Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

dc.creatorPolić-Radovanović, Suzana R.
dc.description.abstractThe classical approach to interpreting the semantic of spatial phenomena, impliies that it is the Language of interpretation of space and logic of interpretations of space, a pre-defined concept. The symbols Have a pre-defined meaning, logical reasoning procedures have predefined consequences. The question is what new technologies are drawn up as a possibility of new models of thinking in interpretation of old maps of ancient cities. Bearing in mind that spatial architecture of a computer composed of a three-dimensional structure of logical Cirsuits, whose visual arrangement resembles kind of maps that ock like maps of cities, we must wonder what Kind of analogy can be drawn from the maps of cities and „maps“ of computers, which belong to remote Centuries, but visually express the same archetypal patterns. This requires a new approach in examining the possibility of a different methodology compared to traditional Methodological approachs of semantics of maps. One of the new opportunities is: a simultaneous Comparative view to the historical maps of old towns and logic circuits on a computer. Research has shown that the theory of tolerance which is formulated by Rudolf Carnap in „Der Logische part Aufbau der Welt“, and a mathematical set theory, the basis for a new view of the phenomenology of space. This paper is inspired by the comparative view to the map Forbidden City in Beijing and logic circuits physically realized or a computer
dc.publisherWien: Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie Wiensr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/34028/RS//sr
dc.source17 Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, CHNTsr
dc.subjecthistorical mapssr
dc.titleSemantic Aspects in Comparative View of Historical Maps and Logic Circuits on a Computersr
dc.rights.holderMuseen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie Wiensr
dc.description.otherApstrakt objavljen kao preprint, Session: Kulturportale-Virtual Cultural Heritage na web sajtu konferencije CHNT17, u fazi pripreme konferencije 2011. godinesr
dc.description.otherAbstract published as a preprint, Session: Kulturportale-Virtual Cultural Heritage on the website of the CHNT17 conference, in the preparation phase of the 2011 conference.



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Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu