathogens associated with medical devices and nosocomial infections, the aim of the study was to examine antibiofilm potential of emodin against it.  Methods and Results Antibacterial activity was examined through microdilution assay. Antibiofilm testing included crystal violet staining of biofilm biomass and morphology analysis by Atomic force microscopy (AFM). Furthermore, aerobic respiration was monitored using the Micro‐Oxymax respirometer. For investigation of gene expression qRT‐PCR was performed. Emodin demonstrated strong antibacterial activity and ability to inhibit biofilm formation of all tested strains. The effect on preformed biofilms was spotted in few strains. AFM revealed that emodin affects biofilm structure and roughness. Monitoring of respiration under emodin treatment in planktonic and biofilm form revealed that emodin influenced aerobic respiration. Moreover, qRT‐PCR showed that emodin modulates expression of icaA, icaD, srrA and srrB genes, as well as RNAIII, and that this activity was strain‐specific.  Conclusion The results obtained in this study indicate the novel antibiofilm activity of emodin and its multiple pathways of action.  Significance and Impact of Study This is the first study that examined pathways through which emodin expressed its antibiofilm activity",
publisher = "Wiley",
journal = "Journal of Applied Microbiology",
title = "Elucidating the antibiofilm activity of Frangula emodin against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms",
volume = "132",
number = "3",
pages = "1840-1855",
doi = "10.1111/jam.15360"
Đukanović, S., Ganić, T., Lončarević, B., Cvetković, S., Nikolić, B., Tenji, D., Randjelović, D.,& Mitić-Ćulafić, D.. (2022). Elucidating the antibiofilm activity of Frangula emodin against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. in Journal of Applied Microbiology
Wiley., 132(3), 1840-1855.
Đukanović S, Ganić T, Lončarević B, Cvetković S, Nikolić B, Tenji D, Randjelović D, Mitić-Ćulafić D. Elucidating the antibiofilm activity of Frangula emodin against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. in Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2022;132(3):1840-1855.
doi:10.1111/jam.15360 .
Đukanović, Stefana, Ganić, Tea, Lončarević, Branka, Cvetković, Stefana, Nikolić, Biljana, Tenji, Dina, Randjelović, Danijela, Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana, "Elucidating the antibiofilm activity of Frangula emodin against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms" in Journal of Applied Microbiology, 132, no. 3 (2022):1840-1855,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jam.15360 . .

Characterisation of Blend Film Based on Microbial Polysaccharide Levan and Gelatin

Lončarević, Branka; Nikolić, Vladimir; Randjelović, Danijela; Poljak, Predrag; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Beškoski, Vladimir

(COST Action 19124, 2022)

AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Nikolić, Vladimir
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Poljak, Predrag
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5720
AB  - Food packaging ensures safety and hygiene, while reducing food waste, therefore it is and ssential component of the food supply chain. A sustainable and biodegradable alternative to conventional food packaging is edible packaging which contributes to the reducing waste and the economic efficiency of packaging materials. The numerous biopolymeric materials could be used as source such as polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, chitosan) and proteins (gelatin, soy protein, whey). Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are fermentation-based biopolyrners, secreted outside the cell wall and synthesized by various microbial species including bacteria, fungi and blue-green algae. Microbial levan is fructose-based EPS and convenient due to its biocornpatibility, renewability, high molecular weight, low viscous nature, antioxidant and prebiotic effects. Levan used in this work was produced by the B. licheniformis NS032 strain and its hydrophobic derivatives were obtained using octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA). Degree of substitution (DS) for modified levans were 0.025 and 0.032 for LH22 and LH25 respectively. Three different film compositions were prepared: 
levan/LH22/LH26 with gelatin in proportions 1:1. Films were prepared by casting technique and evaporated at room temperature. Morphology of the obtained films were studied by ARV (Atomic force microscopy), AutoProbe CP-Research SPM (TM Microscopes-Broker) and mechanical properties were examined by Shimodzu E2-LX tensile tester. The samples had thickness of 150 trrrl. Based on morphological measurements, it can be concluded that use of levan derivatives change roughness of the levan/gelatin blend film. The best mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation at break) were obtained with pure levan. Obtained films are composed from edible and biodegradable components and therefore are potentially applicable in food industry. Future investigation will be focused on optimization of levan/gelatin proportion and more extensive 
structural and mechanical properties of obtained films.
PB  - COST Action 19124
PB  - Ljubljana, Slovenia : Pulp and Paper Institute
C3  - Book of Abstracts - 2nd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, September 12-14, 2022, Ljubljana
T1  - Characterisation of Blend Film Based on Microbial Polysaccharide Levan and Gelatin
SP  - 109
EP  - 110
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5720
ER  - 
author = "Lončarević, Branka and Nikolić, Vladimir and Randjelović, Danijela and Poljak, Predrag and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Food packaging ensures safety and hygiene, while reducing food waste, therefore it is and ssential component of the food supply chain. A sustainable and biodegradable alternative to conventional food packaging is edible packaging which contributes to the reducing waste and the economic efficiency of packaging materials. The numerous biopolymeric materials could be used as source such as polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, chitosan) and proteins (gelatin, soy protein, whey). Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are fermentation-based biopolyrners, secreted outside the cell wall and synthesized by various microbial species including bacteria, fungi and blue-green algae. Microbial levan is fructose-based EPS and convenient due to its biocornpatibility, renewability, high molecular weight, low viscous nature, antioxidant and prebiotic effects. Levan used in this work was produced by the B. licheniformis NS032 strain and its hydrophobic derivatives were obtained using octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA). Degree of substitution (DS) for modified levans were 0.025 and 0.032 for LH22 and LH25 respectively. Three different film compositions were prepared: 
levan/LH22/LH26 with gelatin in proportions 1:1. Films were prepared by casting technique and evaporated at room temperature. Morphology of the obtained films were studied by ARV (Atomic force microscopy), AutoProbe CP-Research SPM (TM Microscopes-Broker) and mechanical properties were examined by Shimodzu E2-LX tensile tester. The samples had thickness of 150 trrrl. Based on morphological measurements, it can be concluded that use of levan derivatives change roughness of the levan/gelatin blend film. The best mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation at break) were obtained with pure levan. Obtained films are composed from edible and biodegradable components and therefore are potentially applicable in food industry. Future investigation will be focused on optimization of levan/gelatin proportion and more extensive 
structural and mechanical properties of obtained films.",
publisher = "COST Action 19124, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Pulp and Paper Institute",
journal = "Book of Abstracts - 2nd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, September 12-14, 2022, Ljubljana",
title = "Characterisation of Blend Film Based on Microbial Polysaccharide Levan and Gelatin",
pages = "109-110",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5720"
Lončarević, B., Nikolić, V., Randjelović, D., Poljak, P., Gojgić-Cvijović, G.,& Beškoski, V.. (2022). Characterisation of Blend Film Based on Microbial Polysaccharide Levan and Gelatin. in Book of Abstracts - 2nd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, September 12-14, 2022, Ljubljana
COST Action 19124., 109-110.
Lončarević B, Nikolić V, Randjelović D, Poljak P, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Beškoski V. Characterisation of Blend Film Based on Microbial Polysaccharide Levan and Gelatin. in Book of Abstracts - 2nd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, September 12-14, 2022, Ljubljana. 2022;:109-110.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5720 .
Lončarević, Branka, Nikolić, Vladimir, Randjelović, Danijela, Poljak, Predrag, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Characterisation of Blend Film Based on Microbial Polysaccharide Levan and Gelatin" in Book of Abstracts - 2nd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, September 12-14, 2022, Ljubljana (2022):109-110,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5720 .

