Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Optimalno faktorno planiranje procesa kiselinske aktivacije bentonita u mikrotalasnom polju

dc.creatorRožić, Ljiljana
dc.creatorPetrović, Srđan
dc.creatorVuković, Zorica
dc.creatorNovaković, Tatjana
dc.creatorStanisavljev, Dragomir
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the statistical design of the experimental method was applied on the process of acid activation of bentonite with microwave irradiation. The influence of activation parameters (time, acid normality and microwave heating power) on the selected process response of the activated bentonite samples was studied. The specific surface area was chosen for the process response, because the chemical, surface and structural properties of the activated clay determine and limit its potential applications. The relationship of various process parameters with the specific surface area of bentonite was examined. A mathematical model was developed using a second-order response surface model (RSM) with a central composite design incorporating the above mentioned process parameters. The developed mathematical model helped to predict the variation in specific surface area of activated bentonite with time (5-21 min), acid normality (2-7 N) and microwave heating power (63?172 W). The calculated regression models were found to be statistically significant at the required range and presented little variability. Furthermore, high values of R2 (0.957) and R2 (adjusted) (0.914) indicate a high dependence and correlation between the observed and the predicted values of the response. These high values also indicate that about 96% of the result of the total variation can be explained by this model. In addition, the model shows that increasing the time and acid normality improves the textural properties of bentonites, resulting in increased specific surface area. This model also can be useful for setting an optimum value of the activation parameters for achieving the maximum specific surface area. An optimum specific surface area of 142 m2g-1 was achieved with an acid normality of 5.2 N, activation time of 7.38 min and microwave power of 117 W. Acid activation of bentonite was found to occur faster with microwave irradiation than with conventional heating. Microwave-assisted processes have the potential to develop into a cost efficient route for acid activation of bentonite.en
dc.description.abstractRadi dobijanja efikasnog adsorbensa štetnih i opasnih materija izvršena je optimizacija parametara procesa sinteze kiselinski aktiviranog bentonita u mikrotalasnom polju na bazi statističkih planova eksperimenta. Tokom planiranja eksperimenata razmatran je uticaj snage mikrotalasnog polja, vremena aktivacije i koncentracije kiseline na poroznu strukturu aktiviranog materijala. Utvrđeno je da specifična površina zavisno od uslova procesa, ima minimalnu vrednost od 114,0 m2 g-1 za adsorbens sintetisan pri uslovima definisanim u eksperimentu 11 (4,5 N HCl, 21 min i 117 W), a maksimalnu vrednost od 153,5 m2 g-1 za adsorbens dobijen u eksperimentu 8 (3 N HCl, 17 min i 85 W). Ustanovljeno je da tokom procesa kiselinske aktivacije bentonita u mikrotalasnom polju najveći uticaj na formiranje specifične površine ima faktor vreme. Rezultati optimizacije procesa zasnovane na funkciji poželjnosti uz uslov minimalnog vremena aktivacije, vrednosti koncentracije kiseline i snage mikrotalasnog zračenja u zadatom opsegu, pokazali su da je optimalno vreme aktivacije bentonita u mikrotalasnom polju 7,38 min dok kod hidrotermalne aktivacije sa kiselinom iste koncentracije potrebno vreme iznosi 2,8
dc.publisherAssociation of Chemical Engineers of Serbia
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/172015/RS//
dc.sourceHemijska industrija
dc.subjectacid activationen
dc.subjectmicrowave irradiationen
dc.subjectstatistical designen
dc.subjectkiselinska aktivacijasr
dc.subjectmikrotalasno poljesr
dc.subjectstatističko planiranjesr
dc.titleResponse surface optimisation for activation of bentonite with microwave irradiationen
dc.titleOptimalno faktorno planiranje procesa kiselinske aktivacije bentonita u mikrotalasnom poljusr
dcterms.abstractРожић, Љиљана; Петровић, Срђан; Вуковић, Зорица; Новаковић, Татјана; Станисављев, Драгомир Р.; Оптимално факторно планирање процеса киселинске активације бентонита у микроталасном пољу; Оптимално факторно планирање процеса киселинске активације бентонита у микроталасном пољу;
dc.citation.other65(5): 489-495



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