Natural sorbents & microbes – use of natural sources for deconmtamination of oil contaminated waters based on the principles of sustainable developpment

Milić, Jelena; Avdalović, Jelena; Ilić, Mila; Lončarević, Branka; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana

(RemTech Europe, 2021)

AU  - Milić, Jelena
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Ilić, Mila
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7564
AB  - As a result of the rapid industrial development, continuous expansion and other anthropological activities, planet resources has started depleting due to human overuse of the planet's regenerative capacity, and wastewater becomes one of the major environmental problems [1]. Modified mineral sorbents are easy available, low-cost, and have the properties which make them suitable for the removal of petroleum substances. Sorption methods involve the use of adsorbents which are porous solids with developed specific surface area and capable of binding molecules (from the liquid or gaseous phase) on its surface. On the other hand, specific microorganisms used in bioremediation have a natural capability to degrade and transform petroleum pollutants due to naturally occurring ability of microbial xenobiotic metabolism without creating the secondary waste during biodegradation procces [2]. Because of that, using naturally-occurring microorganisms and their ability to metabolize and remove harmful substances represents efficient strategy in environment decontamination, usually described as a green technology and in accordance to the goals of sustainable development [3]. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential application of modified mineral sorbents for the removal of oil from waters.
PB  - RemTech Europe
C3  - RemTech Europe International Conference and Exhibition, Book of Proceedings, 20 - 24 September 2021, Blended Edition
T1  - Natural sorbents & microbes – use of natural sources for deconmtamination of oil contaminated waters based on the principles of sustainable developpment
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7564
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Jelena and Avdalović, Jelena and Ilić, Mila and Lončarević, Branka and Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "As a result of the rapid industrial development, continuous expansion and other anthropological activities, planet resources has started depleting due to human overuse of the planet's regenerative capacity, and wastewater becomes one of the major environmental problems [1]. Modified mineral sorbents are easy available, low-cost, and have the properties which make them suitable for the removal of petroleum substances. Sorption methods involve the use of adsorbents which are porous solids with developed specific surface area and capable of binding molecules (from the liquid or gaseous phase) on its surface. On the other hand, specific microorganisms used in bioremediation have a natural capability to degrade and transform petroleum pollutants due to naturally occurring ability of microbial xenobiotic metabolism without creating the secondary waste during biodegradation procces [2]. Because of that, using naturally-occurring microorganisms and their ability to metabolize and remove harmful substances represents efficient strategy in environment decontamination, usually described as a green technology and in accordance to the goals of sustainable development [3]. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential application of modified mineral sorbents for the removal of oil from waters.",
publisher = "RemTech Europe",
journal = "RemTech Europe International Conference and Exhibition, Book of Proceedings, 20 - 24 September 2021, Blended Edition",
title = "Natural sorbents & microbes – use of natural sources for deconmtamination of oil contaminated waters based on the principles of sustainable developpment",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7564"
Milić, J., Avdalović, J., Ilić, M., Lončarević, B.,& Šolević Knudsen, T.. (2021). Natural sorbents & microbes – use of natural sources for deconmtamination of oil contaminated waters based on the principles of sustainable developpment. in RemTech Europe International Conference and Exhibition, Book of Proceedings, 20 - 24 September 2021, Blended Edition
RemTech Europe..
Milić J, Avdalović J, Ilić M, Lončarević B, Šolević Knudsen T. Natural sorbents & microbes – use of natural sources for deconmtamination of oil contaminated waters based on the principles of sustainable developpment. in RemTech Europe International Conference and Exhibition, Book of Proceedings, 20 - 24 September 2021, Blended Edition. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7564 .
Milić, Jelena, Avdalović, Jelena, Ilić, Mila, Lončarević, Branka, Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana, "Natural sorbents & microbes – use of natural sources for deconmtamination of oil contaminated waters based on the principles of sustainable developpment" in RemTech Europe International Conference and Exhibition, Book of Proceedings, 20 - 24 September 2021, Blended Edition (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_7564 .

Power generation using parallel connected microbial fuel cells systems

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lješević, Marija; Lončarević, Branka; Randjelović, Danijela; Beškoski, Vladimir

(India : SRM Research Institute, 2021)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5102
AB  - The use of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for the purpose of obtaining energy from nature has 
grown in the second decade of the 21st century. Due to the lack of fossil fuels and less and less available renewable energy sources, MFCs have great potential for obtaining small amounts of electricity. Increasing attention is focused on the use of such types of energy. The aim of this paper is to analyse the current generation of two parallel-connected MFC cells and the power generation obtained in this way.
PB  - India : SRM Research Institute
C3  - International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences, Technology and Health 2021, Abstract Booklet, 03-05 March 2021 (virtual)
T1  - Power generation using parallel connected microbial fuel cells systems
SP  - 26
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5102
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lješević, Marija and Lončarević, Branka and Randjelović, Danijela and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The use of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for the purpose of obtaining energy from nature has 
grown in the second decade of the 21st century. Due to the lack of fossil fuels and less and less available renewable energy sources, MFCs have great potential for obtaining small amounts of electricity. Increasing attention is focused on the use of such types of energy. The aim of this paper is to analyse the current generation of two parallel-connected MFC cells and the power generation obtained in this way.",
publisher = "India : SRM Research Institute",
journal = "International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences, Technology and Health 2021, Abstract Booklet, 03-05 March 2021 (virtual)",
title = "Power generation using parallel connected microbial fuel cells systems",
pages = "26",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5102"
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Lješević, M., Lončarević, B., Randjelović, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2021). Power generation using parallel connected microbial fuel cells systems. in International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences, Technology and Health 2021, Abstract Booklet, 03-05 March 2021 (virtual)
India : SRM Research Institute., 26.
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Lješević M, Lončarević B, Randjelović D, Beškoski V. Power generation using parallel connected microbial fuel cells systems. in International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences, Technology and Health 2021, Abstract Booklet, 03-05 March 2021 (virtual). 2021;:26.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5102 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lješević, Marija, Lončarević, Branka, Randjelović, Danijela, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Power generation using parallel connected microbial fuel cells systems" in International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences, Technology and Health 2021, Abstract Booklet, 03-05 March 2021 (virtual) (2021):26,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5102 .

Influence of Microbial Community on Power generation Using MFC System

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lončarević, Branka; Lješević, Marija; Avdalović, Jelena; Randjelović, Danijela; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2021)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5014
AB  - Global worldwide population and urbanization in general have created an increasing need for new energy sources. These sources need to be renewable, but it is also very important to respect the principles of environmental protection. Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are a green technology that has been attracting more and more attention in the last decade. MFC presents a system that produces electrical current through metabolic processes of microorganisms, such as the decomposition of organic matter. In this process, chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
C3  - 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21), Book of abstracts, 30 November-3 december 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia
T1  - Influence of Microbial Community on Power generation Using MFC System
SP  - 112
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5014
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lončarević, Branka and Lješević, Marija and Avdalović, Jelena and Randjelović, Danijela and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Global worldwide population and urbanization in general have created an increasing need for new energy sources. These sources need to be renewable, but it is also very important to respect the principles of environmental protection. Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are a green technology that has been attracting more and more attention in the last decade. MFC presents a system that produces electrical current through metabolic processes of microorganisms, such as the decomposition of organic matter. In this process, chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21), Book of abstracts, 30 November-3 december 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia",
title = "Influence of Microbial Community on Power generation Using MFC System",
pages = "112",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5014"
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Lončarević, B., Lješević, M., Avdalović, J., Randjelović, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2021). Influence of Microbial Community on Power generation Using MFC System. in 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21), Book of abstracts, 30 November-3 december 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 112.
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Lončarević B, Lješević M, Avdalović J, Randjelović D, Beškoski V. Influence of Microbial Community on Power generation Using MFC System. in 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21), Book of abstracts, 30 November-3 december 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2021;:112.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5014 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lončarević, Branka, Lješević, Marija, Avdalović, Jelena, Randjelović, Danijela, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Influence of Microbial Community on Power generation Using MFC System" in 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21), Book of abstracts, 30 November-3 december 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia (2021):112,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_5014 .

Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite

Bubanja, Itana Nuša; Lončarević, Branka; Lješević, Marija; Stanisavljev, Dragomir; Beškoski, Vladimir; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica; Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija

(Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia, 2021)

AU  - Bubanja, Itana Nuša
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Stanisavljev, Dragomir
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica
AU  - Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4955
AB  - Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline modified by pullulan (PANI/Pull) composite was
performed by aniline oxidation with potassium iodate. The PANI/Pull composite was characterized
using ATR-FTIR technique. FTIR spectra confirm presence of both components in PANI/Pull
composite. Antimicrobial evaluation of PANI/Pull material performed by using a qualitative disk
diffusion method on Candida albicans (C. albicans) culture showed very high sensitivity to
PANI/Pull composite. Observed FTIR and antifungal activity represent a promising results especially
for potential biomedical applications of PANI/Pull composite.
PB  - Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia
C3  - Proceedings - Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry
T1  - Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite
VL  - 2
SP  - 445
EP  - 448
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4955
ER  - 
author = "Bubanja, Itana Nuša and Lončarević, Branka and Lješević, Marija and Stanisavljev, Dragomir and Beškoski, Vladimir and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica and Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline modified by pullulan (PANI/Pull) composite was
performed by aniline oxidation with potassium iodate. The PANI/Pull composite was characterized
using ATR-FTIR technique. FTIR spectra confirm presence of both components in PANI/Pull
composite. Antimicrobial evaluation of PANI/Pull material performed by using a qualitative disk
diffusion method on Candida albicans (C. albicans) culture showed very high sensitivity to
PANI/Pull composite. Observed FTIR and antifungal activity represent a promising results especially
for potential biomedical applications of PANI/Pull composite.",
publisher = "Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia",
journal = "Proceedings - Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry",
title = "Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite",
volume = "2",
pages = "445-448",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4955"
Bubanja, I. N., Lončarević, B., Lješević, M., Stanisavljev, D., Beškoski, V., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Bajuk-Bogdanović, D.,& Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, M.. (2021). Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite. in Proceedings - Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry
Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia., 2, 445-448.
Bubanja IN, Lončarević B, Lješević M, Stanisavljev D, Beškoski V, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Bajuk-Bogdanović D, Gizdavić-Nikolaidis M. Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite. in Proceedings - Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. 2021;2:445-448.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4955 .
Bubanja, Itana Nuša, Lončarević, Branka, Lješević, Marija, Stanisavljev, Dragomir, Beškoski, Vladimir, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica, Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija, "Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite" in Proceedings - Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, 2 (2021):445-448,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4955 .

Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite

Bubanja, Itana Nuša; Lončarević, Branka; Lješević, Marija; Stanisavljev, Dragomir; Beškoski, Vladimir; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica; Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija


AU  - Bubanja, Itana Nuša
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Stanisavljev, Dragomir
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana
AU  - Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica
AU  - Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4956
AB  - Poster presented at Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry
T1  - Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4956
ER  - 
author = "Bubanja, Itana Nuša and Lončarević, Branka and Lješević, Marija and Stanisavljev, Dragomir and Beškoski, Vladimir and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana and Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica and Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Poster presented at Physical Chemistry 2021, 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry",
title = "Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4956"
Bubanja, I. N., Lončarević, B., Lješević, M., Stanisavljev, D., Beškoski, V., Gojgić-Cvijović, G., Bajuk-Bogdanović, D.,& Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, M.. (2021). Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite. .
Bubanja IN, Lončarević B, Lješević M, Stanisavljev D, Beškoski V, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Bajuk-Bogdanović D, Gizdavić-Nikolaidis M. Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4956 .
Bubanja, Itana Nuša, Lončarević, Branka, Lješević, Marija, Stanisavljev, Dragomir, Beškoski, Vladimir, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana, Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica, Gizdavić-Nikolaidis, Marija, "Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cer_4956 .